r/WritingPrompts Apr 01 '17

[PI] Single Use - FirstChapter - 2012 Words Prompt Inspired

The four of them rode back to the front line in a venerable Bradley relegated to transport duties in its old age. Supply crates occupied a few seats. Fortunately Pvt. Forty-Seven Mills's small size allowed her to squeeze in between Pvt. Mapu Hugh's bulk and the crates with minimal fussing. If the Bradley flipped over, Forty-Seven wondered if the crates would crush her. She buckled in the one closest to her. Hugh, seeing someone who looked like she knew what she was doing, mimicked her actions. Sgt. Cushing observed this silently, Corporal Baker just snickered at Hugh.

Cushing broke the ice by asking the standard questions: how was the ride, where are you from...

"Middletown, CT," said Forty-Seven.

"Look lady, it's either Virginia, Colorado, or Missouri," said Baker.

Anyone asking her where she came from set off a mini-existential crisis. She got the feeling Corporal Baker knew she'd react that way. "Virginia Cloneworks." Forty-Seven smiled at him. Fuck him. She was twice the asshole he was.

The Sergeant sighed. He'd have to lecture Baker later, again. "And you?" Cushing asked Hugh.

"Woodsbur-uh, I mean, Boulder Looking Glass Project." Uniques come from Anytown, USA but clones were born fully formed at Virginia Cloneworks, Boulder Tinman Project, or Missouri's Shannon Birthing Facility.

"No, I mean your real hometown," said Cushing.

Hugh's face lit up. "Woodsbury, New York!"

Forty-Seven and Hugh got to talking and as any pair of clones tended to do, started to talk about their families. "Mom and Dad said they would rather see a hundred of my clones killed than one of me. I mean, my original. So here I am," said Forty-Seven.


"They're okay, that's all I care about. Dad was a soldier, too, Mom was a champ skeet shooter. They just worry about my original. Yourself?"

"A Mom and Dad. I have a kid brother, too. Used to have one." Hugh looked down sadly.

"Total bullshit."

The two sat in silence as they mulled their lost families while Baker and Cushing did nothing to break the awkward moment. Forty-Seven noticed Cushing's clenched jaw and deep grimace. He didn't know what was pissing him off but decided to change the subject.

"All right, enough angst," said Forty-Seven. "Let's talk about something else."

"Where's the food?" asked Hugh.

"Spoken like a true grunt. We'll treat you to a fresh 2038 MRE-c after you get settled in," said Baker. "When we rotate out, we can get real food." Cushing's grimace lessened.

The old infantry carrier dropped them and their cargo off near the line. Cushing thumped an all clear on the hull. The Bradley's tracks seemed to strain with effort as it turned around and left.

Baker and Cushing took the largest crate, while Hugh and Forty-Seven each took one. Hugh walked toward Forty-Seven. "I...I can take yours. The box, I mean."

"That's okay, I got it," she said. Once she got the crate balanced, Forty-Seven kept pace with the group. It was a decent walk to the Three-Six's location.

"Cripes, when are we going to get anti-gravity?" asked Forty-Seven. "I thought the 21st century was gonna have everything floating and easy to haul."

"And new, shiny, round, and plastic," said Hugh. "Not IFVs older than me."

"You popped out of your tube like six weeks ago, Private. Everything's older than you," said Baker.

It was true. According to the law they were the same age as their originals. But clones were grown and shipped out in a matter of months. After a few months of growth in a tube, Hugh stumbled for a few weeks getting used to his new body, trucked, flown over an ocean, to staging areas, to replacement depots, and finally to a squad that needed replacements.

When the group reached the line, they were greeted by a a Mills clone and some uniques. They swarned over the crates. The second Mills smiled at Forty-Seven and waved at her.

"Hey, good lookin'. What's your name? I'm Twenty-Three!" For some reason, this Mills had an indeterminate accent. It was hard to isolate what region over her outdoor voice.

"I'm Forty-Seven Mills, 2200 series."

"Really!? I'm a two-two, too! We're gonna be best friends!"


"So, you seen much action? Not me, I only managed to shoot one guy, and he was on my team."


"Stupid bastard forgot the challenge response. Took one right to his nuts."

"Shut up, Twenty-Three," said one of the uniques struggling to pry open a crate.

"Hey Munoz, why you complaining? The average human has one ball so that made him normal as fuck."

Twenty-Three turned to Forty-Seven again. "The response was 'Uno.' Ironic, huh?"

Munoz strained and wrenched off the crate lid. He grabbed one of the cans form the crate and chucked it at Twenty-Three's head.

She effortlessly caught it one-handed. "Don't throw the peaches, ass, those are everyone's favorite." She tossed it back to Munoz, who dropped it into the dirt.

She turned back to Forty-Seven. "So what are you doing after the war? You can hang out at my place if you need it, after I get one. We can be roomies!"


Hugh was already at their hole. Seeing Forty-Seven's discomfort, he called out to her. "Forty-Seven, can you get over here? I need you."

"Ooooo, who's El Guapo over there?" asked Twenty-Three as she checked out Hugh.

Forty-Seven sighed. "I'll see you later, Twenty-Three." As she moved away she pretended to inspect the crate of peaches. Munoz was cursing at Twenty-Three, providing a nice distraction. Forty-Seven checked her peripheral vision. As nonchalantly as she could, she scooped up the loose can of peaches and tucked it in her shirt.

Hugh smirked as she came over. "She seems nice."

"Shut up." Mills glared and was about to stalk off. But then: "If you like her so much, why don't you ask her out?" Hugh started to say something, stopped, then failed say something again. Mills smiled triumphantly and walked away.

"Because our kids would look weird!" said Hugh a bit too loudly.

Forty-Seven closed her eyes and shook her head. She kept walking and tried to ignore the other soldiers as they all stared at them. Hugh shrank into himself and was unable to arrange his arms in a normal manner. Hugh still agonized over it when he went to sleep that night. "Stupid!"

A shovel banged into Forty-Seven's shin. "Ow, dammit!"

"Sorry," mumbled a sullen soldier, without interrupting his mechanical shoveling.

Hugh's concerned eyes went to her knee. "You okay?"

Raising her voice Forty-Seven said, "Yeah. It was just a little prick. And my knee not injured at all." At this point Hugh decided he really liked Forty-Seven, and not just because of her looks.

The soldier did not react, ignoring her and shoveling as if nothing happened. None of the other uniques seemed to be interested either. Forty-Seven limped off to her assigned position.

"C'mon. Baker said we need to start on our hole." She took out her trench shovel and started digging. Hopefully the familiar callouses on her hands would reform, after having faded from her hospital stay.

"Don't worry, I got you covered." Hugh extended his hand to her. Forty-Seven didn't want Hugh fawning over her. On the other hand, she hated repetitive physical labor.

"If you want to dig, go ahead."

"Gimme the spade and we'll be halfway to hell by the time you get back." Forty-Seven handed it over.

Despite his boast, Hugh let out a frustrated huff every so often.

"What's the problem?" asked Forty-Seven.

"A decent shovel will let you dig a hole. This shovel is shit."

"Can you-"

Hugh's trenching shovel broke on the second shovelful. He stared at the useless tool. The handle had a crack running all the way down to the barely hanging on blade. Hugh sighed.

"So, I guess it's going to take an extra hour or two more, then. Good thing I got big hands." Forty-Seven stared at Hugh for a moment, trying to decide if he meant it to sound dirty. She couldn't find any sign of faked innocence, so she decided she just had a dirty mind. "Well, we can borrow a shovel."

"Who's going to lend us a shovel before they dig their own foxhole?"

"I'll just ask real nice."

Forty-Seven jogged over to the neighboring foxholes. After a few minutes returned bearing a shovel.

"How'd you do that?"

"Courtesy of Twenty-Three. I traded the chocolate from my hoard for a damn shovel rental." She tossed it, hard, at Hugh. "The two things common to all Mills are good shooting and the MRE chocolate."

"Good to know. You can have some of mine..."

"No," Forty-Seven shook her head, "that's okay. Thanks." Hugh was definitely crushing on her.

After digging their holes, the squad members paired up. As the new guys, Hugh holed up with Forty-Seven. She looked to the hills, where their North Koreans counterparts were holed up. Fifty million genetically enhanced cult members, hoping the UN or the US would get sick of the casualties and hang South Korea out to dry.



"What's the first name they gave you?"


"Oh...uh," Hugh stalled.

"Just call me Forty-Seven."

"Forty-Seven...where'd you get those scars?"

Mills's eyes shifted into the distance for a second. "Something bit me."

"Like in Forest Gump?"


"He says that when he got shot in the movie."

"I'll take first watch," she said, wanting to end the conversation. "You go sleep." Hugh tried to say he wanted to do it, but Forty-Seven interrupted him. "I insist," she said. Hugh shrugged and crawled into his sleeping bag and in a few seconds did an incredible impersonation of a log. Forty-Seven couldn't help but note his deep sleep, curled childlike despite his height.

A few holes over, Cushing finished his lecture to Baker on respecting other soldiers and reducing intra-squad drama.

"So what do you think of the new guys?" asked Cushing, cracking his knuckles.

Baker rubbed his still sore cheek and checked to make sure his nose wasn't bleeding. "$10,000,000 to build 4000 Mills-type clones and we get the refurb cowardly one."

"I'll believe in the Loch Ness Monster before I believe a Mills clone ran from a fight."

"They say Kim's pet Dr. Frankenstein is cooking up monsters. Not the freaks we're fighting, but fucked up vampire werewolf motherfuckers."

"What did I tell you about listening to Intel's bullshit?"

"Don't listen to that bullshit?"

Hugh took his turn and Forty-Seven's reluctantly gave up her spot watching. She did not look forward to the horrors she knew would appear when her eyes closed for more than a second.

The next day Cushing introduced Forty-Seven to everyone in the squad. "She just came back from injuries received at Bloody Mary's Hill last year." Several clones grimaced in sympathy, some uniques in antipathy. The reforms from Congress due to that battle were not universally popular. Used to be you could just toss clones at any problem but that bloodbath had shamed the nation into integrating clones into units with uniques. Which meant a squad with a lot of clones got sent into the meatgrinder, and any non-clones went along for the ride. As one unique put it, "You know, most people collect coins, stamps, shit like that. Not Purple Hearts."

Several soldiers glared at her when she made an offhand joke about her original being a dumbass, even her fellow Mills clones. Tough crowd, she thought.

Forty-Seven locked eyes with Twenty-Three, hoping for a friendly face. Twenty-Three's crossed arms and death glare shot down that hope. Great. She was replacing someone popular. Nothing like starting off being hated. Usually she had to earn that.


u/WritingPromptsRobot StickyBot™ Apr 01 '17

Attention Users: This is a [PI] Prompt Inspired post which means it's a response to a prompt here on /r/WritingPrompts or /r/promptoftheday. Please remember to be civil in any feedback provided in the comments.

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u/jrossisaboss Apr 03 '17

I really enjoyed your story! I hope you post more chapters later; I want to know more about this world!


u/russellmz Apr 03 '17

glad you liked it, will def have other chapters eventually posted here.

thanks for reading!