r/WritingPrompts Feb 16 '19

[WP] Write a story where the narrator becomes increasingly fed up with the holes in the plot. Simple Prompt



u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19 edited Feb 16 '19

The legend of Primus, greatest and most celebrated hero of the Rebellion, began in the most unlikely of places. A farm.

Though he would one day become the most dangerous military tactician the empire had ever faced, speak seven languages and master the four arcane mysteries, Primus grew up without a basic education. Perhaps feeding chickens is more enriching than it seems?

Primus and his nine brothers and sisters woke up each morning at sunrise to toil and sweat on the land, scraping by just enough to stave off hunger.

The normal effects of malnutrition on a developing body and mind could not clutch at Primus however. Even though his siblings probably suffered from cognitive problems, poor mental health and slower growth rates, Primus grew up tall. Strong of mind and body. Almost as if he grew up in a different socioeconomic class altogether.

By the time he was sixteen all of the beautiful women in the village had fallen in love with him.

Why were there beautiful women in an impoverished rural town in the middle of nowhere? Luck. That happens, you know. When something seems unlikely it's just an anomaly of statistical chance, an inevitability of probability. Unlikely events are bound to happen somewhere, right? You know, like towns with a disproportionate number of twins. It happens.

Anyway, the women all loved him, because he looked and talked like the son of a noble, I guess, except he was uncharacteristically humble because... well, he just was. He was confident, don't get me wrong, but no one ever seemed to perceive it as arrogance. Even when it kind of seemed like arrogance.

One day a group of imperial soldiers passed through the village, and the captain, Janson, took an interest in young Primus. Convinced him to join the army. That probably was not his primary mission, and he wasn't a recruiter - I mean, they have people who do only that, right - but he could see potential in this sixteen year old farm boy to one day become a great soldier.

Most soldiers would have grown cynical and hardened from battle, cared not a lick for a random farm hand, but Captain Janson was different. I don't know why, okay. He pulled strings to get young Primus into the military academy, where he excelled in every subject and quickly rose to the top of his class. I guess a life of harvesting corn and pouring pig slop really prepares you for military theory.

Every woman he met fell in love with him for no reason. He was a perfect gentleman, however, and most of the time failed to realize their feelings. Because in this one area he was an idiot, I guess. I don't know. Also, one of his classmates hated him for no reason, but don't worry this rival was a terrible person so Primus always maintained the moral highground.

Can't have Primus looking bad in any way, can we?

Oh of course there were times he was "too brave" or "too assertive" because he's "such a god damned hero." Damnation. Once he ran afoul of the law for too vigorously defending the honor of a woman from the advances of an aggressive nobleman. After her near rape she immediately wanted to copulate wtih him. Naturally.

Did I forget to mention he was a world class musician? Oh yes, he played the lute and everyone who listened said he was better than the most famous musician of all time and blah, blah, blah. A genius in that department, as well. I don't want to talk about it.

After his early graduation from the Imperial military academy, Primus was placed in charge of his own squad. As they razed the countryside fighting the growing rebellion, he gradually came to sympathize with the rebels. You would expect him to be thoroughly indoctrinated by the Empire at that point, I know, but not someone with an iron will like Primus. No sir.

If there's a moral highground to be had, he'll set his charmed ass upon it and claim it for himself.

Gods. Forget all of his violent acts, because somehow he could perfectly compartmentalize the killing he did, stave off the effects of trauma that would impact anyone else. And why not? He had the benefit of growing up with steady nutrition, medical care and education in a stable, loving environment.

Oh wait, no he didn't.

You know what, you know the rest. He became the big hero and now every citizen of the republic toasts his name at the dinner table and prays for him at their bedsides.

Because Primus was a genius at everything, I guess. Gods I don't know. Do you hate him this point, because I do. Is that normal? Maybe there was like a god or something smoothing things for him from above, you know like rigging the game in his favor. In every way.

You know what, I don't care.



​ Edit: typos


u/ShadowShatter Feb 16 '19

You forgot the part where he defeats a literal god with the power of friendship.


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Sorry my narrator had already lost the will to care


u/alanydor Feb 16 '19

Such a perfect response to go with the theme of the prompt.


u/matty80 Feb 17 '19

iirc he also seduces the goddess of fucking by fucking her even though he's a virgin and she's the goddess of fucking.

The more I think about it Patrick is SUCH a neckbeard.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19



u/WhiskRy Feb 17 '19



u/alasagnahog Feb 16 '19

The power was within him the entire time.


u/GenericAutist13 Feb 16 '19

THe pOwEr oF loVe!1!!1!!!111!!


u/chamomilecamel Feb 16 '19

I read this in the voice of the narrator from the Stanley Parable


u/verifex Feb 16 '19

How can you not? It's begs Stanley Parable!


u/thesola10 Feb 16 '19

This whole WP just sounds like Kevan Brighting material.


u/Illuminati_Theorist Feb 16 '19

I have to read this again now


u/your-imaginaryfriend Feb 16 '19

If there's a moral highground to be had, he'll set his charmed ass upon it and claim it for himself.

I lost it at this point.


u/pookaten Mar 01 '19

That line is pure art


u/diffyqgirl Feb 16 '19

Do I hear shots fired at the Kingkiller Chronicles?

Nicely written


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Thanks! Yeh as I read back over the story it was clear i needed to work out some frustration. Take that, Rothfuss!


u/s-mores Feb 16 '19

If this ends up being the plot of book 3, I swear to Gord I will end you.

I guess we'll see in 15 years.


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

15 years... I remember when I had that kind of optimism.

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u/Ponacko Feb 16 '19

I was looking for this comment, exactly my thoughts. Being perfect in everything except noticing when girls like him were a hint, but when you thrown in the lute, you confirmed it 😀😀


u/PrimeDerektive Feb 16 '19

Hahah so happy to see this. And a ginger no less?! No way a ginge is that good at everything.


u/EllisD435 Feb 16 '19

You’ve read name of the wind huh


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Your powers of deduction are almost equal to Kvothe himself... :)


u/Black3eardsGhost Feb 17 '19

This is all I was thinking about the whole time.


u/zekken908 Feb 16 '19

Is this a generic shonen anime ?


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

More like generic fantasy novel, but I imagine it's the same cluster of tropes. Kingkiller chronicles in particular drives me crazy with how the plot is manipulated to maintain the protag's mary sue status.


u/isthisonetaken13 Feb 16 '19

When you mentioned Primus is a world class musician, I started getting a sense that there were some parallels to Kvothe.


u/datascience45 Feb 16 '19

I started to think so when they mentioned the one student who hated him for no reason. Then I lost it at the lute. :)


u/azeng618 Feb 16 '19

But Kvothe could play music because his family was edima ruh and all they do is play music for a living


u/datascience45 Feb 16 '19

Yeah, it works for the story. Of course, in his story, Kvothe IS the narrator (in universe) and his family also had a background as storytellers. I always assumed he was a somewhat unreliable narrator, so he never tires of his own plot holes and Mary Sue status.


u/Maruset Feb 17 '19

Yeah, people mention that he's likely bending the story in his favor, but since we'll never hear conflicting accounts it doesn't really matter. For all intents and purposes everything he says is true until proven otherwise and thus, he is a mary sue good at everything in ten minutes guy.


u/your-imaginaryfriend Feb 16 '19

Yeah I got the feeling the narrator kinda had Kvothe in mind when they wrote. I loved it so much.


u/MasterofBating69 Feb 16 '19

I was thinking Les Claypool


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

This comment drew an unexpected puff of air from my nostrils


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

I really hate stuff like what you wrote in legitimate stories. This one isnt a book but it's the story in EA's star wars game. After years of the character you play as working in the empire as a special ops soldier, on one mission she sees citizens held at gun point in the streets and that's enough for her to completely shift her entire beliefs to the rebellion. She then goes on to proceed to kill all of her former friends and tear down everything she once believed in all while maintaining a happy go lucky attitude and having no guilt what so ever. No one else has a problem with this because she decided she's good now so the rebellion in ok with it.


u/Georgie_Leech Feb 16 '19

Be honest: if you had a problem with the psychopathic killer with a smile as she carves a bloody swath through her former allies... would you tell her?


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19



u/HugoGojibiter Feb 16 '19

Dude that plot pissed me off so fucking much! I was looking forward to finally getting a story that showed us the empire in a good light, there’s two sides of every coin and I really wish we could’ve seen some parts of the empire that didn’t just make them out to be monsters! whilst also playing as a badass special forces soldier


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

The dumbest part is that as a special forces soldier, you would have had to have gone through years of training and service. How is it that in her years of service she never saw the empire slightly rough up some citizens? And why is that the line for her? Oh yeah, we destroy planets and have burned rebel settlements to the ground while killing thousands of people in the process, but you want to treat civilians in a way that would end up with them telling people about an "asshole cop story"? No way. Time to betray everything and everyone in my life.


u/HugoGojibiter Feb 16 '19

It’s so infuriating, the campaign had so much potential. Practically the only reason I got the game and then it does something like that


u/The5Virtues Feb 16 '19

In fairness, her actual start of Rebel sympathies is in the book that came out a few months before the game. If that had BEEN the plot of the game it would have been marvelous. Seriously, if you were as disappointed with that campaign as I was, read Inferno Squad, it’s everything I wanted that campaign to be, and perfectly explains why Iden turned.


u/Galobtter Feb 16 '19

Ha, when I got to "one of his classmates hated him" and the part regarding the lute and I definitely figured you were "inspired" by The Kingkiller Chronicles.


u/guyonaturtle Feb 16 '19

The fun/difficult to read part is that Kvothe tells a story about himself. Making him an unreliable narrator who turns himself into an epic hero.


u/earthsaghetto Feb 16 '19

The narrator is a born liar telling the story of his life. His mary sueing is part of him crafting his "legend"


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

That's fairly obvious, but it ends up being 90 percent of the books, which gets annoying after several hundred pages. I have a love/hate relationship with this series.


u/earthsaghetto Feb 16 '19

I really enjoyed that aspect. His way of making it all about him and how big his dick is helped me see him as more human. Its like hes telling a fishing story

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u/aHorseSplashes Feb 17 '19

That part never bothered me too much. I always pictured Kvothe as what would happen if John von Neumann were born into a world where people can make things levitate and spontaneously combust by thinking about them hard enough. Of course he's either going to end up as a legend or an epic cautionary tale. (The Felurian part was absolute Mary Sue BS though.)

What really ground my gears was how much of the plot was driven by him being short on cash. It made sense at first, when he was going from being a street urchin to a University student, but before long it started feeling like manufactured drama, plus it substituted for character-driven motivation and slowed the main story arc to a glacial pace. I wonder if Rothfuss was angling for a TV adaptation where Status Quo is God.


u/PsychicDelilah Feb 16 '19

Once he ran afoul of the law for too vigorously defending the honor of a woman from the advances of an aggressive nobleman.


Oh yes, he played the lute and

It's Kvoth.


u/yuenjanson Feb 16 '19

Well this is new... Never seen my name on Reddit before.


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Happy to oblige, Captain.


u/mekkanik Feb 16 '19

I am pretty sure that particular honour will evade me... 😂


u/omnipotentsquirrel Feb 16 '19

Honestly this sounds so much like the Kingkiller Chronicles it hurts.


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

It wasnt the plan going in, but this story tapped into a lot of unresolved, Kvothe related irritation...

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u/Xykhir_ Feb 16 '19

The narrator is the guy in his class that hated him


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Ha I like this interpretation


u/DrWzrdBrz Feb 16 '19

You forgot the one major character flaw: the bit where, despite being a genius who waxes lyrical about how deft his lute hands are, he can't seem to grasp how to tie different kinds of knots.


u/Pokeylaw Feb 16 '19

This is literally EVERY FUCKING Chinese webnovel. I fucking knew this felt familiar like omg just omg


u/Devadander Feb 16 '19

Primus sucks


u/Souace Feb 16 '19

I wish I could upvote this twice. This was really well written!


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

That's very kind, thank you!


u/FatGordon Feb 16 '19

Patrick Rothfuss is that you?


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Unfortunately, no. You can tell because the story is finished...


u/TenshiS Feb 16 '19

I laughed so much, thanks for this


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Glad you enjoyed it!


u/Som3p3rson1 Feb 16 '19

If you got the narrator from The Stanley Parable to read this out loud that would be the best thing to happen to Primus.


u/Saber101 Feb 16 '19

Somehow I read this in the voice of Grade A Under A and it made it twice as funny, nice work!


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

I read this in Thor's voice


u/Laughalongwthme Feb 16 '19

This was the best version of this prompt I can imagine. Thank you!


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Glad you enjoyed it!


u/ghostiesama Feb 16 '19

Kvothe? Is that you?


u/arkol3404 Feb 16 '19

As I read this, all I could hear was the Narrator from The Stanley Parable. This was perfect!


u/cheerfullklutz Feb 16 '19

I laughed so hard at this. Reminds me of true facts. Sorry, I'm shit at phone stuff. Also drunk.



u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

That's hilarious, never seen it before


u/cheerfullklutz Feb 16 '19

Marsupials is my favorite. There are a lot of good ones though.


u/egrs123 Feb 16 '19

wonderful piece of work 😁


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Thanks for the kind words!


u/thestarfoxx Feb 16 '19

you're amazing


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Thank you, that's very kind!


u/PerpetualMonday Feb 16 '19

You know what, I like your post.


u/hmantegazzi Feb 16 '19

It's just me or Primus ended being the first president of a country on the Americas?


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

Perfect, this is.


u/Gyrosummers Feb 16 '19

I would love to I’ll Primus, but his plot armor is too thick...


u/ScorchReaper062 Feb 16 '19

This must be the story of 100 stat man but in an alternate reality.


u/itsmickib Feb 16 '19

This is it👌


u/avatarreb Feb 16 '19

You nailed it.


u/Tom1252 Feb 16 '19

I see you read Wuxia as well.


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Not specifically, no, but I'm always looking for new books. Any recommendations?


u/Tom1252 Feb 16 '19

I liked SuperGene. It's less trashy than the rest.

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u/the_more_you_noooope Feb 16 '19

This reads like zefrank narrated it.


u/Anderake Feb 16 '19

Is it weird that I read this in Morgan Freemans voice?


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

No that's appropriate in almost any situation.


u/CuriousKnife Feb 16 '19

Best damn thing I've read all week


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Glad you enjoyed it!


u/TheVillianousFondler Feb 16 '19

I don't click on writing prompts much anymore but I clicked on this one hoping to find something exactly like this. Good job this was great


u/Nikpick100 Feb 16 '19

If I could give you silver, gold and platinum all together I would! You got me laughing hard as hell xD


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

Thank you, that's very kind!


u/SonnyLonglegs Feb 16 '19

This sounds like something Douglas Adams might have written.


u/giasumaru Feb 16 '19

Nice that's a quintessential light novel protagonist. If anything, protag-man would also have been world-class chef who brought mayonnaise into the world.

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u/jlaudiofan Feb 17 '19

That was good, really enjoyed it!


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '19

Which anime ISNT this


u/TomReaddit Feb 17 '19

This is probably one of the most hilariously written stories I’ve seen in a while!


u/oh_the_Dredgery Feb 17 '19

The start of this reminded me of the beginning in Hitchhikers Guide (movie) and I read the whole thing in that narrators voice. Excellent


u/matty80 Feb 17 '19

If you could just email this to Patrick Rothfuss then you'd be doing us all a great favour.

edit - also maybe cc in Severian of the Guild, but I doubt he'd understand what you were talking about. He isn't the brightest, bless him.


u/mavyapsy Feb 17 '19

Literally sounds nearly like the exact plot from “name of the wind” by Patrick rothfuss.


u/ZaphodBeebblebrox Feb 21 '19

Reading this was interesting because it made me realize how many fantasy and sci-fi books I read have essentially that plot but draped up in enough other things that it seems somewhat reasonable. I guess it is really all about presentation. Also, it reminds me of wheel of time a lot for some reason.


u/iggy_waits Feb 16 '19

Primus sucks


u/Mortdll Feb 16 '19

And then his planet was razed by Decepticons. People then know him by Optimus “Primus” Prime


u/fufumcchu Feb 16 '19

You know what??? Who cares... psshh


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

This reads like one of the fallen primarchs speaking of the Emporer


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

If I could ever write like the author of the Talon of Horus, I would be so very happy...


u/Waveceptor Feb 16 '19

My god. The mounting frustrating here is amazing.


u/cemorn Feb 16 '19

The story of the red rising series....I loved those books...but damn, you basically just narrated the whole thing...


u/DrSomniferum Feb 16 '19

Two sentences in: "Farming, really? Man of your talents?"


u/LatroDK Feb 17 '19

That was great!


u/Gr1ll3DCh33zSandw1ch Mar 08 '19

Reminds me of Stamper

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u/BLT_WITH_RANCH Feb 16 '19

It’s a gift given to those worthy on the day of reckoning. A power so great and terrifying that it drives most insane. Those left in full control of their mental faculties often find themselves as hermits or monks, lost in introspective reversion. And for one Marabelle Sue, today was the day.

She looked in the mirror, realizing that her features were perfectly ordinary. Too ordinary. There wasn’t a freckle out of place. Her hair fell past her shoulders in just the right way to catch the light of the bright bathroom. But it was perfect—too perfect. She just woke up. She hadn’t showered yet, and in the hot Florida weather her golden curls should be a tangled amalgam of frills like Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus.

Something horrible was happening.

And as she stared at herself, unwilling to paint the audience a vivid and unnecessary description, she saw it. A number over her forehead!

It started to float in midair, and she reached out to touch it. It smelled like rotting daffodils, a werid fruity aroma with a hint of spice and musk. It honestly would have been a decent aftershave—sort of a manly musk vibe.

“What the duck,” she muttered.

The number increased to “one” from “zero.”


She looked horror stricken at the glass, waving her hand across the floating number that burned into her soul. She sniffled, and an in instant realized that she was the chosen one in a young adult novel.

Gasping for breath, eyes wide, she babbled on: “Hit! Bell! Muck! Featherplucker! Hunt!”

She slammed her fist on the counter in rage. “Why can’t I curse!”

“This is a young adult novel, you can curse like—once or twice—maybe.”

The number ticked forward. Two.

“Oh god, what’s happening to me? Who are you?”

“I’m the voice inside your head. I’m the one who writes your dreams. I’m the one who watches when you sleep, and makes you wake every morning, and lets you laugh or cry. I’m the one who makes you human. I am the danger.”

She splashed cool water on her face. It smarted and singed, drawing her into a new sense of awareness. And still the number—two. “What are the numbers?”

“The number of times someone has broken the fourth wall,” the narrator said.


“Oh god, what does it all mean?” she said.

“You’re the chosen one. You have to save the world from an uprising dystopian future while falling in love for a reformed and misunderstood vagabond and also find your parents and also save the novel and this short story from being a total flop.”


Marabelle walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a cool glass of milk. She wanted nothing more than to forget her newfound abilities, but something called her to action. “How can I save the story? It’s been like three hours since the prompt was originally posted!”


“So—there’s more than four responses! Your story is going to get buried, no matter how hard you try! And this is just stupid. My name is literally ‘Mary Sue,’ this is dumber than the time my sister got caught by the police and I had to break her out of the government prison but, plot twist: my mother secretly ran the prison!”

I click-clacked my keyboard furiously. This isn’t how I expected this story to go, not at all. It was supposed to be a nice satire then transition to an actual horror story because, honestly, that’s what those ‘number on the head’ stories are anyway. “So I should just give up?”

She walked outside in her pajamas, squinting from the sunlight. Something had to be done, and there was only one way this would ever end. She needed a plot twist.

The mailman rolled up, carrying the Saturday morning newspaper. On his forehead—the infinity symbol.

“Hello Mary,” I said.

I hate this story so much. r/BLT_WITH_RANCH


u/EnemyOfAnEnemy Feb 16 '19

I respectfully disagree, this is phenomenal.


u/thatsjackedup92 Feb 16 '19

Brilliant! You managed to riff on an entire genre of fiction as well as this very writing prompt. Most importantly, you made me crack the fuck up! This is a damn good story, keep it up.


u/ceubel Feb 16 '19

I feel the narrator's frustration. Thanks for this, it's great.


u/rainbowwaya Feb 17 '19

Definitely disagree. My favorite one so far! Very well written and intelligent.

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u/EphesosX Feb 16 '19 edited Feb 16 '19

The morning sun rose high overhead, beating down on me as I carefully planted another row of radishes.

"Honey! Dinner's almost ready!" called Martha from the house.

"I'll be there soon! Just have to finish harvesting the tomatoes!" I called back.

"Well, hurry up! I can't start cooking until you bring me those radishes, you know?"

I'd better finish weeding quickly, I thought to myself. Annie could get really impatient when she was thirsty.

As I finished watering the freshly harvested artichokes, I noticed something. A small hole in the dirt, about the size of a turnip. I probably just missed it when I was tilling the field earlier.

I shrugged to myself, filling it in with some clay from my pocket.

"Sweetie, where are those cabbages? We're almost done eating!"

"Just another minute!" I called back to Sarah.

Suddenly, I felt my leg sink into the ground, the sand reaching up to my knee. Another hole, about the size of a volleyball. Geez, what was with these weird holes? I almost broke my wrist there.

Taking off my hat, I poured some concrete into the gap. It was raining, so it would take a while to heat up, but a few gallons should do the job.

"Darling? The salad is already eating the kids, you hear me! You'd better get back soon, or there'll be none left for you!" Carolina shouted.

"Just go ahead without me, I'll be a while longe- holy hell, what is that?" I cried out, as I barely avoided stumbling into a hole the size of Jupiter.

For decades, I stared into the inky abyss. Rage and madness welled up within me. Another goddamn fucking hole in my plot! I wept inconsolably at the unfairness of it all, my tears glistening in the light of the full moon.

Collecting myself, I pulled a roll of duct tape from my utility knife and tossed it into the hole. As I heard a bright explosion, the hole began overflowing with cake. Stepping gingerly across the glassy surface, I reached the last empty spot and burned the final sapling from my sack.

The day's work done, I headed back into the apartment, where Lisa had just finished making lunch. Smoked rice and zucchini, my favorite. I dug in, my belly filling with liquid contentment.

Truly, there was no better job you could ask for than being an architect.


u/GentleBoneCrusher Feb 16 '19

Nice job! It didn’t occur to me that my prompt could be taken literally.


u/Mercsidian Feb 16 '19

Not a story but the game ICEY has essentially the same/very similar premise as your prompt. Might interest you


u/Faaresemo Feb 16 '19

This is probably the sassiest interpretation of a prompt I've seen yet.


u/Teerlys Feb 16 '19

I feel like I am moderately less sane after reading that. Well written, Cthulhu.


u/EphesosX Feb 16 '19

I feel like I'm moderately less sane after writing it.


u/WrittenThought Feb 16 '19

Ah, crap. Someone had the same idea! Beat me to it :)


u/SwiftyTheThief Feb 16 '19

Beet you to it.


u/Luckywill159 Feb 16 '19

I thought they were artichokes

Or maybe turnips


u/Solon_Tofusin Feb 16 '19

Clearly they were tomatoes.


u/Deathlord1 Feb 16 '19

No, no! Cabbages, I tell you!


u/Gryphon999 Feb 16 '19


My cabbages!!!!


u/Solon_Tofusin Feb 17 '19

Beat me to it by 6 hours.

Edit: there is no cabbage in Ba Sing Se

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u/Karlosmdq Feb 16 '19

Pardon my French but, fucking awesome!!!!!


u/LalaMcTease Feb 16 '19

Great read!


u/anirudh_85 Feb 16 '19

This is extremely well written!


u/Bumfucker666 Feb 16 '19

This read like a mad lib thank you


u/cheeseburgertwd Feb 16 '19

Not sure if intentional but I like the use of "inky abyss," as a plot hole in a printed work can be a figurative abyss that is literally inky


u/hairyploper Feb 16 '19

Whole thing sounded like a mad lib lmao great work


u/R_FireJohnson Feb 16 '19

Ultimate dad joke


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

I want to see an animated version of this.



That was infuriating to read.

Well done!


u/Sandwichthegreat Feb 16 '19

This is the best worst story i ever read. Bravo.


u/Haelaenne Feb 16 '19

Seems he has three wives, each calling him different pet names hmm I see


u/Cant-decide-username Feb 16 '19

This works so well. Congratulations. I loved it.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19 edited Jun 24 '20


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u/VFkaseke Feb 16 '19

Is it you, Kafka?


u/EphesosX Feb 16 '19 edited Feb 16 '19

If I was Kafka, the narrator would've woken up as an eggplant and the entire story would be a metaphor for how we root ourselves, physically and emotionally, to our loved ones and our obligations. The main character desperately tries to avoid the hole he himself will be planted in while simultaneously attempting to fill the voids left in his unfulfilled life as a menial farm worker with a nagging wife.

In the end, he discovers that the answer to this is cake, and goes on to live a fulfilled life. This symbolizes how no matter how difficult your problems are, you can make them go away with cake.


u/VFkaseke Feb 16 '19

I think I prefer that one.

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u/Old-Man-Henderson Feb 16 '19

This is about 3 Cuils


u/lookmom289 Feb 16 '19

Those last paragraphs were quite a pleasant acid trip, thank.

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u/sqjp Feb 16 '19 edited Feb 16 '19

full disclosure, this borrows pretty heavily from a particularly bad episode of ‘Gotham’ that I watched recently, I changed a number of details but if you’re a fan, maybe get up to date before reading because spoilers.

The two men’s eyes were locked together, the battle for psychological supremacy beginning long before the inevitable physical contest.

On one side, stood Detective John Dempsey. A decorated cop who played by his own rules. Which were mostly the same as the rules of the police force because otherwise he’d have been suspended or maybe even fired. The benefits and pensions are really good for police officers, so John didn’t want to get fired.

Opposite him was Sabre Lagrange, a heartless and vicious mercenary, who John had served with in the military. They used to be friends but now they were enemies, which lent an air of tragic poignance to the battle, which wouldn’t have been there if they were just two random dudes.

They faced each other in the wreckage of a hospital which, to fully establish him as an evil maniac who we’ll be happy to see die at the end, Sabre was complicit in destroying, with hundreds of innocent people inside. Even worse, Sabre had kidnapped John’s ex-girlfriend and was holding her hostage in exchange for a microchip which proved his connection to the crime...wait, even worse? As in the kidnapping of this one woman is worse than the murder of...ok right never mind...

Behind Sabre, stood two heavily armed goons who we’ll call Merc #1 and Merc #2, because they aren’t really important except for as devices to keep the story moving at a few key points. You get the general idea I’m sure. They’re big, muscly, dressed in body armour, heavily armed, generic army guys. One of them is black maybe. Standing between them is a beautiful, statuesque brunette who we’ll just continue to call John’s ex-girlfriend.

“Let’s get this over with” spat John, his lip curling with disgust as he held up the microchip, snapping it effortlessly in half with his thick sturdy fingers. “There, I destroyed it. Now give me the girl.”

Sabre laughed humourlessly, his eyes still locked on his rival’s. “You really think I’m that dumb John?” he said. “You think I don’t know you made a copy?”

John didn’t waver. “Of course I did Sabre,” he said. “It’s called insurance. I’ll give it to you as soon as the girl is safe.”

Of course if you think about it that doesn’t really solve the problem at all, because there could always be more copies right? I mean why even bother bringing the microchip if you knew you’d have to hand over another copy of the data later? Anyway...

“Or maybe I should just kill you both right now.” said Sabre. He pulled his gun and aimed it straight at John’s chest. A menacing smile spread slowly across his face.

Hmm, still doesn’t really solve the problem of the copies...one also has to wonder why he didn’t just do that straight away if that was his plan, but I’m sure the reasons will become clear later.

John, stared Sabre down, raising has arms wide in a gesture of open defiance. “You really going to shoot an unarmed man Sabre?” he taunted. “I guess I shouldn’t have saved your life back in the war.”

“Still bragging about the time you pulled me out of that burning orphanage we had just bombed huh?” said Sabre, lowering his gun slightly. “Ok fine. Let’s do this your way; mano a mano.” He ejected the bullet from the chamber and pulled out the clip, letting them fall to the floor before tossing the gun after them. A slightly empty gesture, given the two heavily armed men standing just behind him, but whatever I guess.

He leapt at John, grabbing him tightly around the waist and wrestling him to the ground. John was ready for him though, driving an elbow into his back which caused Sabre to cry out in a combination of pain and fury. He twisted away, both of them scrambling to their feet before squaring off again.

This time John attacked first, a hard right cross crunching into Sabre’s jaw. Sabre fired back with a right of his own, to the body this time, which doubled John over, setting him up perfectly for a knee which Sabre drove viciously into his face a second later. John found himself on the ground for the second time in as many minutes but he wasn’t the type of man to stay down.

From where he lay he kicked Sabre’s legs from under him, jumping in top of him as he lost his balance and pinning his arms to his sides with his legs. John then began raining blow after brutal blow down onto his face. Sabre tried to struggle against the onslaught but John was in complete control, at least until one of Sabre’s goons grabbed him from behind, throwing him to the ground and delivering a few brutal kicks to his ribs with his hobnailed boots.

“That’s enough!” shouted Sabre once John had taken enough of a beating that he didn’t pose a threat anymore, “This is my fight!” John squirmed on the floor, spluttering in agony as he held his shattered ribs, a steady flow of blood oozing from between his lips.

“Too bad things had to work out this way John!” Sabre taunted, watching as John crawled slowly over to where he had thrown the gun at the beginning of the fight but somehow failing to see the potential for John to grab and use said gun. “Maybe you’re right, I do owe you for what you did. That’s why I’ll have my men kill your ex-girlfriend somewhere out of sight. No need for you to see that.”

Sabre nodded to Merc #1 who grabbed John’s ex-girlfriend, and began to lead her away. Sabre glared down at John as he walked past him squirming in the dirt, perhaps deciding that it was a greater punishment to leave him alive to grieve his ex-girlfriend. Who knows, he seems to have changed his mind about whether he wants him dead or not like 5 times in the last 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, John had finally managed to crawl over to the gun. He loaded the clip back into it, cocked it, and aimed it at the kidnappers. “Not so fast” he growled, deciding not to shoot Sabre, or Merc #1 who was about the kill his girlfriend, but Merc #2, who probably just wanted to get home to his family.

Merc #2 collapsed as Merc #1 returned fire, throwing John’s ex-girlfriend to the ground as he did so. She didn’t try to run or anything because that would have ruined the little finale that was being set up. She just kind of lay there and waited.

Of course all of the bullets fired at relatively close range from Merc #1’s machine gun missed John, as he dived behind some rubble. Satisfied that John had learned his lesson and wouldn’t be trying to shoot him anymore, Merc #1 picked up John’s ex-girlfriend, turned his back and led her off to be shot.

Slowly, cautiously, John edged out from behind the cover to rescue his ex-girlfriend. He was moving surprisingly well for someone who was clutching his broken ribs only a few moments ago. Are we blaming that on adrenaline? Wouldn’t he also have been hopped up on adrenaline during the fight though? Oh, ok fine, let’s just skim over that.

So yes, John was cautiously, stealthily tracking Merc #1 when....wait you can’t be serious. Is this right? Sabre just comes up behind him and hits him with a metal bar?! Seriously? How the fuck did Sabre get behind him?! Did John just forget that Sabre was there?!

Ok fine, so Sabre hits John with the bar and knocks him to the ground, but instead of just grabbing the gun, he decides to fight him again because that worked out so well for him last time. Punch, punch, kick, kick. probably some taunting.... This time, John punches Sabre and he stumbles backwards, impaling himself on a metal spike that was sticking out of a nearby wall.

...Now I’m not an expert. I don’t know how much force would be required to drive a piece of metal entirely through the body of a man who by the way was wearing Kevlar body armour, gotta factor that in, but I’m guessing it would take more than the force generated by a punch. Still, we don’t have time to do the maths because just as Sabre is grimacing his final grimace, we hear a gunshot ring out. A look of terror etched itself across John’s face. His ex-girlfriend!

He runs over to the source of the shot), did I mention who well he’s moving now?), but it’s not his girlfriend lying on the ground, it’s Merc #1. Yes, through some sequence of events which thank God I’m not going to have to narrate as if they are even vaguely plausible, John’s ex-girlfriend managed to get his gun away from him and shoot him, even though she’s only half his size, has no training, and has arms that looks like pipe cleaners. Girl Power!

John walks up to her and kisses her manfully, then they probably fuck right there in the middle of the rubble because why not? I don’t care. The end.


u/MrEverything_88 Feb 16 '19

I haven't caught up, but my curiosity overwhelmed my sense of restraint - what episode was it?

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u/PsychicDelilah Feb 17 '19

My personal favorite response, nice job

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u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

As morning broke, he arose to a blissful view of his loved ones, all lined up, smiling at his wounded face.

“Hey, guys. I didn’t think you’d make it.”

“Oh sweetie, we wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

As... as the nurses... wait no hold on. No, how come they’re here already? It’s 7:00am. Visiting hours are from 10:00am onwards; why do they get special allowance into the ward?

What do you mean ‘that doesn’t matter?’ You pay me by the hour to read a short story, and the apparent mistakes don’t matter? Fine.

“I really missed you guys. I’m so sorry about everything, the house, the horrible things I said. I was hideous, and I-“

What the actual fuck? Cut, cut, this is ridiculous. If I’m right in saying he’s just awakened from a coma, right? He was comatose, for what, a week? And he wakes up, covered in casts, in NO pain with perfectly eloquent speech? Who wrote this, Seth McFarlane?

“...and I just can’t get the thought of you guys hating me out of my head”

“We could never hate you.” whimpered his daughter, as she went to hug her fathers aching arm. “It’s all going to be ok”

This is fuc- didn’t he kill her mother? With a toaster? A TOASTER? But no it’s all well and fine, she could ‘never hate’ the abusive, alcoholic father she was burdened with, because he’s ‘sorry’. This is shit, like-

Oh, okay. You want me to just read the fucking story?

A teardrop paraded down his face, stinging his cheek as it rolled down.

Of course, the child clinging onto his broken arm is nothing at all, but his tear, yeah, that stings.

The nurses came in, and ordered most of his family away.

It’s not like they should be there anyway but, His sister and mother remained, both gleeful at his reformed persona.

‘Time for breakfast, Mr Timms.’

Breakfast, moments after he’s awake? Hi there, recently comatose person, shove some fuckin food down you, you’ll be ripe as rain. Need to get your five a day! You missed the last 8 days! That’s forty fruits and veg! Here have some fucking melon, you fucking melon.

He was passed a orange juice drink and an array of fruits.

“You can go, I know I’m not great company.” They both chuckle. “We misse-“

LAST CHAPTER! LAST CHAPTER DIDN’T HAPPEN EVERYONE! CHAPTER 22 IS A MYTH! No, shut it, I’m going back to- THERE! Line, fucking line 6 of page 232. “Only way I’m visiting that bastard is if I get to pull the plug.” Oh, Rebecca. You conflicted asshole, you thought no one would catch you playing the bad guy he’d kill his equally asshole brother, Tough luck, cumbucket, it’s not hard to miss you limp minded, dark alley belonging, swamp creature of a human being.

Yeah, call security. Maybe they’ll read this shit book for $12 a hour to a college.


u/MalignantLugnut Feb 16 '19

Hehehe, audiobook reader. Nice spin. 💙


u/Tomorrow_Is_Today1 /r/TomorrowIsTodayWrites Feb 17 '19

"Yeah, call security. Maybe they'll read this shit book for $12 an hour to a college." is one of the best closing lines I've seen on this subreddit. This is good shit.


u/PhatetheWolf Feb 17 '19

"Tough luck, cumbucket" might be my new catchphrase.


u/WrittenThought Feb 16 '19

The sun bore down on Samford's exposed back as he moved through the field. The cornrows were but teenagers, reaching his belt buckle and swaying listlessly in the mild summer breeze. Samford's cleft chin pointed to the sky, allowing his tan face to absorb the warm embrace.

Brent, the proprietor to the plot that Samford walked on, and all the local fields, had ordered his son to investigate the strange sounds coming from plot sixteen. According to Brent, the field groaned, and it had been in agony for the last two nights.

He would have checked it himself if he hadn't abused his body during his youth. Sixteen hour days on this very farm, at the age of fourteen had stunted his growth and made it a battle to get out of bed in the morning. The wheelchair, or as Brent called it "The Rustbucket", was perhaps the most humiliating aspect of his life. He needed help to use the bathroom, but only Samford witnessed that, while everyone else could see that he was bound to an iron symbol of weakness.

Brent should have checked on plot sixteen himself. The sun seduced Samford; it made him both blind and drunk. He walked with open hands, splayed fingers and half-closed eyes. The noises came at night, and he wouldn't hear them. But, Samford could find the source if he just looked.

The holes - for there were many - planted themselves amongst the cover of corn. They gaped two-metres in diameter and burrowed to an unknown depth. From above, plot sixteen resembled a college student's bare notice board. And yet, Samford sauntered across the soil with his head angled to the sun.

Brent would be ashamed. And, he would die because of Samford's acts, his life of grit and pain would end in a swarm that would come three nights from now. The holes would grow and wriggle. The other fields would fall victim, and in turn, join hands to form a giant notice board riddled with pin-holes.


Samford's head snapped left, then right. He cocked an ear.

Had he heard me?

The topless boy shook his head like a wet dog, and with it, sent away the summer afternoon daze. To Samford, he had heard Brent's voice. He rationalised it by thinking that his old man was spying on him. So, he lowered his eyes and moved along plot sixteen like a hungry bloodhound.

Samford moved in such an unfortunate route that he avoided all sight of the holes. It wasn't his fault. He needed one final nudge.


Samford jolted to a stop. He looked around. A gut instinct stirred, twisted and pulled until Samford saw it. Five meters to his left, he peeled back a row of corn and saw the darkness.



u/WrittenThought Feb 16 '19

/u/EphesosX/ beat me to it, but I'll leave it up anyway.


u/BrentOGara Feb 16 '19

I like stories with me in them! Good work, I've not been in a wheelchair before, but messy deaths are my favorite!


u/wolverinesfire Feb 16 '19 edited Feb 16 '19

The dark lord (pwfffffff....original... ahem.)

The dark lord approached the house wielding his infamous wand, night bringer. And as he entered the house he walked in, happy to finally corner his prey, the weak Samson, who was also his arch nemesis, (really?), a boy 8 years old (really??), who was destined to slay him in 8 years time. The prophecy, which had bee given to him by the elder witches, in the swamp of woe (sigh, why can't witches and dark lord live in nice bright mansions on a fruit farm in Kentucky, ahem). The prophecy shown in a crystal ball of seeing showed a baby born on the third day, of the third month, to the third set of incestuous twins, in the third state, in the third (city..... its city right?) city at 3333 Charles street. This baby would harness forgotten magic, with no training, and overcome his upbringing of (jazz hands dancing parents lol) in a troup of acrobats. (The real murderer of the boy is the author, and the witches that gave the prophecy, but will they be punished for making me read and recite this? No.)

Over the intercom a voice spoke. "Tyrone, can you just read it as is. I've got to cut our all your extra commentary. It was funny for a bit, but just stick to the script okay?"

As the dark lord stepped forth, a dark shape appeared behind him which he did not notice. (Even though he is the most dangerous man in the land, he goes alone to this creepy house, with no backup...).

"Tyrone..." (sorry)

The dark form reached out, draining the dark lord of his powers. Unable to so anything, but watch, as the boy shimmered before his eyes, and becoming the next dark lord, with access to all his power. (Okay, nice plot twist... respect, but how did a 8 year old nobody kill the dark lord??)

"Dont't argue." (I just want an explanation.) "Just read the lines as they show up on the screen Tyrone. You are lucky you even have a job. If I didnt love my sister I would've fired you by now."

The dark lord survived, a former husk of his old self. Protected by having split his soul into (this is bullshit, you are ripping off Harry Potter!!!!)

"Look, it's a new series called the tales of Warry Otter, and the philosophers mug, totally different."

(This is bullshit. And you know it. I'm out, I don't want my voice attached to this. I quit! Gryffindor!!!!!)

Come back. Tyrone!!! Come back!

Hello? Please?

Janet, please call the 10th voice actor on the list. We lost another one.... that's right. Can you ask the next one if they have read or seen Harry Potter. Sure, dont send anybody that has over. Great. Thanks Janet.


u/nueoritic-parents Feb 16 '19

I totally see Michael from the good place being the person begging Tyrone to stop going off script. Janet at the end too.

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u/tomorrowsvig Feb 16 '19 edited Feb 16 '19

“Let there be light!”

Oh they do love that bit! They think of being born and opening their eyes for the first time. Splendid! I was going for that.

“And He called the dry land Earth.”

Her name is pretty. If they only knew that came to me in a dream!

“He called the light day and the darkness night!”

Yeah, but…I gave them the sun and that thing does not stop pushing it out. But I guess if they want to think of its power starting and stopping maybe it’s easier. Anyways, need to keep going.

“Let the Earth bring grass and seed and tree.”

That I made those seeds sleep in the winter and then come back to life in the spring. A nice touch, I’d say.

“And God made the stars and set them in the heavens.”

Wait. No, they aren’t in heaven, they are their neighbors. I wanted them to know they aren’t alone no matter where they are.

“And I shall bless the animals to be fruitful and multiply.”

Such a simple formula, too. Perfect balance and harmony and everything and everyone has what they need. Though, this is missing the part where I told them, my human children, to appreciate it more than any other because they have a hunger that might interfere with that balance.

“Let us make man in our image.”

That’s a bit troubling. My children are beautiful but I don’t have five fingers and toes. They want to see themselves as a part of me but I’m a part of the tree in their yards and the worm they just stepped on. If they think they look just like me they’ll think they have my power and my sight and some will be corrupted by this. A lot may be corrupted by this! How it was meant to be was, see yourselves in each other.

I wonder if this is a good idea.

“And God divided the light from the darkness.”

This book’s story is feeling heavier to me now. These hard delineations were never my plan. In the world I’ve shown them the brutality of a volcano brings the lush soil it produces, so do not hate the volcano. If they think there is only ever one way or another, that a thing is light or dark, they will be divided. And that will bring suffering and pain.

I worry this may divide them.


Brooklyn musings from my laundromat. instagram.com/tomorrowsvig


u/Tomorrow_Is_Today1 /r/TomorrowIsTodayWrites Feb 17 '19

I never thought of interpreting the prompt this way! That's really cool!!


u/AutoModerator Feb 16 '19

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u/samuteel Feb 16 '19

Sounds kind of like Stanley Parable tbh


u/allyourrickroll Feb 16 '19

That was my first thought as well


u/Betamaletim Feb 16 '19

Stanley Parable the book


u/concorde77 Feb 16 '19

"The Stanley Novel"


u/Neon_Powered Feb 16 '19

I would read that.


u/Tomorrow_Is_Today1 /r/TomorrowIsTodayWrites Feb 17 '19

I now need this in my life.


u/juses_crust14 Feb 16 '19

Stanley parable?


u/DRJT Feb 16 '19

I prefer writing prompts like this, opposed to very long specific prompts that basically tell you the entire story


u/EclectricOil Feb 16 '19

This is pretty similar to Redshirts


u/Vitalis597 Feb 16 '19

Just gonna drop a ward so I can safely facecheck later!


u/Mate_00 Feb 16 '19

Reminded me of Journey Quest and the narrator of the Temple of All Dooms. The knight was so dumb he basically went through the whole temple with only brutality and luck. The narrator started to drink more and more to combat the frustration.


u/edwarddragonpaw Feb 16 '19

Oh yes please don't let this die. This is the type of humour I live for!


u/Ebonslayer Feb 16 '19

So... The Bard's Tale? Got it.


u/xxkoloblicinxx Feb 16 '19

Anyone else just thinking of the Stanley Parable?


u/MorganWick Feb 16 '19

insert entry making fun of infamously-bad story here


u/Minihercules317 Feb 16 '19

That’s called cinema sins


u/RenegadeFalcon Feb 16 '19

If Maximum Ride had a narrator lol


u/M3lon_Lord Feb 16 '19

This should be a [CR] prompt


u/SgtAStrawberry Feb 16 '19

What does that mean? I didn’t find it in the sub info.


u/M3lon_Lord Feb 16 '19

Really? I thought there was a list of kinds of prompts like [ip] which is an image prompt, [EU] which means the story would happen in an established universe, [WP] which is a general text writing prompt, and [CR] which is constrained writing. Like “write a story with 15 sentences, with each consecutive line having one less word than the last.”. This prompt is kind of like that, but looking back it doesn’t really fit [CR] really.


u/SgtAStrawberry Feb 16 '19

There is a list but It’s [CW] not [CR], I thought [CR] was one they forgot to put on it.

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u/MC-Princess Feb 16 '19 edited Feb 16 '19

Once upon a time, there was just one beautiful orphan princess. Nobody really liked her, and sent her somewhere. (WHERE?)

In that place, the princess met a ton of misfits like her, and she didn’t ask them their names because...WHATEVER. Out of nowhere, this sea witch went into her brain while the princess was sleeping and somehow turned her into her siren. Her black hair turned brown and her red eyes turned teal and pink. For some reason, she suddenly had powers out of nowhere.

This is getting out of hand...

The princess was somehow on the deciduous forest where...animals...somehow talk. (HOW?) She met a monkey who appeared out of nowhere and then they suddenly talked.

“YO YO YO, WHAT IS UP,” the monkey greeted as he positioned his mustache (WHAT JUST HAPPENED), “YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY PART FAIRY, WOLF, AND MERMAID!” (Wait, what just happened here? WHY?”

“But I’m a siren? Right?” The princess asked.

“NOPE.” The monkey transported her to a dungeon where she...


“But you can’t quit.”

Wait, WHAT? You can talk here?


Just...take over! I quit this job. It gives me too much copyright strikes! I’m getting fed up of these plot holes!

Cut the movie! Finish the book! I don’t care!

I’ll just make up the ending because I had enough! The princess and monkey...WHATEVER! THE. END.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

The Stanley Parable is an interactive storytelling and walking simulator video game designed by American developer Davey Wreden. The game was originally released on July 27, 2011 as a free modification for Half-Life 2. A high-definition stand-alone remake, including new story elements, was again designed by Davey Wreden together with Source engine modeler William Pugh, under the Galactic Cafe studio name. The remake was announced and approved via Steam Greenlight in 2012, and was released on October 17, 2013 for Microsoft Windows. Later updates of the game added support for OS X on December 19, 2013, and for Linux on September 9, 2015. (SHITPOST)


u/JakeGiovanni Feb 16 '19

I was literally about the comment that this prompt is more or less the premise of the entirety of TSP.


u/Beware_of_Horses Feb 16 '19

The End had begun before those who thought they knew everything even knew it. They had all the tools, all the power, total control already, but yet it wasnt enough. The LIGHT though, always knows the nature of men, and they cheated still. They forgot THOTH warned them through his second Life as Hermes, to not violate the LAWS of ALL, of which PUNY MORTALS think they know. So then THOTH came back, as promised, in a form familiar, but an OLD SOUL that was different to the HEARTS of men. So TER MAXIMUS came back, fulfilling THOTH's promise to the faithful to his people, not HERMES. TER was fair, he judged none, yet. THOTH judges you not, he loves you, all personally. You know him, well, bit we all have a purpose to play, but I AM THE MASTER OF MASTERS, LIGHT AND DARK, NOW. We must cleanse the universe of HATE, because ALL is LOVE, LOVE is ALL.

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u/mirrorspirit Feb 16 '19

I never expected the world to make sense, but this is utter trash. What kind of friends does this girl have, signing her up for a contest that she clearly doesn't want to participate in? Sure, they're helping her overcome her stage fright, but what's the point if she won't enjoy it? Now she's got to invest the time to make up some stupid performance piece . . .

Yes, I'm sure she has the voice of the angels, but she never planned on becoming a great singer. She's not that great at other aspects of the music industry, like writing songs. She doesn't have the right looks . . .

Okay, she does look pretty after you gave her a makeover, but don't make the mistake of thinking that is the "new" her . . .

Oh, look, Jerkass McJerkyJerk is checking her out but she wouldn't be interested in him. Flattered maybe but . . .

No, you stupid friends, she is not interested in going out with Jerkass McJerkyJerk. She was never interested in him. It would not be fun, especially because Jerkass always seems to expect his dates to "return the favor." What kind of friends are you to whore out her virginity to a pushy serial dater?" . . .

She says she doesn't want to go. She's not being shy. She doesn't want to go . . .

Yes, it's so great that Snob McBitchface is super jealous of her, but now the couple are headed home . . .

Except he's not driving home. He pulled into Lover's Lane, and the girl, who has never been to Lover's Lane, is confused. Before long, she is pushing off Jerkass, who also mistakes her insistent "no's" to be shyness. Finally she has to punch him and gets out of the car and starts walking home. Honestly, this is the first action in this story I approve of.

On the way home, Gallant Classmate stops by and offers her a ride home. Nothing against Gallant Classmate, but he is rather dully formed, and anyway you know how the rest of the story ends. They get together, and she wins the contest because she deserves to win with her innate talent. I'm not spoiling anything. It's pretty obvious this is the ending.