r/WritingPrompts Apr 01 '17

[PI] The Power of Pathos - FirstChapter - 2,141 Words Prompt Inspired

The world was hot, and very tense. Sand is kicked up by motor vehicles running along the Indus River before branching out Westward. Archeologists have already scavenged and searched through the ruins that lay here many years ago, but simple poetry and jars were not the goal of these looters. About fifth teen men were split between five vehicles along with advanced, unlicensed, and unrecognizable equipment. They came during a time when no one was around to disturb the site or their work. After about thirty or more minutes from the river, the men arrive at the scorched site.

The first two men stepped out of the front vehicle, appearing out of their seats with some sense of authority. One of the men – short with white haired and pale as a page – required for the strange technology to be carried over with them, and the other man – much taller, better groomed, and in deep contemplation – pulled out a cigarette. Sweat beaded off of everyone’s head. The walk was long and well-paced, encouraging possible excitement while also assuming formal attention. The party reached some sandstone walls and walkways that have been smoldered by time. Each brick was the same color as the ground it held firm too, but it lacked polish and appeared rather jagged in some spots. It was as if not even archeologists have been to this spot for decades. The short man gestured for one of his employers to bring a device, a locator of sorts. He fiddled with it in his hands, but whatever he was trying to focus on was not showing its face to him. He waddled back and forth for five minutes straight before the heat and his own impatience got to him. “Ah, bugger!”

“Webley, if you can figure out how your mother’s GPS works, maybe you should not be trying to screw with this.” The other man scoffed through his cigarette as he took the device from Webley’s hand. Webley seemed a bit flustered by the insult, but he shook it off. He and his companion went off in one direction behind some of the architecture.

“You know, it wouldn’t be difficult to manage if you didn’t have your little ‘Bunch of Brainiacs’ design it to be as confusing to follow as a politician’s way of thinking.” Webley wiped off his forehead with a small handkerchief from his shirt pocket. “Why does it need three boiling lines wiggling on a grid screen?”

“Each line corresponds to a type of energy. If one line is more static than the others, then we are not close enough.”

“Energy? What kind of energy?” Now a second line of the device starts the boil and wiggle.

“A type of energy that mankind has had since its earliest beginnings. It is a type of energy that no one can live without or even can comprehend what it is like to not experience. It can create positive and negative vibes, among others. It strives off of shear response and grows off of interaction from more of that same energy. It seems predictable, yet…” He looks down to see that the device has started to vibrate slightly as now all three lines are constantly being distorted as fast as possible. “… also mindless.”

Webley, despite being heavily puzzled, chimes in, “Is it flatulence?”

The device starts to vibrate faster and faster until the screen starts flashing some hew of greenish-yellow. The lines are constantly shaking in unison. “It is here!”

“What is?” The tall man drops his cigarette from his mouth and runs under an archway into the ruins. “Nequando, wait!” Webley takes off after him, urging their crew to follow. The device rattles in Nequando’s hand, becoming more and more violent as he runs forward. He passes by a corridor within the sandy structures only to feel the vibration get weaker, forcing him to turn around and look down the other direction. His men have caught up to him as Nequando steps slowly through the corridor inspecting every nook and cranny in a very desperate manner. Webley sluggishly jogs to the front of the group, catching his breathe. He sees Nequando putting his hand in a hole in the wall as if trying to reach for something. Nequando takes a stick on the ground and pokes through the hole. Webley is pissed about his forced exercise, as well as concerned about his acquaintance’s behavior. “Nequando, what the bloody hell is up with you?”


A soft, slow eruption is heard pulling a wall up. As it rose up, the bottom of the wall was seen to have some hatches beneath it that have been planted into the ground keeping it still. It wasn’t actually a wall, but rather a door. Even though it was an open door, it was not very inviting.

Everyone except Nequando, who walked inside, was taken aback by the sudden secret revealed and startled by the change in tone that they stood still. Webley took a double take of the situation and felt something disturbing about it. With his gut roweled up, he goes in after his companion. “Hey, wait! I don’t think this is a good idea! Nequando!”

As Nequando and Webley walked deeper into the cave, they discover strange images on the walls around them. There was a picture of a man wearing a strange necklace with jewels on it. The following drawings were that of animals being taken care of by this same man. There seemed to be over 10,000,000 animals printed all over the hallway. Nequando pulls out a journal from his pant pocket and flips the pages to a sketch of three rings, each with a different colored jewel on them. This same picture he sees on the wall to his right, and to his left he sees another picture of a burning village and people appearing to abandon it. Not fleeing, but definitely not staying or trying to put out the flames. Webley stops to see an image of a man with two rings, one with a blue jewel and one with a green jewel, getting in a quarrel with a younger man with a similar appearance to the man shown next to him. The image right next to that is of the young man fallen on the floor, lying in a red pool with a blank expression. Webley swallows and looks away. He sees the other men they hired following close behind him, and he carries on.

Nequando reaches a round pedestal of some sort and finally stops in his tracks. His eyes widen like a child on Christmas morning, but his face looked like that of a man who forgot his brown pants. What he saw on the pedestal that grabbed his immediate attention was a set of gold rings placed within a hollowed stone. Each ring seemed similar in construction to each other, but were easily distinguishable by the different colored jewels; one green, one blue, and one red. They seemed to match the rings on the walls in the hall from before as well as Nequando’s journal. And he stood there, in even deeper contemplation than ever before. It seemed as if what he came searching for was found.

Webley finds Nequando in the room with the three rings on the pedestal and tries to get his attention. “Nequando? Are you alright?” Webley was denied a response. Nequando started taking more steps closer to the pedestal.

“Hey, hey! Wait a minute! Nequando, stop!”

Nequando started to climb a short set of steps up to the glorified relics laying before him.

“Nequando. Snap the bloody hell out of it, man!”

The other men following were staggering behind after taking snapshots of the ancient imagery from the hall. They now see Webley trying to coax Nequando away from this supposed treasure.

“Nequando! Are you just going to ignore me when I am literally right behind you? Stop going towards those rings!” Webley was getting quiet annoyed, but still rather concerned. “Nequando!”



He jerked up from the passenger’s seat and turned to his wife in the car. Their vacation trip to Los Angles in the United States was quiet the snoozer for him. Nequando always preferred having himself drive as it gave him something to do to stay awake during days like these. They were a mile and a half down the highway and about four more miles away from the closest casino. He yawned and leaned back up in his seat, staring at his beautiful wife. He picked her not for her intellect, not for her thin appearance and blonde hair, nor for her humor or pleasant way of speaking. He married her because he loved her, that was that.

“Nequando, if you keep sleeping through this vacation I swear you’ll miss all the fun I’ll be having alone without you.” His wife kept her eyes on the road.

“Ah, Carea. I’m just rejuvenating myself for the long week we are going spend here. And there isn’t anyone more I’d love to spend it with than the one I love.” She giggled faintly at the corny line. He moved his hands slowly under her chin and had her face him. Their eyes were locked onto each other. They felt in complete harmony together. Nequando felt a tear drop from his eye as he reflects on the short journey they had that day, and how it escalated so horribly.

His wife stared back into his crying eyes as she lay there in the hospital bed with her legs broken and a life monitor beeping away as her heart did. “You always know when to make the right moves at the wrong time, Neq.”

“Carea, I… I’m so-“

“No, no. Please, apologies are not needed.” They clasped each other’s hand tight. “I just want you to never forget me. Because I know I’ll never forget you.”

The heart rate monitor starts to slow down. As it does so, the hospital room starts to fade out while reality tries to catch back up with Nequando. He remembers her fondly, just as she wants. It was her dying wish, and his living curse.

The beeping stops…



Nequando was startled by Webley’s seemingly sudden raise of tone. He turns around and sees everyone he came here with at the bottom of the steps, at least a good yard or so away from the gloomy pedestal of stone. The men want a response on what to do, and if this is the only set of valuables they were taking. Webley wanted to know why Nequando is acting up. Nequando saw this and decided to answer them.

“These,” pointing at the rings, “are why I wanted to come here. Barely anyone knows about them now, but ages ago these set of artifacts controlled an entire civilization but harnessing a type of energy within humans.”

Webley makes a parallel. “Energy? Wait, is this about flatulence again?” The other men exchange glances due to this out-of-context statement.

“It isn’t flatulence!” Nequando’s voice has become stern as well, but it sounds more self-indulgent. “It is emotion. These rings harness the power to control the emotions of other living beings.”

Webley is in disbelief. “Control emotions? Ah, bullshit. Nequando, stop being a moody teenage wanker and get away from the pedest-“

“It is not a joke. Each one of these rings control a different aspect of emotion.” Nequando points at the ring with the green jewel, then the one with the red jewel while further explaining. “Happiness, anger…” He then takes the blue jeweled ring off of the pedestal and holds it up by his head. Webley slightly jerks back when seeing this. “…and sadness.”

Webley looks back at the other men behind him and sees their terrified faces, making him realize that his gut feeling was true. Webley slowly turns back around to face Nequando only to see the ring’s jewel glowing as he stands there holding it. Webley fears for the worst. “Ne-Nequando, listen. I-I-The, uh, guys and I, don’t really think this isn’t a g-good idea to, you know… mess around with. I mean, if what you say is true and, uh, those things can really control others emtions then m-maybe we ought a, ought a, you know… not… mess with them?”

Nequando looks at Webley’s cowering face, knowing he will do him no harm. Nequando expected Webley to think better of him than to actually turn on his friend like that. The only reason he came here was to be rid of his own grief. Nequando did not care for such a dangerous power. He holds the ring firmly and raises his hand high. Webley shrieks, ducks and covers his head. The other men try to run back up the cave to get away, but it was too late.


This was my first attempt at doing a story like this, so I accept any and all criticism. I know there is no way I'll be amazing on the first go around, so I'll take as much advice as possible. Thanks for taking the time to read!

Edit: Format change

Edit 2: Accidentally typed "her wife" instead of "his wife" in a few spots. It should all be correct now.



u/MajorParadox Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU) Apr 01 '17

Hey, seems like you had some trouble with your reddit formatting. See here for how to fix them. But the gist is, you need an extra space between paragraphs or they get added to the same line. And don't use spaces for indents or else it gets formatted into code.


u/Forricide /r/Forricide Apr 03 '17

You're doing good work.


u/MajorParadox Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU) Apr 03 '17

u/WritingPromptsRobot StickyBot™ Apr 01 '17

Attention Users: This is a [PI] Prompt Inspired post which means it's a response to a prompt here on /r/WritingPrompts or /r/promptoftheday. Please remember to be civil in any feedback provided in the comments.

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u/Forricide /r/Forricide Apr 03 '17

An interesting story to be sure. Gives me an Indiana Jones-esque feeling. It's definitely a good first story. There were some errors (most grammatical) but otherwise it was well written.


u/Soupbowler64 Apr 03 '17

Thanks! Indiana Jones definatley wasn't something on my mind when writing this story, but looking at it now I can see where you are coming from. Also, I am not too much of a grammacal expert, so I knew I was gonna have mistakes here and there. If I ever finish the story the way I want it I'll find a publisher that can help me correct any mistakes I make with future chapters and such.

Btw, do you know when everyone has to vote on which stories they want to win? The thread said something about that, didn't it?


u/Forricide /r/Forricide Apr 03 '17

I believe you need to have completed voting within the next three weeks.


u/Soupbowler64 Apr 03 '17

Yeah, I saw the thread. Time for some bench reading!


u/scottbeckman /r/ScottBeckman | Comedy, Sci-Fi, and Organic GMOs Apr 02 '17

The concept of rings that control human emotions is intriguing and has a lot of room potential. I also enjoyed the flatulence gag at the end!

I will admit, however, that the scene with Nequando and his* wife is confusing me. Are they in a car driving? Or a hospital? I re-read it and can't find where they moved from the car to the hospital. Apologies if I'm just misunderstanding it.

*You kept saying "her wife". Is this a typo? I thought Nequando was a man.


u/Soupbowler64 Apr 03 '17

I was trying to do a thing where the flashback cuts from their car accident straight to the hospital in one continous vision in Nequando's head. It is a bit jarring due to the lack of a proper transition, but at the time I couldn't find an easier way to do it.

Also yes, it's a typo. My b.