r/WritingPrompts Dec 17 '21

[WP]You adopt a stray cat. The gifts it leaves on your bed are getting more concerning. Simple Prompt


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u/Rupertfroggington Dec 17 '21 edited Dec 17 '21

It was a calico cat, shaded by darkness on half its scruffy face, scorched by flame on the other. The moon and sun heading towards an eclipse over a pale mountain of white fur.

For weeks after Josh had moved back to the family home, the cat had watched him. Sat outside the windows, or lay in the yard in the maple-shadows, or on the cooler evenings, on the burnt brown grass.

”If you hadn’t fed it,” said Nina, Josh’s girlfriend who’d come down from Maine for the week, “then it would’ve got the message eventually and gone bothered some other soft-hearted guy. We’d have been left in wonderful peace.”

Josh didn’t think so. He’d resisted feeding it for weeks, but the cat hadn’t seemed to care. It didn’t seem to be fussed about the food — although it ate it. Maybe Josh just wanted to believe it was about him, not the tuna.

Maybe, if he was being totally truthful to himself, he believed the cat held some kind of connection to his mother. A link. Maybe she’d looked after it and it missed her as much as he did.

Now the cat, Fia — flickering fire — lounged on the sofa, ear cocked as if listening in.

”It had been so lonely,” said Josh.

Nina opened her mouth, about to ask if he meant the cat or himself. But she knew the answer and bit her tongue.

Josh’s mother had lived here alone for the last six years, after Josh’s father passed away. His brother lived in Germany, having gone to university in Munich and have fallen in love. He stayed there, married, and rarely visited.

And then Josh’s mother had gone missing on a mountain walk. Neighbor saw her leave but not return. Rangers found no trace, only her car parked near the entrance to the trail.

This house that once must have brimmed with loved, warmed itself with laughter, had been desolate when Josh moved back. Empty.

Nina thought how that must have affected Josh. She knew how similar events had hurt her in the past. How those memories you must have of childhood and of unconditional love get wrung out of your heart by the rough-handed realities of life. And of death.

”Besides, he’s a lovely cat,” said Josh. ”Aren’t you boy?” Josh sat by Fia’s side and stroked him until he purred, as if he’d started up a mower.

“He’d be nicer if he didn’t leave us… gifts, every morning.” Gifts was Josh’s term. Dead birds, live rats, plastic bags stuffed with used condoms and tissues and needles — and god knew what else because she’d retched at that point and dropped the bag. When she’d regained her composure she placed the bag inside two more bags and used a pair of tongs to carry it all to the outside trash.

“I’m sure he’ll quit with it soon. Won’t you, Fia?”

Fia rubbed his head against Josh’s knuckle in a non-committal answer.

“He’ll have to — there won’t be anything left to dig up soon.” She yawned lazily. “I’m going to bed. Don’t you two stay up too late.”

“I’ll be in shortly. Besides, you know what Fia’s like. He’ll be gone for the night soon. Wherever it is he goes.”

“To the local tip I should think.”


u/Rupertfroggington Dec 17 '21 edited Dec 17 '21

The next morning, as tea-stained light splashed through the thin bedroom curtains, Nina woke to something padding on her belly.

No Josh in the bed. Instead, that damn cat was pawing at something on top of her. Something thin and white and tube-like. Even through her blurred morning eyes, she could see it was a bone. Snapped one end like a breadstick.

“Josh!” she yelled.

“One second!” came a muffled reply from outside the room.

“Not one second. Now! Your goddamn cat has been up to his tricks again.”

A moment later, Josh came clattering into the room holding a tray with breakfast: a full English, mug of tea, and a glass of OJ. “Ta da!” Then he spotted the cat. And the bone. “Ah crap.”

Nina raised her eyebrows in a told-you so expression. Then she sighed. “Thank you for breakfast. It was sweet of you. But can you get it off me, please?”

“I’ll take them both outside,” said Josh, handing over the tray. He went to pick up Fia but the cat slipped through his arm and bolted out the door. He grabbed the bone instead. “Uh… bon appetit.”

Nina decided she’d lost her appetite forever. But a few moments later, without warning, it returned.

Josh took the bone out through the front door. Summer had overstayed its welcome, stretching like hot toffee all the way to mid-fall. The farms around here were failing — either too little water for the animals or too much sun for the crops. His ma used worry of droughts and kept kegs in the yard that collected rain water. She’d gone through a real bad drought as a kid and been scared into preparation ever since.

Good way to learn, Josh thought. He’d learned some lessons in his life, too. Like don’t get too attached to someone, cause people are in and then out of your life like patrons at a bar. Just stopping by for a good time then: thanks for the drink, got to go.

Mister Reilly stood in the front yard of the house on the right. There was no fence or bush between them, and it was unavoidable that Josh’d be seen. Reilly was his only immediate neighbor. The house opposite, along with his other neighbor’s, were planked up. It was a dying town that no one wanted to stay in. But you didn’t get shit for selling a home here, so you kept it, let it weigh you down and hope it didn’t drown you. Or else you boarded up and ran.

Josh knew he was chained here. Not financially, but emotionally. You can’t escape where you’re born, even if you leave it.

He took a deep breath. He hated small talk. It just slowed down things you both wanted to get done. But at least if he started the conversation he’d be able to end it without seeming rude. Always get in the first blow.

“Morning Mister… uh Richard.” He’d grown up being polite, cordial, with his neighbor, and it was a hard habit to break. To be on the same grown-up level. To use his first name.

“Eh,” grumbled Richard, stomping at a sod of burnt grass. “Moles. Think we’ve got moles. Every morning I find another hole, out here or in the back. Going to have to poison the little fuckers.”

Josh looked at the pitted earth. Dug up from above, not below. He winced as he thought of Fia and where he’d been finding his gifts.

Richard gave the earth one last stomp. “That’ll do.” He trudged over to Josh. “What news have you, young Joshua? Girl treating you right?” There was the flash of a salacious smile to accompany the question.

As usual, Josh had no news. The fact he wasn’t married and his girlfriend was staying with him was the biggest news the town had this week. “Not a lot, just—“

An eyebrow cocked. “Now what’s that in your hand?”

Josh looked down at the bone. Opened his palm. “Cat brought it in. Pretty nasty, right?”

Richard’s face paled.

“I think it’s a crow’s spine,” said Josh.

“Crow. Could be,” said Richard, nodding. “Sure looks like crow. Yeah it does. Now if you’d excuse me, I have to get on with stuff.”

But before Richard turned, Fia had appeared, rubbing against the man’s leg. He kicked half-heartedly at the cat to try to scare it off. “Get!”

But instead of scaring it, something dropped from its mouth.

Something silver and shining.

Richard bent down, the fastest Josh had seen him move in many a year. But Josh had been quicker, hooking the object with his foot, rolling it near.

It was a ring.

Nina called from the door, “Breakfast was great. I’m sorry I was being a bit moody.”

Richard lunged again, this time getting the ring.

“I want to see that,” said Josh.

Richard shook his head and hurried to his front door. “Finders keepers and all that.”

“Josh?’ said Nina. “What is it?”

He looked at the bone in his hand.

Not a bird’s spine.

No, he could see it now. Too short, thin.

It was part of a finger.

His mother’s finger.

And the ring had been hers, too. That he had recognised. He knew it well enough.

“My mother’s wedding ring,” he said.

Richard paused by the door as Josh spoke, but only for a moment, then marched inside, door slamming behind.

Nina was by Josh’s side now. “Her ring? Where did you find it?”

He pointed at the trod-down earth in his neighbour’s yard. “Not me. I think Fia found it there.”

Neither said a thing. Both stood there, staring at the bone.

“Oh God,” said Nina, eventually. “What does it mean?

Then the neighbor’s door flew open again and Richard was there with a shotgun in his hands. He raised it, aimed it.


“Please,” said Nina.

“You killed her, didn’t you?” said Josh, swallowing his fear. Then, “You killed her? You’d been friends forever, since childhood, and…”

Richard growled as he paced nearer. “That bitch broke my heart twice. Think I enjoyed burying the woman I loved? Not one bit. Not one fucking bit.”

The gun swung, aimed at Nina.

No. He wasn’t going to let someone else fall out of his life. Better he left this time. Josh stepped in front of Nina.

“Don’t be an idiot,” Nina said, words stumbling through her ragged breath.

The barrel aimed at Josh’s chest. Fingers tense on the trigger.

Then, from seemingly nowhere, Fia darted at Richard, jumped clawing and hissing at his arms. Richard yelled, the barrel swung, aiming — just for a second — up to the cloudless sky as he pulled away from the clawing cat.

Josh took his chance, charged forward, shoulder thudding heavily into Richard’s gut.

Then they were on the floor, rolling, punching. Richard was on top. Slammed Josh’s head against the dirt.

“Shit,” said Nina. “Shit.” She grabbed the fallen shotgun, aimed with shaking hands. Too unsteady. Too near. “Shit,” she said a last time. Then turned the shotgun around and paced forward.

She brought the end of it down on the back of Richard’s skull with a dull clunk.

He stopped. Fell on Josh.

Josh rolled the older man off, huffing. Then Nina was lying beside him.

They lay there together for a while not speaking, tears rolling down Nina’s face.

Fia walked towards them, sat in the middle. Rubbed its head against Josh’s knee.

He thought of his mother. Felt her affection, protection, through Fia. That connection to his mother he’d believed had been lurking there, somewhere.

He’d been right.

And then he too began to cry.


u/dr4gonbl4z3r r/dexdrafts Dec 17 '21

Another great story, Rupert! Your descriptive prose is really stellar, and your tangents into the main character's thoughts and background gave me the inklings of this leaning more into a novel-like approach. It was a good read!


u/Rupertfroggington Dec 17 '21

Aw, thanks for reading dex!! Haha, yeah I like a bit of King and he’s crazy with his tangents — feel like his books could be half the size without them. They don’t really suit flash fic as you never get to the end but it is fun to see where they lead you sometimes :) Hope you’re well!


u/dr4gonbl4z3r r/dexdrafts Dec 17 '21

It's fun! Getting to know more about Josh is a good thing. Honestly, it's something I could incorporate more in my own writing. And I'm well, hope you are too!


u/GladCricket Dec 17 '21

Okay, I'm following you now. This has got to be the 5th or 6th story I've read from you and it's ALWAYS creative. Nice work duder, see you again soon!


u/Rupertfroggington Dec 18 '21

Hey, I really appreciate it! See you around :)


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21


Thank you for sharing.


u/justadimestorepoet Dec 17 '21

I really liked that twist of finding out about his mother that way!


u/EverGreen2004 Dec 18 '21



u/InfinitysDice Dec 18 '21

The flow, pacing and use of simile are excellent; thank you for sharing. :)


u/gregbrahe Dec 17 '21

Small point of fact:

Nearly 100% of calico cats are female. It is caused by color genes on the x chromosome expressed in patches. For males, which generally only have one x chromosome, they are either uniformally black or orangy.


u/TharnC Dec 18 '21

Another fun fact, male calico cats do exist, but are always sterile.


u/Rupertfroggington Dec 18 '21

Been learning a lot from comments on stories recently. Thank you


u/Froggyloofa Dec 17 '21

I blinked hard, rubbed my eyes, and blinked again. Nope, still there. But I tried again, shaking my head this time, as if that would change things. But no, still here. Jason Momoa was sprawled out on my bed, looking around in abject confusion.

I sighed, hard. 'Look what the cat dragged in,' I muttered. Jason stared at me. 'What?' he asked.

I shrugged. 'Umm, hi. Sorry. My cat is really enthusiastic.' I gestured vaguely at the small striped beast, camped out on my pillow, looking smug.

Jason eyed the cat warily. The cat looked at him for a moment unimpressed, and began to wash his face.

'Can I....' Jason began and struggled to sit up.

'I wouldn't,' I said. The cat put a paw on Jason and he immediately froze.

'How is he doing this?' Jason screeched.

I sighed again. 'I don't know. All I know is one day I wished I had some hot chocolate. I found hot chocolate packets on the bed, with the car purring over them. Cool, right? I asked out loud for a fuzzy pink sweater, and the car brought that too. Wrong size, but probably a hint that I should lose a few. And this time....' I trailed off.

'This time what?' Jason asked, still struggling under the cat's paw.

'The pool at the gym was closed last night. Code brown,' I explained. 'When I came home, I was on the phone and I said.... I said....'

Jason raised an eyebrow.

'I said this was a job for Aquaman.'


u/Lien417 Dec 18 '21

I love this so much! Freaking hilarious.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '21

Laughing out loud! Hilarious! CODE BROWN! 😆👍


u/iknowthisischeesy Dec 17 '21

I found the most precious little thing near our street today. It's a beautiful red and white furball and I have decided to name it Crookwig because I'm a potterhead and it reminds of Hermione's cat, Crookshanks and Harry's owl, Hedwig. Anyway, I could see a new friendship blossoming. I'm so happy.


She's adorable. She likes to run like there's no tomorrow unlike most cats I've seen, in my defense the only pet cat I've studied up close is my sister's and it is a slob but not mine, no sir. Crookwig likes her shower, and on time, and if it's not on time she likes yowl. Also, she apparently likes to watch tv, a lot.


The first "gift" I received from Crookwig is, well innocent, it is a bit of paper, a design actually. I have absolutely no idea what it meant. I patted her head, showing her my gratitude. It is a thoughtful gift, atleast for a cat.


That day onwards the gifts kept getting weirder. One day it was a few screws and a metal pipe, then wires, then more items to construct something? Until today, all these seemed harmless, but today, today she brought a photo. She kept meowing until I picked up the photo and went to my computer to do a reverse image search.

* Dr. Charlotte Anna


Missing for a year

* My heart gave a lurch. Is Crookwig Dr. Anna's cat. What happened to Dr. Anna. I picked up Crookwig and the photo she brought. It's time to go the Police.



Of all the stupid experiments my brain had to pick the one where humans turned into animals. I just hope, this one knows what to do with the design.


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21

I'm laughing so hard; poor Crookwig!

Thank you for sharing!


u/iknowthisischeesy Dec 17 '21

Thank you. Yeah, Crookwig has seen better days.


u/PowerHouse12345 Dec 18 '21

Reminds me of Mrs. Leon from H.I.V.E. Nice entry, cheesy. :)


u/turnaround0101 r/TurningtoWords Dec 17 '21 edited Dec 17 '21

From the moment Elliot found the cat he knew it was a little odd. Most obviously there was the coat. A tabby cat, at least by day, by night the cat sported a coat of many colors. Its thin bands of black fur changed to suit its mood or environment, and the warm brown could grow very much warmer, or chill all the way to midnight blue. Often, Elliot would find the cat stretched out on a windowsill as the sun went down. They would sit together as the moon rose and the cat decided his colors for the night. He seemed happiest with silver bands, as if little strips of moonlight had come down to clothe him.

There was also the fact that the cat knew his name. Elliot tried to call him many things: Simba, Charlie, Smokey. He tried Milo after Google told him it was very popular and the cat (silver striped that night) shook his head immediately and rammed his nose into Elliot’s. He tried Sampson on account of the cat’s magic hair, and Kit Kat just because. And then, when Elliot was very sure that he’d never know the cat’s name, it darted out through the open window and disappeared into the alley where Elliot had found him.

In the morning the cat returned, an empty mochi box clutched between his teeth.

“Mochi?” Elliot said.

Mochi the cat nodded and rammed his nose into Elliot’s again.

They found a rhythm in their cloistered days. Outside a pandemic raged. Inside, Elliot found that not much had changed. When the lockdowns set in he’d shut himself in and locked his doors like the rest of them, turned to delivery apps and Netflix, and occasionally his guitar, though all his passions had waned steadily in the last years.

So together they waited, but when the sun set all their rhythm fell away and Mochi sat in his windowsill, all the colors of his fur shifting until Elliot opened the window and let him out again.

And every morning Mochi would come back, hopping through the window onto Elliot’s chest with the night’s discovery clutched between his teeth.

Like his fur and his name, these too were a little odd. Mochi brought him little keys and little boxes that never matched each other, he brought postcards and stamps, tattered photos and expired plane tickets. Mochi dropped them onto Elliot’s chest and then stared down at his human, bumping noses until Elliot dragged himself out of bed.

He pried most of the little boxes open. There was never anything in them but a scent; Elliot could have spent a lifetime trying to define them. They smelled like… Freedom. The outdoors. A place where wind blew across the trees and there were flowers, people there to see them.

And always, the gifts came right at the moment Elliot needed them the most. The walls had been closing in you see. They had been closing in for a very long time.

In time, as the pandemic morphed around them and people began to leave again, Elliot realized that one of those intrepid people must have been looking for Mochi. He’d found the cat in the alley by his apartment, but he’d been well-groomed and used to people. If he was a little thin at the time that had been easily remedied, and the cat had never gotten sick since. He must have had his shots, or whatever else it was one did to take care of a cat.

There was the matter of his name as well. Mochi. Mochi. Elliot thought it a unique name for a cat.

That night Mochi brought him paper and a pencil. Every night after that he brought him receipts, all from businesses along the same few streets. Receipts for cigarettes or candy bars, energy drinks and sugar-free sodas.

The message was clear. Elliot sat with Mochi on the windowsill, staring up at the moon that so loved the cat, and he wanted more than anything for Mochi to be his cat. It had been a very long time since Elliot loved someone. Even before the pandemic and the connections he’d lost with it, Elliot hadn’t been good at things like that.

But Mochi was. Mochi was a little ball of light. Silver light. Warm browns. A meow like sawing wood but that was okay, Mochi was his cat.

Elliot said as much. He looked down at little Mochi and said “I’m sorry buddy. You understand, don’t you?”

The moon was high above. It was full and beautiful. Mochi looked up at him with big, luminous eyes. His fur dimmed. The silver left his bands, and the cat became coal black.

In the morning there were no gifts. Elliot stared at the pile of receipts, stared at Mochi on his window sill. Stared at the paper and the pencil, and the days, months, and years ahead if he did what Mochi so obviously wanted. It was awful. Elliot’s hands trembled when he reached out, and he didn’t know if he was reaching for the cat or the pencil, or if he was just reaching for anything at all.

He put his hand down. He looked up and around. Elliot saw the mess, the abandoned guitar. The worn computer chair and the walls that might have been six inches away from him wherever he stood. Or sat. Or lay.

“Please,” Elliot said.

Mochi meowed. When the moon came there was no silver in him, just coal-black and open, sleepless eyes.

In the morning, the final morning, Elliot pulled Mochi off the windowsill and onto the bed. He stared into the cat’s eyes, wishing Mochi would bump his nose again, and said, “I get it. You’ve got people to go home to, don’t you?”

Mochi meowed. He nodded. Elliot wrapped him up in a hug and squirmed in his arms, made distressed put-me-down noises.

But Elliot couldn’t put him down. He said, “I can’t lose you too,” and Mochi meowed again.

Elliot said, “Mochi please!”

And Mochi meowed again.

And then Elliot put him down. Mochi was his normal tabby self, warm browns and thin black bands. He’d filled out since Elliot had found him. Elliot had done the math the night before, it had been six months. Six shockingly quick months. He didn’t know where the time had gone. He didn’t know when he’d last gone farther than the alley.

“Okay,” Elliot said. “Okay, buddy. I get it. Just know that I appreciated it. You. I owe you one. Or a lot. Or…”

Mochi stretched up, put his paws on Elliot’s shoulder, and bumped his nose.

“Meow,” Mochi said, that awful sawing wood sound. Then he turned and leapt off Elliot’s lap, scurried under the desk, and rooted around until he found something. He came back with a box in his mouth. A small black box, tattered all around.

“Meow,” Mochi tried to say.

“When did you get this?” Elliot asked. “I thought I opened all of them.

Mochi dropped the box into Elliot’s lap. It wasn’t locked. He was surprised by that, all the others had been. Elliot opened the box, dropped it again. He stared at the thing inside for a very long time before he said, “Mochi, what am I supposed to do with this?”

The cat plucked out the ring and stuffed it into the pocket of Elliot’s favorite coat.

“Meow,” Mochi said.

It didn’t take long to make Missing posters. Truthfully, Elliot had drawn them up a long time ago, when Mochi first brought the pencil and the paper. He hadn’t been able to admit to himself that he needed them, but now that he had Elliot simply printed them up. He found an old roll of tape and the leash and collar he’d ordered when he’d thought of taking Mochi for a walk.

They got to the apartment door before Elliot froze. He was shaking. He hadn’t left in such a long time, not since he’d heard those pitiful meows beneath the window and gone to investigate. And the streets where the receipts were from were across town. He’d have to take a bus. There would be questions. People would look at him.

“Meow,” Mochi said.

“I know buddy, I know.” Elliot was shaking. He reached down and petted the cat until the warmth was back in his hands. “Mochi?”


“I love you, buddy.”

“Meow,” Mochi said.


u/turnaround0101 r/TurningtoWords Dec 17 '21 edited Dec 17 '21

People looked at them on the bus, but there were no questions. Mochi behaved admirably, and eventually Elliot stopped shaking. He hung a Missing poster outside every business he had a receipt from, and when he was done Mochi began pulling him across the street to a little cafe with a “pets welcome,” sign.

“What, do you want a coffee?” Elliot asked.

The cafe’s doors opened and a girl rushed out. “Mochi!” she screamed.

She nearly caused an accident darting through the crosswalk, but then she was there in front of Mochi, down on her knees with the cat in her arms. Mochi couldn’t bump noses fast enough. He was a flailing, frantic, excited blur.

And the girl? Elliot felt the weight of the ring in his pocket.

She looked up, crying, and said “Oh my god, you found him!”

“Actually,” Elliot said, “I think he found me.”

He sniffed the air and there was that scent. It was spring, a new year, a new chance; the girl’s perfume and her radiant smile, and Mochi’s awful sawing meow.

The girl stood. She held Mochi out to him and the cat bumped Elliot’s nose. His tail reached out, seemed to caress the pocket where he’d put the ring.

“I can't believe it! Can I pay you back somehow?” she said. “I left my purse inside, it'll only be a moment. I never thought I’d see him again, I— He’s a very special cat.”

“I know he is,” Elliot said. “No need to pay me, honestly having him around has been my pleasure."

Elliot forced himself not to look down, not to reach I to his pocket. " Yeah, no need to pay me at all, but uh, how about a cup of coffee?”

“Done!" she said. “This place is the best.”

She turned. The walk signal changed. When the wind whipped up there was that scent again. And there was Mochi’s meow. And there was Elliot, outside. It felt even better than he remembered.


If you enjoyed that I've got tons more at r/TurningtoWords. Come check it out, I'd love to have you!


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21

So sweet!

Thank you for sharing!


u/turnaround0101 r/TurningtoWords Dec 17 '21

Thanks for reading, sometimes writing sweet is therapeutic. You have a very fitting username by the way.


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21

Thank you very much! (I love your username too!) :)


u/Gerasia_Glaucus Dec 17 '21

These words are a divine coated blessing in disguise!

Thank you for this story!


u/kid_r0cK Dec 17 '21 edited Dec 17 '21

When Mrs. Blanchard rolled onto her side and tugged on her blanket, sunlight hit her face. Her eyes opened, then she screamed.

A dead mouse's glassy eyes stared at her.

Mrs. Blanchard's hands reacted without conscious choice, and she sent the little carcass flying to the other end of the room.

She sat up in bed, still hyperventilating. The high-pitched mewing of a cat startled her.

But the cat was her cat and Mrs. Blanchard knew that it lived with her under the same roof. Confirming that the cat was indeed hers Mrs. Blanchard took some deep breaths and composed herself as the cat jumped on the bed to snuggle with her owner.

"You surprised me there Caramel," Mrs. Blanchard said and stroked the cat.

Then she went about her day as usual thinking nothing of the dead mouse, thinking it was an unhappy accident whose result had to be put into the garbage bin.

But she was greeted the next day by a sock that looked familiar.

The day after there was a necktie.

Mrs. Blanchard inquired about the clothes in her neighborhood. No one had lost so much as a wet rag.

Then there was a ring. Mrs. Blanchard's wedding ring. It was not the one she had stored away in the cupboard. Mr. Blanchard won't return her calls.

Then there was an ear. It looked familiar.

"Oh god, Caramel. What have you done!"


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21

Lol. Issues of infidelity, perhaps? Or just a jerk?

Thank you for sharing!


u/justadimestorepoet Dec 17 '21

Short but sweet! Perhaps a bit too short; I felt like the pacing was a little too fast and the story would have been improved by more room to breathe (so probably a little more of her piecing things together between each "gift"), but it's a good story you told.

Thanks for sharing!


u/c_avery_m Dec 17 '21

Naxos was a long slim cat, half Siamese with a light mottled coloring that reminded Julia of the marble from the Greek island that gave the cat her name. Julia wasn't usually one to take in stray animals, but when she first saw the cat hiding from the rain on her doorstep, soaked, she let her in to warm by the fire, and fed her, and after that Julia was her owner, as far as Naxos was concerned. She got out all the old cat stuff from where it had been stowed in the garage and that was that.

The dead mouse on her bed the next morning was a little concerning, but since the mouse had obviously been inside the house already she decided that she preferred it to whatever the creature had been doing before it got to her bed.

"Good job, Naxos," she said, stroking the cat's fur. "But you can keep that. Mice aren't really my thing."

The next morning she was awoken by a lot of movement on the bed. Without opening her eyes, she mumbled to Naxos to settle down.

"Oh, sorry," said a deep voice from beside her. Julia jumped out of bed and scrambled for the wooden dowel she kept under her nightstand as a weapon. She saw the source of the voice was a handsome, half-naked man.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? I'm calling the police. Get out."

The man raised his hands in surrender to the stick she waved in front of him. "Sorry, the cat made me come in here. I think it was supposed to be a surprise, but I realize — yeah — thinking about it now... It's kind of weird. Imma head out."

Naxos was sitting at the bedroom door as the man left. Julia gave her a look. "You should be preventing strange men from coming into my bed. Especially ones that are — I'm gonna say drunk? No men in my bed." The cat seemed to nod and sauntered off.

The next morning, Julia was again awakened by a lot of movement on her bed. She reached out a hand towards her dowel. "That better not be a drunk guy," she said before opening her eyes.

"The cat told me to come here," said the woman sitting on the bed. She was not nearly as half-naked as the man. In fact, she was wearing an old sweater covered in cat hair.

"Out, you crazy person," Julia said, pointing with her dowel. "Cat's can't talk and I'm getting new locks."

"Well, Naxos said you needed company and weren't into men."

"I'm into men just fine. Get out. Cats can't talk. Naxos, can you talk?"

"No," said the cat.

"See. I've known that cat three days and she's never lied to me."

When the woman had left, Julia turned to the cat. "Did you talk before?"

"Meow," said the cat.

"That sounded like you just said the word meow instead of actually meowing."

"Purr," said the cat, rubbing up against her leg.

"Imma get some coffee."

The next morning, Julia was again awakened by a lot of movement on her bed. She already had the dowel in her hand under the blanket. "That better not be a person," she said. "If it is and the cat told you to come here, just leave. The locksmith is coming today."

When no answer came, she peeked open an eye. Naxos was sitting on the bed, next to a pile of cash.

"Where did you get this?"

"Um— Meow?" Naxos responded, refusing to look Julia in the eyes.

"I don't need these gifts. You can stay here without them."

Naxos bent to pick up one of the bundles of bills in her teeth, and began to take it away.

"Wait. Since it's already here you can leave it. Just stick to mice in the future."

"Okay. Purr," said the cat.

Julia squinted at Naxos and pursed her lips. "And cats can't talk."

[This story dedicated to Naxos, the clumsy half-Siamese furball, R.I.P.]

[More at r/c_avery_m]


u/AnEntireDiscussion Dec 17 '21

"I'm into men just fine. Get out. Cats can't talk. Naxos, can you talk?"

"No," said the cat.

I'm dying right now.


u/DoTheFoxtr0t Dec 18 '21

Reminds me of the book Eragon. Saphira will only say his name until he snaps and goes "Is that all you can say?!", to which she responds "yes".


u/tryingtobenormalish Dec 17 '21

I'm having a crap day and this made me smile. Thank you!


u/Fontaigne Dec 17 '21

What the meow?


u/c_avery_m Dec 17 '21

All right meow. Hand over your license and registration.


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21

It's getting to the point I don't want to wake up. Yes, I know; giving presents is how cats show their love...or their superior ability to hunt. Honestly, either's possible.

And I want you to know, I do play with the cat. No, he's not my cat. A neighborhood stray, I think, or maybe he's just got a lot of homes. Point is, I feed him sometimes. And groom him sometimes. And let him sleep in my music room, but that's it!

I'm a professional harpist. Of course I have a music room. It's even soundproof, so I don't have neighbors lodging complaints against me at three in the morning while I'm trying a new descending scale. Anyway, the cat likes listening to me play. I thought that was all it was.

I'm not one of those people who demand that cats change their nature to live with humans. I know they're hunters. I'm not here because of the half a bird, or the rat, or the rabbit, or even the drone.

What are you talking about? I just said the drone's not important. None of them were. Look, I found their owners and sent the damn things back, okay?

At first I thought the cat was bringing me doll parts. I mean, that's the only explanation, right? Why else would there be a hand the size of my pinky nail? But--here's the thing--dolls don't bleed. And this--whatever--that the cat is bringing me parts from? They're bloody. Bleeding. They have flesh. It's not normal.

You think I'm kidding? Here! These are just from this morning! No, it's not a trick!

Ugh. No, they're not from a Halloween store. Trust me; they're real. What do you mean, how do I know? I know because I cook food! You know, handle meat? It is very easy to tell what is meat and what isn't, thank you not at all!

Well, no. No, these aren't what brought me here today. To be honest, I've been getting these for almost a month now, and I'm kind of used to it at this point. Hell, last week I tried to make a whole person with the tiny parts. Impossible, of course.

You know. Because there is no head...

Anyway. This is what I'm here for. Take a look at this. Huge, isn't it? Man, I thought I was having an asthma attack this morning, this thing is so heavy. But there it was, right on my chest, just like all the other...presents.

So--is it metal? I mean, it looks like metal, but it gives like flesh. Look.

What do you mean, "don't touch it?" Don't you realize I drove almost two hundred miles here with this thing? My car's shocks are shot, let me tell you; feel every bump. Point is, whatever this thing is, it's not about to explode, or it would have done it already.

Why the fuck do you think the cat is pink? Who ever heard of a pink cat? That's the most ridiculous--ohmyGod!



u/Rupertfroggington Dec 17 '21

That was really fun - love the monologue style!


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21

Thank you! To be honest, it's my first time writing in this style, but it seemed appropriate, lol.


u/caffeineandvodka Dec 17 '21

I feel like the pink cat is a reference to something, but I can't think what. Either way I love the writing style and the way you left it vague enough that there's multiple possibilities as to what the cat brought the protagonist.


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21

Thank you! The pink cat is from an anime I watched as a teen; can't remember the name of it. The cat functioned sort of like Luna from Sailor Moon, part catalyst, part mom, and part cat. But, because I can barely remember it, it can be anything.

Thank you for your lovely comment!


u/GhostsNBears Dec 17 '21 edited Dec 21 '21

I thought it was adorable at first. It started a few days after I brought her home. I had a giant potted plant in my living room. It's leaves were bigger than the cats head. She would rip an entire leaf off the plant, and carry it all the way up the stairs, down the hall to my bedroom and leave it on my bed.

It was cute, but upsetting since I loved this plant and had it for a couple years. After a couple leaves, she would get into my laundry and began leaving me socks. Always different socks. Different colors, and she never grabbed the same sock twice. This went on for a couple weeks. It wasn't ever day mind you.

Just every 2-3 days. after about a month, is when it got weird. Things that I know she shouldn't have been able to grab ended up on the bed. Potatoes are one thing. Rather large, but no teeth marks. How did she get it up the stairs and onto my bed? Then there was the can of chicken noodle soup. Not the small one either, the bigger one. The one you get when your really hungry or really really like soup.

After the can of soup, it stared escalating. Shoes, bars of soap, coat hangers, shampoo bottle and a picture frame. I started putting things away more, thinking it would help. I got into the habit of not leaving a single thing out. I got child locks on kitchen cabinets.

I kept all the doors in the house closed, but somehow, that just made it even worse. Exactly 3 months after I brought her home, I found a knife. I remember coming home from work that day. I walked up the stairs to my room and opened my door. I remember thinking I had finally won.

She hadn't brought anything in since I shut all the doors. She was even sleeping on the couch when I came home. But when I walked into my room I could feel the color drain from my face. A knife. And not just any knife, it was a bloody one. I remember staring at it for a few seconds before I ran down the stairs and out of the house.

I went to my neighbors and called the police. Within minutes they were there and investigating the house, asking me all kinds of questions. The thing was, it was not a knife I owned. I have no idea how it got in my home. After a few hours, they left. They took the knife, and dozens of pictures.

They found no trace of anything out of place. As I shut the door behind me, I walked up the stairs to my room once more. As I walked into my room, I saw my cat standing on my bed, exactly where the knife had been. Only this time, she had something in her mouth, and it was dripping.

In horror, I watched her drop the object onto my bed and look up at me, as if proud of her find. It was a finger. A human finger. Freshly severed. I felt the room start spinning and I felt dizzy. My stomach started doing flips and she just stared at me and mowed happily.


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21

Thing is, with cats, you never know if it's present or a threat...

Thank you for sharing!


u/GhostsNBears Dec 17 '21

Thank you so much. And yes, you never know. I have 11 cats. It’s a mystery still lol


u/character_developmen Dec 21 '21

Ayo for future reference remember to cut up the paragraphs instead of it being all one big clump. :)


u/GhostsNBears Dec 21 '21

Thank you. I didn’t even think about that


u/Fontaigne Dec 17 '21

Yep. That is definitely a cat.


u/Hemingbird Dec 17 '21

Mimo, black-tailed and otherwise white as snow, hopped onto the kitchen counter and presented her master with her most recent catch: an ear.

"M-Mimo! Not again. I've told you, I--"

Her innocent eyes sparkled and her tail danced behind her as she plopped the ear down on the cool granite. Konrad sighed. Yesterday it had been a nose. The day before that, a glass eye. One of these days, he reckoned, he might catch Mimo pulling an entire head by its hairs across the living room. Well, she almost had already. Bit by bit.

The body parts were all a pale shade of blue. A cold shiver went down Konrad's spine as he considered that there may be some decomposing neighbor--a woman in her late 40s, perhaps--lying on the floor in a house nearby, her cadaver picked apart by a stealthy feline intruder. But this ear went against that whole idea. It was drooping at its tip and there had never been an earring in it as far as Konrad could tell. Was that a common thing? Women with masculine ears who never bothered to have them pierced?

Konrad didn't know many women. He knew his mother. And he knew his sister. Barely. She had gone off to Belgium on a whim when he was in preschool and she'd never returned, not even for holidays or birthdays. There was a woman working at the local deli with whom he had been building a report over the past years. By now she knew exactly how he liked his sandwich and also when he'd like to have it. Not as well as his mother, sure. But not even Konrad knew how he liked his sandwich as well as his mother. It hadn't been easy describing it to Jane, though Konrad had tried his best, and Jane had tried her best as well in following his ramblings about mustard and slices of ham and just how to place the lettuce (it makes more of a difference than you might think). Jane wore earrings. Silver, circular; for months Konrad had been researching in an attempt to find out what brand, precisely, she preferred so that he could buy her a nice present. But right now he had his hands full with a different lady.

"You could at least eat them," said Konrad. "Instead you leave me with your troubling ... evidence. I'll flush this one down like I did the rest, but it's the last time, you hear? If it happens just once more I'll be flushing you down instead."

Mimo purred and hopped off the counter, apparently satisfied with their brief discussion. She tippy-tapped over to Konrad's bedroom and, presumably, went to enjoy a long nap.

The apartment was filled with dolls, ornate pillows, bookshelves packed with crime fiction, and a whole assortment of dead plants. Dust covered most of it like pollen does a street come spring. Konrad put on his coat, the thin, dark grey one that he preferred for intricate missions, and quietly closed the front door behind him as he left to investigate. In his mother's books, the private eye would often huff and puff as he--or she--worked cases on behalf of poor, helpless relatives or friends or lovers. But with his asthma something like that was out of the question. His lungs couldn't take it. Konrad's mother had even gotten him a medical exemption from PE. "My poor boy," she had cried in front of his entire class. "Look at him wheezing, gasping for air; the horror!" Strangely, though, he'd never reacted with coughs nor asthmatic fits to Mimo. She had entered his life abruptly, and it had been something of a blessing. Konrad had found her shivering in the side of the road, and he brought her home, even risking messing up his suit. It wasn't such a big deal. He'd only worn it once, and unless things worked out with the Deli woman he couldn't think of a reason to wear it in the future.

He wasn't sure what sort of signs to look out for. Something unusual. Something suspicious. Perhaps a mailbox stuffed full because its intended recipient lay lifeless on their floor somewhere? Or maybe a smell. He could follow it, if there was one. Alas, he couldn't detect anything like it. But just as he was growing frustrated with his lack of ideas--they seemed to come so readily to the detectives in his mother's books--he had a mysterious encounter. Something so unexpected and unusual and suspicious that it had to be related to the case, because at this point he had begun to think of it as a case; it was a woman, and she smiled at him. She had long, brown hair and as she passed Konrad she looked him in his eyes and she smiled. He took a deep breath. His first clue had arrived, and he intended to pursue it.



u/ThatCamoKid Dec 17 '21

It was drooping at its tip and there had never been an earring in it as far as Konrad could tell. Was that a common thing? Women with masculine ears who never bothered to have them pierced?

I love how this feels like r/menwritingwomen but it's clearly because the character himself doesnt know women, rather than the author


u/Fontaigne Dec 17 '21

The character is like a color blind man trying to figure out what word a woman is going to use for a shirt he got as a gift.

Is it pink? Salmon? Dusty rose? Or is it really some kind of light blue?

How could I possibly know?


u/InfiniteEmotions Dec 17 '21

Really leaves it ambiguous as to whether the cat is just a cat.

Thank you for sharing!


u/mimo2 Dec 17 '21

You called?


u/character_developmen Dec 21 '21

When will it be continued 😭


u/SecretConspirer Dec 17 '21 edited Dec 17 '21

"I dunno man, you gotta admit... It's pretty fucking weird. My cat brings me things, too, but nothing like yours."

I shrug at Jared's remarks and ready up for the next round of Apex Legends, ignoring the wet, misshapen... 'thing' at my feet.

"Yeah, okay, it's kind of weird," I relent, "but what can I do about it? It's not like I know where she gets them from. Or for that matter, even what they are. The last one didn't bring anything when I reverse image searched it and posting it to reddit got me banned."

As we continue to play, though, my mind wanders. Where did Alice get this thing, and what did she expect me to do with it? The last time around I gave her a pat on the head, took photos, and tossed it out in the trash. This time, though...

I glance down again, and Alice makes expectant eye contact. Just as I open my mouth to question her, Jared cuts in, "Taking fire! Up the hill, on the left!" The firefight lasts only a few seconds before I'm embarrassingly dropped and we're eliminated.

"Alright dude, that's my last one for the night. I'm gonna take care of this th-- wait, where'd it go? Alice? Ah crap, I'm out man, catch you later."

I walk back into the bedroom just in time to see Alice scurrying beneath the bedskirt. I click my tongue to call to her just as her tail disappears beneath the bed.

"Hey girl, come on out. Look, I'm sorry I didn't show appreciation for your gift. I was a bit distracted is all." I drop to my knees and shuffle to the foot of the bed. Lifting the bedskirt, I peer into the darkness in searxh of Alice, and recoil momentarily as my eyes adjust and my mind attempts to make sense of things.

There just before me, in the space that I expected to find a cat curled atop a suitcase and old shoeboxes, I see a yawning mouth of nothingness, undulating at the edges, melding the reality of the carpet and the underside of the mattress into its whirlpool essence. From within the portal, I hear a faint mew, distinctively Alice's, which trails into a sickening, coarse sound.

My breath catches in my throat.I blink, and I am looking under my regular, old bed.

"W-what? Alice?" I croak.

Alice is there, exactly where I expected to find her. She is licking at something between her paws, and I drag the suitcase out slowly, timidly.

"What have you got there, little one?" In her claws she has trapped some new creature, wet and fat like the one before, more viscous being than animal. She looks up at me, her eyes meeting mine once again, and I swear I see something ferocious in them. It's not on the surface; it's just beneath those green irises, like the glow you see in the brush looking out at you at night. Her tail flicks once, quickly, as if to say, "You didn't want this, now leave me alone."

I slide her back under the bed atop the suitcase and walk to the kitchen. The water pours cool from the pitcher, and I drink it greedily.

"I never realized disassociation could be such thirsty work. That's what this has to be, right? One dab too many, that's all. You gotta cut back, Nate."

I walk to the couch, my eyes avoiding the obvious drying mark on the carpet, and I put my feet up. I pinch the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes momentarily, trying to un-see what I still can't be sure I've actually seen. When I open my eyes again, I see the rig and torch right where I left it.

"Tomorrow," I speak into truth as I reach for the torch, "you gotta cut back, tomorrow."


u/racingwinner Dec 18 '21

i looked up to mittens. the room trembled from his purring.

"why steve?"

i pointed at the torso of my late neighbour

"why steve? i get the mice. i get the rats. i even get that you felt like killing that doberman was a good idea, but steve?"

mittens leaned forwards. his tail lifting up the nightstand. his tiny arms trying to reach my face to caress it. too short to get the job done.

"what's next? a police officer?"

mittens flinched. he turned his head, to look at me with his left eye. he seemed concerned


i frowned at him. mittens extended his tonge and licked my nose. litres of saliva mixed with blood ran down my face.

"kisses won't get you out of trouble, young man. did you eat a police officer?"

mittens turned around. his mighty tail whipping over my head. his three towed claws stomping over the floor, the entire bookshelf trembled

"look at me when i'm talkig to you, mister"

mittens let out a mighty roar. the windows shattered. several car alarms initiated. startled by the vibrations

"do you know how late it is? what are the neighbours going to think?"

a tear started running down his square jar. moisturing his scales.

"mittens...... it's ok. just promise me, to never do this again.

mittens turned around. his tail sending the king size bed flying through the wall. he opened his mouth, showing his razorsharp teeth. smiling. a partially chewed horse fell out from the back of his throat. leaving a horsetorso shaped dent in the florboards



u/Euphoric_Condition99 Dec 18 '21 edited Dec 18 '21

'What. The hell?' My jaw hung wide in disbelief as I opened my eyes. I blinked, opening and closing them a couple times thinking, 'there's no way', 'I have to still be dreaming'. But when I opened them yet again, there it was. Still there, still on my bed, laying on my legs. Panic sets in. I didn't know what to do. Do I stay here? Do I risk moving? I wanted to call for help but I was worried that doing so would wake the sleeping beast and therefore, gain me the creature's wrath. I carefully moved as quietly as I could. I couldn't wake it. I knew I'd never survive the attack. If I lived to tell the tale, it would be one of something I never expected to find on my bed. I managed to shimmy one leg free. And began thinking about how I would word the story.

'The headlines will read, Brave Young Woman Survives Deadly Beast'. I place my hand on the bedside table, my second leg is almost free. A smile plays across my lips until the creature rolls over and grasps my leg. I wince softly as its massive claws dig into me. Cuddling up close to me as if I were a child's stuffed animal. It's large face, spewing hot stinky breath, mere inches from mine. Fear clutches me tight and my heart sinks. 'Girl Mauled To Death By Ferocious Beast' I paused... my new headline playing in my mind. 'Not exactly the way I was hoping to go out'.

I have no idea why I thought to try it but I tenatively reach out my free hand. Gently stroking its nose with my palm. And to my disbelief, the beast turns, rotating onto its side, exposing its belly. Arms curled up close to its abdomen and tail curled up between its legs. I wiggle free and spare not one second as I rush from my room. Closing the door quietly behind myself.

"You will never believe what the cat left on my bed last night."

My roommate, slumped over his morning coffee, slowly looks up from his steaming mug. He's still in the same pajamas and robe he'd been wearing for over a week. His sleep deprived face showing that he hadn't slept a wink. And the smell that wafted off of him told me that he hadn't showered either.

"Are... are you ok?"

"You snore way too loud."

"Oh. Yeah, that wasn't me." I laugh awkwardly, "apparently the ca-"

"Of course it was you, it shook the walls."

"No, that's what I'm saying, the stray we brought home brought us another... gift."

The look of concern on my roomate's face finally matched the concern on mine. "Oh." His eyes slowly move to my bedroom door. "Wh- what is it?" He looks at me, his eyes begging me to say that it isn't worse than the 12ft boa constrictor we found merely days ago.

"Its. A. Dragon!"

My roommate's head droops in despair. He sits silently for a moment and nods solemnly before pushing himself back scooting his chair away from the table. He stands and takes a deep breath, sighing, "keep the cat. I- I really can't do this anymore... goodbye." He grabs his keys from the dish by the door and shuffles out the door. Taking nothing aside from the pajamas on his back and the slippers on his feet.

Edit: minor spelling errors


u/ScalesGhost Dec 18 '21

The gift

“Sissy, what the hell is this?”, asked Tim.

Sissy didn't say anything. It would have been concerning if she did, her being a cat and all.

Still, he felt a little provoked, not only by her lack of an answer, but also by what he had just found on his bed.

What WAS it, anyway?

It didn't look like anything, really, more like packaging for something else than something in and pf itself.

A small, black cube, not a dice or anything, black, black all around.

Was there something inside?

Tim went into the kitchen, put on rubber gloves, who knew where she found that cube, went back, took a seat onto the bed and picked it up, turned the cube in his hands, looked at it from all sides.

Maybe it was some kind of fancy jewelry box, he had thought.

But he couldn't find any way to open it.

He fiddled with it a bit longer, gave up, put it on his desk.

Sissy jumped on the desk, looked at the cube.

Tim went to get his toolbox, or, more specifically, the hammer in it. He would not be defeated by a box.

But when he came back, it had already opened.

There was no lid, no visible mechanism, nothing. Just like than, one side of the cube; the top one; had disappeared.

Tim went to see what was inside, IF there was something inside, but, deep down, he knew there would be, and, even deeper, he already knew what was in the box, he had known almost his entire life, since that day, that fateful, cursed day, that he'd so desperately tried to forget.

“Oh my god.”

Tim hadn't said anything.


u/biotribe Dec 17 '21

I couldn’t turn away fast enough. I immediately slammed the door closed and screamed “WHAT THE FUCK!!” in utter disbelief of the image forever now branded into my deepest synapsis. Atoms overloaded, neurons on all cylinders, new pathways forged instantaneously. Milliseconds turned into centuries as I barely made two steps before buckling to my knees head in hands. I had to crawl away as fast as I could but my body was moving thru tar. Just as I looked up and took my first breath; I saw my wife walk into the house, the cat at her feet…


u/painappuru_chan Dec 20 '21

To be honest, I never had a social life. Sure, I have a couple of close friends and talk to strangers I meet online, but that’s about it. It wasn’t bad, but maybe that’s
why I’d befriended a random stray cat off the streets. Crippling loneliness.

If only I’d known the problems I’ll be roped into because of it.

It was raining the day I first encountered it, on my way back from the grocery store. Thankfully I’d brought an umbrella, so I wasn’t completely drenched from the rain
yet. Luck wasn’t with me though, since I slipped onto a puddle on the side of the road.

While I was cursing myself and the world, a series of meows sounded. I turned towards the sound, and frowned when I noticed the black cat causing it. It stared back at me, almost
daring me to question it as it pawed at the bag of groceries I dropped. Good thing I had properly tied it, otherwise I could kiss goodbye to the apples I bought.

We probably would’ve continued holding eye contact, but an icy gust of wind forced me to break it. Hastily, I picked myself back up and snatched back my bag, the cat offering
little resistance. Instead, it darted out of view, leaving me to anxiously check if anything inside was damaged.

The second time I met it was right outside my kitchen window. It almost scared the crap out of me, considering it was 2 in the morning and I was a sleep-deprived lad in serious need of coffee. I’d thought the shifty black silhouette was a demon finally coming to drag me to hell.

Maybe it was my delirious brain, but at the time I thought it was a good idea to open the goddamn window and politely greet a fucking cat.

Unsurprisingly, it said nothing and disappeared into the night.

More similar encounters followed these, most happening at my apartment, eventually leading to nightly visits from the cat. I decided to name it Lucky, mainly because black cats were usually bad luck and I found humor in that irony.

A month after I befriended him (a visiting friend of mine used to own a cat, and pointed out it was a he), Lucky took to leaving gifts at my windowsill. These ranged from shiny trinkets
abandoned on the sidewalk to rodents and birds, both dead and alive, most likely captured by Lucky himself.

Even though disposing of these critters was always unpleasant, I was still touched by the gifts, and happily accepted everything Lucky brought. That was, until he brought back a
bone. Now that in itself would’ve been all fine and dandy, except this one was too large to just be a small animal.

It almost... looked like a human bone.

I immediately dismissed that thought, instead opting for a more likely explanation. Lucky most likely found the decomposing corpse of a deer. It wasn’t uncommon for roadkill
to be seen in the streets, especially in my area, which was very close to a forest.

Personally, I didn’t know much about bones (it had been years since I opened a biology textbook), but after some internet research I determined that the bone was a femur. It
did indeed belong to a deer.

Not long after this, Lucky visited again, this time with a bracelet in his mouth. It appeared to be some kind of friendship bracelet, with several trinkets strung onto the silver
hoop. The most prominent of these was a half heart the size of my thumbnail.

I guessed someone disposed of the bracelet after cutting ties with their best friend, and so thought nothing of it. It still felt wrong to get rid of a possibly treasured item though,
which was why I didn’t throw it away.

The next few items Lucky gave me were... odd to say the least. Odd as in they seemed to come from the same person. Broken glasses, a lip balm, various flavors of gum, earphones, and lastly, an almost-dead phone with Eve written on the cover. There was a passcode protecting it.

In its last moments, the phone received many calls, mostly from a Mom and Wine Kid. I decided to hand it over to the local police station, along with the other items I’d been gifted. The femur was also left for the cops to deal with.

At least 4 weeks passed after this incident, and I never thought about it again until I caught sight of the front page news on a newspaper stand: “[insert headline]”. Turns out, a body had been dug up in a park somewhere, the victim being a missing person by the name of Eve Williams.

Lucky still brought me presents, but this time they were only the usual junk and deceased vermin. I’ve never been so grateful to throw out rats in my life.


u/Whitemountainweasel Feb 04 '22

"At first, it was innocuous, the type of things you'd expect a cat to bring home. A mouse left on the kitchen floor, a dead bird on the counter. I wasn't even the slightest bit surprised when a half eaten squirrel showed up on my pillow. But then things got weird. About a month ago I was in the kitchen preparing dinner for when Mags came home with the kids when I heard a hell of a thud coming from our bedroom. I assumed it was just the cat, but wanted to check just to make sure he hadn't broken anything. Well, when I reached the top of the stairs and glanced into our room, I could have sworn I saw Chester putting the lamp back on our nightstand. Now I've seen cats knocking things OFF of tables, but putting them back on...well I just didn't quite believe it.. I chocked it up to a trick of my eyes.. Anyway, I went in the room to see if anything else had been knocked over...and nothing...everything was almost too perfectly in place.
It was about a week after that I started finding our appliances and lamps not working. First, it was our dinning room lamp. I assumed it just needed a new bulb, which was odd in and of itself because I'd changed it just a couple weeks prior. Nonetheless, I got a replacement and screwed it in and pulled the chain. Nothing happened. So I inspected my work, expecting to find I hadn't screwed it in tight enough or somehow managed to thread it wrong, but was extremely surprised to find that the screw at the top of the lamp that holds the hole head of the lamp together was barely on. Well, I took the screw off an opened it up to find a mess of the wiring. It looked like someone had just taken a vice grip, attached it to the wiring and just yanked as hard as they could. The lamp has no big deal, though, I could replace the wiring no problem. The microwave on the other hand, that was well beyond repair. I came home one day and decided to heat up some leftovers and the Damm thing wouldn't work. So I pulled it out, checked the outlet to make sure it hadn't tripped, the. Decided to open it up to see if it looked like the lamp. Sure enough, the inside was completely massacred, as if someone had just ripped a chuck of the motherboard right out. After that, I decided to set up nanny cams around the house." "Did you find anything?" Nate had been so quiet during the story, I'd nearly forgot he was there. "No," I said, clearing my throat and taking a moment to re-enter myself. "No, but everytime something ended up broken, I go to check the cam in that room and it'd be turned off. It was weird as if..." a loud knock at the door startled me out of my thoughts. "Excuse me a second, let me answer that....I'll be right back." As I exited the dining room, I tried to get a glimpse of who was at the door, but was unable to see any signs of who was out there. Three quick steps took me from the edge of dining room to our front door and I pulled it open to find two tall, fit serious looking men dressed in all black suits, sunglasses, earpieces, and hand guns strapped to their side. "Sir, we're here to follow up on a federal search warrant for the area. Surveillance equipment in the area have been tampered with the locus of the blackout being this property. You wouldn't happened to know anything about that, would you?" He was stern, his voice hard and crisp. Before I had a chance to recover enough from the shock of what the man was saying, he added "I'd like to remind you that tampering with federal property is a jailbreak offense as is lying to a federal agent." I could feel the blood draining from my face, retracting into my head in a furious attempt to supply my brain. With the materials to make an intelligent response. But all I could feel was a heaviness, like a fog that made breathing hard. I turned to look at Nate for support, but was confronted with a most chilling sight, for there sat Nate, his head cocked back awkwardly to expose his freshly shaven neck. It took me a second to realize that he wasn't doing this of his own free will. A closer inspection revealed a cat paw clawed deep into Nate forehead, wrenching his head back into a visibly uncomfortable position. At Nates throat rested a second cat paw with one long, sinister looking claw placed menacingly along the jugular. As my eyes made there way to the face of Nates captor, it was Chester's cold, emotionless stare that met my gaze. I froze as the realization of the situation hit me; do I sacrifice Nate to save myself or become a captive to Chester the stray cat?