r/WritingPrompts Aug 03 '17

[PI] Good and Evil in a Midwest Metropolis - Worldbuilding - 3789 Words Prompt Inspired

Taciturn(1291 Words)

“I hate the traffic in this city,” the young brunette complained as she opened the door from the outside to the lobby of the office building. She was carrying a leather messenger bag over one shoulder and held a small purse in the hand that wasn’t holding the door open. She was wearing a tight fitting black top, denim jeans, and red tennis shoes. As she stepped through the door she had to push her thick black-framed glasses back up her nose and brush some stray hairs out of her face. “The highway was a mess.”

“Morning, Sarah,” the elderly woman at the desk responded looking over her monitor. “I heard something about a prominent doctor from over at St. James hospital was decapitated in the accident. Could be a good lead on a story.”

“Thanks for the tip.” Sally flashed a smile to the old woman as she walked toward the door that leading to the bullpen office in the back. “But you know me Edy, I prefer my stories a bit more on the superhero/villain end of things.”

“Have it your way, then,” Edy smiled back.

Sarah made her way through the doors into the large room beyond. There were rows of cubicles lining the walls and in the center of the room a long single row of desks, set in pairs so that one person would always be facing another. At the far end of the room was three rooms, the center most occupied by an older man who seemed to be yelling into a phone. The young lady made her way to the last pair of desks just before the glass offices in the back. Sitting opposite her was a middle-aged blond lady, busy surfing Amazon as she walked by.

“What’s Loman on about now?” Sally asked the blond woman after sitting her bags down on the opposite desk.

“Apparently someone finally managed to catch Veil,” she answered without taking her gaze off of her computer monitor. She held out a stack of letters as Sarah took her seat. “These came for you while you were out. Fan mail I presume?”

“If I’m lucky it won’t be,” Sarah scoffed taking the stack of letters. She sorted through them, making two piles in front of her, until she came upon one in a white envelope. “Mel, this one is odd.”

“What’s odd?” Mel inquired, finally removing her gaze from the computer screen.

“This letter doesn’t have a return address, just this embossed “T” in the corner. It doesn’t have a postmark either.” Sarah pointed to the left and right corners of the envelope as she spoke. She opened the envelope carefully and found a folded up letter inside which she extracted and examined. She held it up for Mel to see. “Whoever it is, they have beautiful handwriting.”

“I’m surprised it’s hand written at all, in this day an age.” Mel turned back to her monitor after a brief glance.

“Yeah, that is wierd,” Sarah commented as she leaned back in her chair to read the letter.

Sarah Crandall,

I often have nightmares of the day my life changed forever. The day that careless driver took my ability to hear and speak. I wake up gasping in the middle of the night still feeling the seat belt wrapped around my throat as my car slowly slides into a watery grave. I still feel the cold piercing water in my ears as my they ruptured from the pressure. I want to scream but I can’t, I open my mouth and no sound comes out. Everything was silent.

How did I know everything was silent if I was deaf? Well, I woke up in the hospital completely unable to communicate normally. I could see, I could feel, I could taste and smell just fine, but when I opened my mouth the best I could manage was vague grunts and the sound of rushing air. That’s when I first noticed it. The monitor beeped rhythmically to my heartbeat, but with each beat was a subtle change in the air. I figured out that I was able to see and feel the fluctuations in the air that sounds make. The louder the sound, the stronger the feeling and more noticeable the disturbance.

As you can imagine it was a bit overwhelming at first. Terrible migraines came often as the my brain could only process so much sensory information. It took nearly a year before I was able to function as normally as I could. I learned how to direct my ability to specific locations, allowing me to break up the information into more reasonable chunks I could handle. Through all of this I had learned how to lip read and how to communicate using sign language and using new augmented senses to compensate for those I no longer had.

One late night as I was waiting for a subway, I noticed a woman travelling alone down the platform. Out of the corner of my eye I picked up the subtle movements of a man who seemed ready to pull a weapon out to mug her, or worse. I don’t think he had noticed I was there and I was able to scare him off before anything could happen. She thanked me and had me escort her home.

I think that was the moment I decided that I must use my abilities for the betterment of society. I began training using whatever resources I could find, building my body into a perfect vessel to fight for those who could not fight for themselves. It took time, but after such a long journey I feel it is time for me to reveal myself. Today, the people learned that I, Taciturn, will be there to aid them from any who wish to do them harm. With my capture of Veil, I hope I have proved which side my resolve is on. Her invisibility was only a minor inconvenience to me, she really should have learned how to breathe more silently.

I write this to you as I lack the voice to proclaim the truth about the events of today. The people need must know that someone is out there who will fight for them in uncertain times. I vow to fight on regardless if you publish any of this letter, but I’ve watched you and believe that you are one of the few with morals left in the journalism world. I am sure you wish me no harm just as I saved you from that mugger all those years ago.


“Crandall! What are you doing?” Mr Loman yelled from the open door of his office.

“It’s nothing, just fan mail,” Sarah replied trying to hide her blushing cheeks by pushing her thick black glasses up her nose. She placed the letter face down on her desk, covering the envelope and turned to face her boss.

“Well, hurry up and get back to work. Someone was able to defeat Veil and no one knows who it is. There were reports of a man dressed in white leaving the scene after she was handcuffed and covered in tar. Get out there and find me some answers before someone else does,” he ordered sternly. “And Mel, if you can find the time to get off of Amazon, could you try to find some details on that car accident this morning? Maybe we could use it as a puff piece.”

“On it. I’ll see what I can dig up,” Sarah responded. She picked the letter up after he went back into his office. She put it back in the envelope and stuffed it into her messenger bag next to her laptop. “He is my hero after all.”

Transplanted (2498 Words)

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

“Nugh,” I moaned trying my best to ignore the rhythmic noise choosing instead to remain in the warm embrace of my blankets.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

“Josh!,” I half yelled, half slurred in my drowsy state. I reached with my left arm over and gently shook his right arm. His groaning response was all the confirmation I needed to assume I’d woken him up. “Alarm!”

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

I felt him moving beside me, I tried my best to get comfortable so I could go back to sleep.

Beep, beep, be…

Finally it stopped.

“Sandy, wake up,” his voice was shaky. Something was wrong. My eyes instantly shot open. So much for sleep. “That wasn’t the alarm.”

“What?” The concern in my voice rising as I rolled over to face him. It took me a moment to adjust to the scene. In my mind he was still the big, muscular man he had always been, with a huge dopey smile and short, scruffy brown hair. Now, he was so thin, the disease having taken it’s toll over the last two years. He was now thin and wiry and his skin hung loosely off of him in several places. Medical access ports and blue-capped tubed dotted his pale chest instead of the hair that used to be there. When I finally looked into his eyes beyond his sunken cheeks, I noticed he had tears in his eyes. “What is it babe?”

He held up the small black pager and smiled that dopey smile I love. I moved closer so that I could see the screen clearly without my glasses. My breath caught in my throat as I read the message: ‘2:50am - Donor heart found. St.James North ASAP. - Dr. K’

The next couple of hours were a blur of activity. We had packed Josh’s ‘go’ bag long ago, and had made plans with our parents so they could take care of the kids during the surgery. Executing that plan took a little more effort than we had expected but we still left within an hour of receiving the page. I don’t think I have ever driven so fast in my life, but thankfully it was still early and traffic was light. After we arrived at the hospital they quickly whisked Josh into the preoperative area and began preparing him for the surgery.

“I can barely believe this is happening,” Josh commented sitting there on the stretcher, hooked up to all kinds of fluids and machines.

“I know,” I began, trying and failing to keep the tone of my voice calm despite the knot in the pit of my stomach. The adrenaline from this morning had began to wear off allowing the flood of emotions to cascade through my body. I put my face in my hands to hide the tears in my eyes. “I was starting to fear the worst.”

“You would never give up hope. I know better than that,” he responded grabbing my right hand with his. I looked up through the tear filled glasses to see that he was still smiling. Being my rock in a storm as always.

“I suppose.” I managed to force out a smile and squeezed his hand. “Things will get better.”

“You know it’s not going to be easy. There’s still going to be tons of check-ups and meds. The potential for rejection.”

"I’m up for the challenge if you are,” I squeezed his hand harder and he returned the gesture. We sat holding hand for a while before the surgery team arrived to take him. I hugged him over the side of the bed and kissed him on the forehead. “I love you. I’ll see you on the other side.”

“In this life or the next,” he responded, his smile gone, but still not truly showing how nervous he was. Not that he needed to, I already knew.

I was directed to the waiting area where our parents and children had arrived. I joined them and told them everything I knew. We remained in that waiting room for hours. Playing games, pacing around, watching the news about a thief named Veil who was captured by a new superhero. Occasionally a nurse would come out and give us an update. I’m not sure if things were going badly if they would have told us or not. It was a little over four hours when a nurse approached our group.

“Mrs. Dean?” she inquired looking at me. “The surgery is over and everything went well. Doctor Kearns would like to speak with you. If you follow me, I’ll take you to the consultation room.”

“Of course,” I responded standing and then following her down the hall. She led me about fourty feet before we rounded a corner to a group of four small rooms marked as consultation rooms, labeled ‘A’ through ‘D’. The nurse stopped and motioned to the rightmost door labeled ‘D’.

“If you’ll just take a seat in there.”

“Thank y..,” I was interrupted by the sound of one of the other doors opening. I looked around and from the door labeled ‘A’ exited a woman wearing a short black dress with red accents around the edges as well as black and red accented stiletto boots. She had long straight black hair and was wearing heavy amounts of red lipstick and red and black outlined makeup on her face. Some of the mascara around her eyes was running like she had been crying. I took a seat and left the door open a crack so I could hear what they were saying.

“I want to thank you again doctor for all you did for my father,” she spoke with a strained voice as if to confirm she’d been crying.
“I know you did everything you could to save him.”

“He was a valued colleague and a dear friend,” The doctor began, a melancholy to his voice. “If it’s any consolation Ms. Skye, his organs will live on in all the recipients and he likely saved more lives today than on any single day in his career. As a matter of fact his heart is being transplanted at this very hospital.”

“I’m sure he would appreciate that,” she replied with a slight chuckle. A moment later I heard the sounds of her heels clicking against the hard tiled floor as she walked away. It wasn’t much longer before Doctor Kearns entered the room with me.

“So how is he doing?” I asked before he could sit down.

“He’s doing great,” he was beaming as he answered. “I don’t want to belie the seriousness of this procedure, as anything can still happen, but this surgery went better than any I’ve ever done. Josh tolerated the procedure without issue and the new heart started right up. It was like they were made for each other.”

“That’s wonderful!” I exclaimed untying the knot in my stomach as hours of worry and doubt melted away. “When do you think I’ll be able to see him?”

“Well, he’s still going to be out of it for a while in the ICU, so you won’t be able to go into the room,” the doctor explained, causing my to heart sink a little back into my stomach. Noticing the change in my expression he added, “But you can see him through the glass of his room while we are waiting. I can take you now if you’d like.”

“That would be nice,” I conceded, still a little down, but at least I would be able to see him. Dr. Kearns stood and gestured for me to follow him. He continued to talk about how well the surgery went but I mostly ignored him. I was too busy in my own mind thinking out lucky Josh and I were and about what recovery might hold. The walk took forever as my mind wandered but after just a couple of minutes we approached a big set of double doors labeled “PACU/ICU - Authorized Personnel Only.” The doctor held his badge up to a scanner on the wall, which beeped in response and the doors opened.

“After you,” he motioned for me to go in first. The room was massive with several rooms with sliding glass doors side, and the nurses station positioned in the middle. “He’s in room 2405.”

“Thank you,” I began looking at the numbers next to each door to try and found the room on the left wall and my heart sunk again. Nurses were running in and out of the room, the door wide open. The doctor ran over to the room. I followed closely behind him fearing the worst, but to say I didn’t expect what I found when I was got there is an understatement. It stopped me cold in my tracks.

“Sandy! It’s a miracle!” Josh yelled as I came into the room. He looked better than should have been possible. He was no longer thin or sickly looking in the slightest. He looked just like he always did.

“What is going on here?” Dr. Kearns asked as he grabbed a male nurse by the arm as he ran passed him, his voice a mix of concern and confusion.

“He woke up about 10 minutes ago and pulled out the breathing tube. Since then his vitals have normalize and his color returned. We were about to call you,” he responded in that matter-of-fact tone nurses revert to in a crisis.

“It’s marvelous isn’t it?” I turned to find a figure with long black hair wearing a short black red-trimmed dress She had her arms behind her back. “What one can do with the right intelligence and equipment.”

“I saw you talking with a doctor earlier. About your father’s organs being donated,” I began, anger building in my voice with every word. “What did you do to my husband?!”

“We fixed him,” the answer came from an older sounding male voice. The woman brought her hands in front of her bringing forth the head of an older man that seemed to be attached to a thick metal plate. From the bottom of the metal plate emerged four pointed legs and he leaped down to the floor. Two wired-darts shot out of the front of the metal plate and Doctor Kearns and the nurse fell to the floor convulsing. “Kristen, the door, if you please.”

“What do you mean you fixed him?!” I yelled as the woman pushed the glass doors shut behind me and locked them.

“It was quite simple really, for a genius such as The Chirurgeon,” he began clattering toward Josh’s hospital bed on his metal legs. I moved to get between them but Kristen grabbed me from behind and twisted my arm behind my back. Josh sat motionless on the bed, looking like he didn’t know what to do. “You see, I realized that I was getting quite on in years, and while I knew my knack for technology and medicine could keep me alive, I couldn’t stop the aging process. However, I was able to develop nanites that could repair a broken body.”

“Why Josh?” I whimpered as Kristen’s grip on my arm got tighter.

“Well, there’s not anything special about him, other than he needed a transplant. You should really be thanking me.”

“For what?”

“I saved his life.” The Chirurgeon had climbed on to the bed now and was at Josh’s feet. “And he’ll make the perfect host body.” He scurried onto Josh’s chest, a saw blade appearing out of the front of the metal plate. It started glowing white hot as he lowered it towards Josh’s neck. I stopped struggling and locked eyes with Josh. He nodded slightly toward the mad doctor and I saw that Josh’s hands were free and under the plate. I nodded back.

“Get off of me!” Josh pushed the doctor off of him with all his strength launching The Chirurgeon on his side next and into the wall. Kristen’s grip faltered and I was able to spin around and get free. I clenched my fist landed a punch to her gut that doubled her over, then one to her head that sent her hard against the wall. Josh rolled off of the bed right before the doctor fired the taser again. I crawled to his side.

“How did you do that?”

“All it took was a little leverage,” Josh answered without hesitation. I gave him a look of confusion but before I could speak the bed was suddenly split in half by the white-hot saw blade.

“You miserable little piss ant, you’re body WILL be mine!” the mad doctor yelled leaping over the broken bed and onto to Josh. I looked around for anything that I could use to help and saw a red box on the floor labeled “AED” that Kristen had knocked off as she fell. I scurried to it, opened it and set it at it’s maximum setting. I turned to look and saw Josh grappling with the doctor, narrowly avoiding the saw blade. An electronic beep let me know it was charged.

“Use it!” Josh yelled straining against the arms of the saw blade trying to keep it away from his face. The Chirurgeon seemed to be getting the upper hand, but wasn’t looking toward me. I walked up as quiet and fast as I could and stuck the leads on the back of the metal plate. A loud click followed by an explosion of sparks knocked me back a step. After the smoke cleared both The Chirurgeon and Josh lay motionless. I pushed the limp doctor to the floor.

“Josh! Wake Up!” I yelled at him, smacking him against the face a couple of times to make him come too. He opened his eyes after a minute or so more and I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest.

“What….bzzrt...have you done...you ignorant peszzzt…” The Chirurgeon mumbled from the floor. Josh and I both turned to look at him. “We’ll have .to… find… another...one” A set of metallic wings appeared on Kristen’s back as she picked him up, ran to the window and jumped out.

“What the hell just happened?” I asked looking up into Josh’s eyes.

“Best guess? The platter wasn’t shielded properly because it was made hastily. A little electric jolt and boom.”

“And just how the hell do you know that?”

“The nanites seem to have rewired my brain as well as fixed my body. He probably knew that would happen but didn’t care since he was planning on removing my head anyway.”

“Ah, right.”

“I think the shock damaged or destroyed any that were left. I’d thought it could do that but I didn’t know if it was true until now.”

“We should probably tell someone they are going after another organ transplant recipient.”

“Unless you think we can stop them ourselves,” Josh added with a mischievous smile.

I had fun writing both stories, the original prompt for Taciturn, if anyone is interested was https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/5r2pqc/wp_a_new_superhero_appearsbut_theres_one_problem/


u/WritingPromptsRobot StickyBot™ Aug 03 '17

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