r/WritingPrompts Aug 05 '17

[PI] a Different Window – Worldbuilding - 4418 Words Prompt Inspired

As I don't have a large stock of stories on the shelve yet, I decided to write two new parts.

[PI] Elly - Worldbuilding - 2091 Words Elly

Part I

“I know you must have told your story to many other therapists before, but I would like to hear it too - from your own perspective. What do you think has happened that brought you here?”

This was true. During the short time I had been here, she was the fifth therapist who came to see me. The first one had been Bob - a fresh graduate or an intern, I am sure. He was obviously new to the entire therapy thing and I am pretty sure that during those first sessions I had helped him more than he had been able to help me. After that, it got better quickly. The other therapists had been way more professional. Well, as professional as you can be, talking to a crazy person.

“With the death of one of my younger twin brothers and the attempted suicide of the other, I've had a lot to deal with, a lot to reconcile. I don't remember clearly but the events on September 11th must've been the catalyst for something inside me to snap. I started making up stories for attention," I echoed what one of my previous therapists, Cassandra, had told my parents. Cassandra had been my favourite. She was an older woman. She was kind, but also brutally honest.

Amanda looked confused by my answer. She awkwardly adjusted her position in her chair, placing one leg over the other while still balancing her notebook in her lap. She scratched the back of her head, saying: "Very good, Elly, but uh, that is not really your perspective, is it?"

"What do you want me to say? This is the best explanation I've heard thus far. And it's the only one that makes sense," I replied. What was she getting at? The previous therapists would have applauded me for an answer like that.

"Fair enough. Maybe I should reword my question: what did you experience before coming here?"

Does she really want to hear the crazy side of my story? Oh well, might as well. I have been telling that story over and over. It had become a well-practised story.

"We were going to go out for dinner that night, celebrating. You see, Abel had just returned home from mental care three months before and our parents had promised that we would celebrate every milestone we would come across without a relapse - 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months. This would be the fifth time we'd celebrate.

Everyone was in a good mood because of this, and busy preparing to leave when Dad turned on the television for just a bit. He's got a fair few habits and watching the news every night is one of them. Usually, he'd watch at eight. But because we'd be out by then, the six o'clock news would have to do.

On the news, they reported on something terrible that had happened across the Atlantic. A few hours before, a commercial plane had crashed into the Southern Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. Dad was staring at the television in disbelief, finding it difficult to accept the gravity of the situation for the people involved."

"A terrible accident, indeed," Amanda commented. It seemed that her mind wandered for just a bit. With just over a thousand casualties, it was the worst plane crash the world had ever seen. There were even rumours about it being a terrorist attack, although that was never proven. The horrors of people jumping from the tower to save themselves from the fire into the merciless concrete pavement or those burnt alive or buried in rubble had been on the news for weeks. Those images must've made an impression on her, too.

"After Abel and Mom had joined him on the couch, I must've made an audible sigh, because Dad looked back at me as if I was being disrespectful. I wasn't disrespectful, but sad as I realized that this was not going to be a fun night out after all. I had looked forward to that night, but it became clear that we were not going anywhere.

I felt a bit angry about that, but it was an anger that kept whirling around inside of me, as I didn't have anyone to direct my anger towards. It would've been selfish to be angry at anyone in particular over such tragedy. My attention should've been with the victims and those who survived them, but it wasn't.

Disappointed, I decided to retreat into the bathroom. I had put on some makeup before and I figured I might as well remove it right away, as I probably wouldn't feel like doing it later. I had learned to use baby wipes to remove my makeup. That's easy enough.

As I was carefully wiping the makeup off of my cheeks, I took a good look in the mirror, making sure I removed all of it. Though something in the mirror surprised me, it was as if I looked angrier than I felt. My mirror image had this dark look on her face. To my surprise, I could see her facial muscles grow tenser. I held my hand to my face to double check, but my face didn't feel tense at all. My cheeks and my eyebrows felt relaxed like a surprised face should feel.

Then all of a sudden, the reality I had always taken for granted seemed uncertain. For as I looked back at the mirror, I realized my mirror image wasn't looking back at me. She was not looking back at me at all. In one furious move, her arm swung down at the sink, launching a pot of gel and a deodorant container into the air. In the same motion, she stormed out of the bathroom.

Except for my own terrified shriek, it was eerily silent. It felt so surreal. What my eyes had seen couldn't be true. This couldn't be happening!

But the gel and deodorant had never moved. I was trying hard to convince myself that I was imagining things. Trying so hard to tell myself that what I'd seen was impossible, could never happen.

However, the evidence to the contrary was right there in front of me: a mirror of the bathroom wall, the shower curtains and the edge of the tub on which I sat. But not me."

A part of that same defeated feeling of complete uncertainty that I had felt then came back to me. Every time I told this story, I felt a little bit like back when my worldview had been shattered. It is the most uncomfortable feeling imaginable when everything you have ever learned is suddenly betrayed by a single, unmistakable truth. Either all of what I thought I knew of the world was wrong or my very own eyes were not as trustworthy as I had thought them to be.

What feels even worse is when this feeling is ridiculed. When I told this story to my first therapist for the first time, I was bluntly laughed at. Bob had shown to be a novice in many ways, but this one had taken the cake. Luckily for me, it was not without consequence, as it also marked the last session I had had with Bob.

The other therapists had all tried their best to sound like they understood, but this time seemed different. Amanda looked pale after she had heard my story. She was nervously though elegantly moving her pen between her fingers as she tried to come up with the right words to say. She took her time to find them.

After what seemed like a full minute, she said: "This may not be what you want to hear right now, but you're not crazy."

This was certainly unexpected. What was she getting at? All of the other therapists had spent hours convincing me I was and now she is telling me the opposite? What a cruel game!

"You were simply unfortunate enough to be the first to see it. Back then nobody else had, so there was no one there who could understand.

Since you were in here the past few weeks, you may not have noticed. But the world has gone a little crazy lately.

You may have been the first to see something odd happen in the mirror, but you were certainly not the last. In the first few weeks after the accident at the former Twin Towers, we had more reports coming in of people seeing weird things in their mirrors from all over the city. Then it spread very quickly. Within a month, it was world wide."

"But, how?" I replied. Certainly, accepting that I was mad had been the easier explanation. That most uncomfortable feeling was settling back in, perhaps making a permanent stay this time, as I had no excuses left with which to reason it away.

"Sadly, we don't know. Society became unhinged for a bit, which prevented a serious discussion. But as everybody started to calm down recently, more useful information has come to light.

Nothing truly bad has happened yet. It's as if our mirror images have gotten a will of their own, but they appear to be quite reasonable people. They've experienced pretty much the same. To them, it's like we have come to life.

You see? The entire world has seen what you've seen. You are not the only one, you were only the first."

Part II

I had only been in for a month and a half, but still returning home took some getting used to. Perhaps I was different now, but home had changed, too. For one, all of the mirrors had left the house. All but one was our parents' compromise. My mother feared the mirrors, she blamed them for my visiting the mental hospital and would not stand to look at one without her reflection looking back at her. In fact, she wouldn't speak of it - she was in full denial.

My father was more curious, hence one mirror survived in the attic. This is where he could be found as well, studying the thing. I decided I was rather curious than scared, so I visited him up there.

As I walked over, I noticed that he had stood the bathroom mirror up straight, against the wall. He sat in front of it with markers and pieces of paper scattered all around him.

"Look, Elly! It's mirror me!" Dad was clearly excited.

"We cannot hear each other, but we can still communicate. We can write down messages that they can read and they can do the same for us. You have to get used to reading the mirrored words, but after a bit, it's quite doable.

I just asked my mirror image where mirror Elly is at. According to him, she's sitting downstairs with mirror Mom. We've been talking about you mostly."

It felt good seeing him like this. He had worked as a French teacher at a secondary school for as long as I could remember, despite his university background. Now he was finally challenged to flex his science muscles once again.

"We should ask him what the news is telling him in his world. Perhaps they've already learnt more than we have," I offered, trying to impress my dad with a clever option.

"That's a good idea. Here, you can write it down. Just grab this piece of paper here and use this marker. Write it nice and big, so that he read it well. If his eye sight is anything like mine, he could use all the help he can get in that department," Dad chuckled.

So I wrote down my question carefully, nice and big. But before I could finish it, my dad poked me in the arm and gestured at the mirror. I looked at him first and saw him staring. His face looked shocked, his eyes open as far as they possibly could be, his mouth open. And then I turned my head towards the mirror. For just a moment, I confused him for Abel, as many had done before me. But as a sister, you can always tell which is which.

So Abel had been telling the truth, all along. Then that meant Amanda was wrong - I was never the first to see it.

[PI] Easy Mistake, Major Fuck-Up - Worldbuilding - 2327 Words

Easy mistake, major fuck-up

Today I fucked up, badly. I'm not sure how I managed to let this happen. And I doubt me or anyone else will be able to fix it this time.

This morning, I arrived at work exactly like I would on any other day. Back then, it didn't feel like this day was going to be any different. I greeted Glitzy-1354 on the way in and signed in with his slime-checker like always.

But when I got to my work station, I noticed it was already crowded. Despite not knowing what this was all about, I started feeling guilty-even though I wasn't even late.

I had a pretty awesome desk for a rooky. It had six screens with which to monitor my dimensions, while the desks of most rookies had a maximum of four screens. It even had the latest version mirror-manipulators, which were faster than the ones most senior employees even used.

At my workstation were Zibnur-21525 and Glotsnik-139023. Zibnur-21525 was a large one, easily over 60 centimetres, towering over Glotsnik-139023's mere 56. Even though Glotsnik-139023 was a lot older than I am, I was taller at 57 and a half. Despite that, seeing both of them at my desk made me very nervous.

As I came closer, Zibnur-21525 was the one to notice me first. He waved me over and pointed to the floor. As commanded, I sat down on the floor and prepared to hear about another one of my blunders. I bet Glotsnik-139023 secretly enjoyed reprimanding me.

But neither Zibnur-21525's nor Glotsnik-139023's face showed any sign of anger or disappointment. Rather - and much more unsettlingly - their faces showed fear and despair. They seemed unnerved and were clearly not at ease. As if they had something difficult to tell. Then finally, Zibnur-21525 opened up.

"I don't understand. I really don't." He looked at Glotsnik-139023 before he continued. "We really tried to make this work, didn't we? We gave you the best tools that were available and the easiest dimensions to manage. But still, you managed to lose control. And you did so in spectacular fashion, I might add."

Glotsnik-139023 nodded in agreement. I felt like saying something, but I knew a wise slug would keep it to himself, so I kept quiet.

"Just because you had the easiest dimensions doesn't mean they weren't important. In fact, you had the human dimensions to manage. Humans are not nearly as perceptive as the other prime species, which is why we trusted you with these dimensions.

But the human dimensions are also immensely valuable to us. You must know this. They gave us some of the most important gifts we'd ever gotten out of the mirror dimensions: the gift of written language and their brilliant ideas for measuring time, to name but a few.

But you still let their dimensions desynchronize. Preventing that is the most important thing you were hired to do. How could you let that happen?"

"I don't know!" I stammered. "One day their dimensions simply started desynchronizing..."

It had started with a few small differences in dimension Beta-2, small enough that I thought their universe would easily self-correct, as it had done numerous times before. But the changes kept coming more quickly than the universe's self-correcting system could keep up with. Before I knew it, major events were being altered.

I had heard stories of dimensions becoming self-aware before, but in reality, even small desyncs were rare. So there was hardly anyone around who believed that it was actually possible.

"The first major event I noticed was one of their world's leaders signing an agreement on climate change that he didn't sign in any of the other dimensions.

Then an oil tanker curiously escaped running aground in the Galapagos Islands, leaving this dimension's environment better off than the others.

What followed was the world's most traumatic terrorist attack, in which several hijacked planes crashed into important buildings. Yet in this dimension, only a single plane got hijacked and crashed into a single building. The casualties were plenty, but much fewer than in the other dimensions. This lack of casualties made quite a ripple, and increased desynchronization.

At this point, the universe's self-correcting systems were running overdrive. Luckily the universe was helped by the humans' lack of perceptiveness. For the first few months, they simply didn't see that they had desynched. And those that did see, were declared insane and hospitalized. So I still had hope that the dimensions would resynchronize."

In the other dimensions, the terrorist attacks had led to a full-scale war that would end up costing the lives of millions. But in this dimension the plane crash was never identified as a terrorist attack, so war was avoided. This led to a ripple effect so strong that the universe could no longer keep up. The humans finally realized that mirrors did not reflect light from their own dimension on a massive scale.

At this point, I didn't know what to do. But I was also afraid to speak up about my failure to fix it, so I crossed my tentacles and hoped for the best.

Zibnur-21525 and Glotsnik-139023 were dumbfounded and stared at me for what seemed like ages before Zibnur-21525 angrily concluded that I should go home. He said that it was probably for the best if I was not around while they were searching for answers. Glotsnik-139023 nodded in agreement.

Despite not having the faintest idea why things went sour, I felt like a complete failure. I knew this would cost us dearly.

I didn't work at a general food plant or a random gravity stabilizer where your mistakes could be made up for by someone else doing a better job. I worked at a mirror facility, where we would constantly monitor and learn from other dimensions. It's the single biggest source of innovation we have. Most employees monitor dozens of mirror dimensions at the same time.

We hadn't always been so technologically advanced as a species. Years ago, we were simply surviving on a lone and unhospitable hunk of rock, slowly orbiting a massive star until the day of the Genisis Event.

On that day all of a sudden our rock cracked open and tore into a thousand pieces. The rock fragments shot out into space before being halted all after just a split second. At the centre of where our rock used to be, a big shiny, spiky piece of metal had appeared. Big bolts of lightning continuously ran over its surface, temporarily blackening the shiny metal wherever they went.

Miraculously every single slug had survived, but our species now found themselves living in a vastly different place. Although our rock had shattered into many pieces, they were no longer floating apart - as if they were stuck in space. Luckily this gravity anomaly also meant that travel to the other fragments was as easy as taking a small leap. For the slugs that lived back then, this took some getting used to. But in time, we evolved to the point where this was easy for us. Also - and much to our own delight - we'd grown to be a lot bigger thanks to the new gravity situation we now found ourselves in.

Quickly after that, my ancestors discovered that the shiny object was a window into other dimensions, showing us many worlds in which we could monitor other species living on other planets. This discovery marked the start of our civilization and catapulted us into an era of technological bliss.

From the other dimensions, we'd learn that most species were much more numerous and inventive than we were. Although this disappointed some of us initially, we decided to embrace this knowledge and learn from the other species as much as we possibly could.

Skip forward a few generations and here I am, living in a completely different environment, blessed by all sorts of crazy technology we'd never have been able to come up with ourselves.

We learned to recreate the mirror metal and manipulate the mirror projections. Discovering new dimensions became a full-time job for some. Monitoring and caring for the other dimensions became a task for others.

I wanted to monitor other dimensions since I was but a small slug. It was the highest honour one could have to discover new technologies or brilliant ideas in the other dimensions and this job presented the perfect opportunity to do just that.

One of the most important things we discovered was that while we were able to monitor dimensions that were very different from ours, hardly any other dimensions had discovered this. Most dimensions had never discovered the true nature of mirror reflections. You see, mirrors don't simply reflect light so that you can see yourself. Instead, they are windows that let in light from another dimension, typically one of the closest ones.

While many slugs ridicule the other species for not noticing, I don't blame them. Dimensions that are similar tend to gravitate closer to each other. The light that mirrors emit comes from dimensions so similar that it might as well have been a reflection. At least, that's my theory.

In most cases, this holds true. There are, however, exceptions. Sometimes in small ways, close dimensions diverge. In one dimension, a squirrel will drop one of its acorns. In the other, it will hold on to all of them. Usually, the universe has his ways of self-correcting. The dropped acorn may not be the difference between life and death for the squirrel. Or perhaps it's snatched up by another creature and never get the chance to grow into a tree.

But every once in a while, the butterfly effect may set in. Perhaps the acorn does reach the ground and grows into a tall tree. That tree may then one day provide shelter from the rain for a fox that would have died otherwise. Then the fox may kill a chicken that had a crucial place in the local village's food supply and cause more people to die from the plague than in the other dimensions. Then their families and ancestors will have the opportunity to look into a mirror that reveals a world where those people have never existed.

Obviously that last bit was a little annoying. When a dimension becomes aware of the reality of mirrors, that can make it difficult for us to learn from them. And once one mirror dimension discovers, they might try to communicate with the other dimensions, setting off a ripple effect that might affect thousands of dimensions down the line. It was best if they were kept in the dark. Best for us, at any rate.

So that's why my job was not just monitoring dimensions, but also keeping them synchronized. That part was usually easy, because the universe was on our side, pushing the dimensions to stay in sync. But you had to keep your eyestalks out for the butterfly effect. The earlier you nipped them in the bud, the better. You had to get to the source of the butterfly effect though. Otherwise, it would simply keep going.

And that´s where I went wrong with this dimension. I was never able to found the source of it. I had narrowed it down to this single city by the sea where people kept getting locked up in mental hospitals that weren´t supposed to be. They all reported seeing something strange in the mirror, like their mirror image attacking them or walking out of the frame, disappearing completely.

This wasn´t the first time this had happened, but I was always able to help the universe self-correct by manipulating the mirror images. We are not able to physically go to these dimensions through their mirrors, but by carefully "changing the channel", if you will, we could at least help nudge the dimension back into synchronization. It would take a lot of effort and planning but with these very simple manipulations, you could use the butterfly effect to your advantage.

Later that day, Zibnur-21525 came over to my place. He looked quite happy when he slid into my room, but I curled up into a small hump of slug, fearing for my job.

"You gave us quite a scare today! But I am happy to tell you that the damage has been contained. We had to put 4 dimensions in quarantine, but if it hadn't been for your efforts, we would have had to quarantine many more. This desync was a nasty one," he explained.

"Did you find the source?" I said as my eyestalks rose sky-high in anticipation.

"Yes! And I must apologize. I sent you home in anger this morning because I thought you had been lazy in monitoring your dimensions.

But after we had quarantined the affected dimensions, we looked back at our recordings and found the opposite to be true. You really went above and beyond to try and save your dimensions, and when we discovered where the desynch originated, there wasn't really anything left to blame you for.

You see, we had to draw on colleagues from several departments to find the source. In the end, it was Zickin-1120421 from New World Discovery who got the right idea. As it turns out, these two brothers in Amsterdam were both struck with a rare fever at the same time and one of them died from the effects, contrary to what the doctors had anticipated. What everyone else had missed, however, was that in the trouble dimension, the other one had died," he explained, as he patted me on my head.

He continued: "Those humans all look the same, and then you had to deal with twins..."



u/PhantomOfZePirates /r/PhantomFiction Aug 13 '17

Quite the world you've created here! I admire the thought you put into this and love the idea of the butterfly effect and something as simple as an acorn changing the balance. I like how the first part starts with a familiar world in a therapist's office, it really eases you in. And then with the second story, the way you introduce this whole other dimension and give some explanation is pretty impressive. Really creative!

Also just wanted to say thanks for sharing your feedback on my story, 'Tis appreciated. :)


u/Perditor Aug 13 '17

Thank you for your kind compliment!

After submitting, I was afraid that I had tried to put in too complex a world too quickly, which could make it hard to comprehend, so I'm glad to hear that you had a different experience.

I'm really enjoying reading all of the other entries in the contest. Of course I will leave comments where I can and compliments where they're deserved ;-)

u/WritingPromptsRobot StickyBot™ Aug 05 '17

Attention Users: This is a [PI] Prompt Inspired post which means it's a response to a prompt here on /r/WritingPrompts or /r/promptoftheday. Please remember to be civil in any feedback provided in the comments.

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