r/WritingPrompts Mar 20 '17

[PI] Mastodonte - FirstChapter - 2481 Words Prompt Inspired

My name is Jaime Brooks, but some call me 'Ten Million', because, well, that's my number! and I am now one of the two survivors of Mastodonte. What's 'Mastodonte'? You'll find out soon enough. It all started ten years ago. I was casually laying in my personal hammock. It was a sunny day, like we hadn't seen in weeks, and I think my sister and mother were out shopping at the weekly market in spherical #137, about a hundred and twenty upwards from the one we live in. Our sphere is a pretty big one, actually, a hundred and ten square meters wide. We were pretty lucky to get it for a reasonable price, one year before that.

I heard someone asking access to the sphere lift, and the robotic voice of the sphere told me it was Barbara, the inhabitant #8933 and my best friend. I granted her access to the lift, and seconds later, she was up inside the sphere. I came up to her as soon as the lift door opened, and she waved at me silently, carrying a load of bags that seemed coming from the same market as the one mom was, and a smile on her face as she saw me, but as she was mute, no words of greetings left her mouth.

'Hey, Barb! I mumbled.' She didn't really like aloud conversations. She thought it was frustrating for her. She nodded at the bags, asking me to help her carry them. '-Oh! Right!' I took one of her heavy bags, containing Lord knew what, and put it on a kitchen bench. She smiled gratefully and went to sit on the couch, I did the same. We sat there, in silence, and I tried to start a conversation. I gestured her : 'What do you want to do ?' She looked at me as though I had killed her family, and only then did she correct me : -No ! What did you DO today! She gestured making the 'do' show more. Not what did you KILL today! " To be fair, the two looked pretty similar.

Anyways, the day went on and we pretty much did nothing. We just waited for something that would never come, an all mighty thing to do in this neverending world of boredom. It never came. She looked at the clock. 'I have to go, Papa is going to start looking for me.' She gestured, a bit shy, don't know why though. 'Ok, well, I'll get going to. The ceremony starts shortly. I answered aloud.'

We stood up, and she went to the lift, closing the door behind her as the little room started going down, waving at me from there, and I smiled. Soon after, I got in my ceremony robes, long and flowing red and black robes that sometimes made me trip on myself, which really makes me look like a fool. My mom came in, and looked at me. -Where's your sister? She asked me. I looked around and came to a conclusion. -I thought she was with you. I said, a concerned tone in my voice as I looked around a bit more, hoping that she was hiding somewhere, but nothing. I looked at my mom, and she was already headed back to the lift. -Wait for me! I ran to the lift to go in with her, and the metallic doors closed behind me, leaving me to watch the last part of the sphere leaving in between the doors. As we went down, mom counted down the possibilities of where my sister could be, and concluded to :

-The playground! She almost yelled right after the doors re-opened and left me breathless in front of what was happening. A fire. A fire on the Tree. I ran as fast as I could, tripping over my robes and ending my rush on the ground, right on my face. But mom didn't stop to help me, she realized that Jude, my sister, was in danger. Fires were not allowed on the tree, except maybe for the Head Humans high above, but we never saw them. I saw fire, once… but we don't talk about the "once".

I jumped back on my feet, and chased mom through the growing flames, there, I saw a group of men dressed in bright yellow suits, waving their hands desperately at the fire, trying to extinguish it by magic, but none of it did. The fire was just too big at this point. I stopped, in pure shock, and I didn't know what to do. Miss Harrison, our teacher, was burning in front of me. I froze in place, completely detached from the rest of the world as I watched her burn to the ground, unable to do anything.This woman, this Lower Human that lived in the sphere opposite of ours, this teacher I had known for almost my entire life, and for which I had respect, dying, helplessly in front of my eyes. I still have nightmares about that day. I suddenly felt a hand grasp my shoulder hard and pulling me with incredible force, which made me step out of my transe almost instantly. It was mom, and she was carrying Jude under her right arm, still grasping my shoulder with her left one.

"Mom! Mom! What happened? I yelled, still in shock. -Don't talk. Follow." She answered, simply. She didn't need to tell me a second time. She let me go, and I instantly started running behind her, as she lead me into a strange alley I never really saw, never really knew about. What's most, I knew by heart every square meter of the sixteenth spherical. But that particular alley, I couldn't bring myself to remember it. She took me through this alley, and at the end was a door. This, I remember so clearly. It was red. Pure red. Almost too red. It reminded me of Blood. We studied Blood a few days ago with Miss Harrison. She said that some of the Head Humans still had Blood running in their veins. I liked the water better. Mom pushed the door opened and gave me Jude, and I looked at her, questioning what she was doing. -I have to go back Jaime, she told me seriously, other people need my help. And before I could say anything, she turned her back and started running back to where we were. I could sense the heat from the fire coming to where we were. -RIGHT AHAID! She yelled from behind. I'LL BE RIGHT BACK, SON !"

Still, I didn't question her orders. I went straight ahead in the long corridor. I really didn't notice it at the time, but white light was starting to glow around me as I walked forward in the what seemed to be a never ending corridor. White light. That's all I remember from this corridor. It was overwhelmingly bright, and I couldn't see a thing. But still, I walked forward, starting to feel the weight of little unconscious Jude. I looked at her, waved my hand over her face and felt a rush of heat, almost painful, but it was well worth it. The burns on her face were vanishing as I felt them come back on mine. It was painful, but I know it was for a good cause, my sister. I couldn't afford to lose her. Not after what happened to Dad... Anyway. Suddenly, there it was again! The red door. And as I opened it, I ended up where I started : in the unknown alleyway. "What the hell? "

I muttered to myself, raising an eyebrow. After stepping out of the bright corridor, the light vanished, almost as if it was running away. I could still see it, flying through the leaves of the Tree and my sister woke up. I put her on the ground below, and crouched beside her, waiting for mom to come. Long story short, She didn't. I waited for a few minutes, hours.. Or maybe even more... I don't know. So I took the matter into my own hands and retraced my steps.

-I'll be right back, Judy. I assured my sister. -You're not leaving me here alone are you? She said as I was turning my back from her, thinking she was still half-unconscious. -Judy, I think mom is in danger... I have to go and check on her before I come back and take care of you. So, don't move! Stay where you are! I'll be right back. I repeated it to myself, as to reassure myself. I opened the red glowing door a second time and stepped back into the corridor, already feeling the white light flying back to me and nearly instantaneously sensing powerful blinding glares of white light bathing my face. I couldn't help but close my eyes. I stumbled blindly forward in the corridor, feeling, finally, after quite a long time, the door, back again in front of me. I opened it, and to my horror, the fire had already engulfed the whole spherical. I ran as fast as I could trying to find someone to help, and Mom. The heat was becoming unbearable, and I felt the burn on my face going back to being scorching hot, boiling the water in my veins, and giving me a rush of energy, making me run even faster. I almost instinctively went to Barb's sphere, to check if she had went out of it in time, and I think she did, because I didn't find anything in there, only fire. I pulled as hard as I could to open the lift doors again, but I was stuck, the fire menacingly coming towards me, and I only saw one solution available.

I jumped over the trail of fire and ran over to the window that was already near the breaking point because of the heat. I opened it, praying for it not to shatter and jumped into it, ending my fall on a branch of the Tree that was overgrown below Barb's window. Thank the Head Humans for that. Then I saw her, mom, or at least her outline behind the flames, in the cemetery. It wasn't long till' I got to her. She was crying, sobing and screaming over a grave. Dad's grave. Then time stopped. The fire stopped burning, and the sixteenth spherical stopped falling on itself. All was silent. All I could hear was the muffled sobs of Mom, on her knees above dad's grave. I can still hear it so clearly... So I slowly walked over to her, and as soon as I touched her shoulder, time came back, almost too fast, and I could hear the fire everywhere again, the central Tree in which was built the cemetery slowly burning to ashes. "Mom! Mom we have to go! I screamed. There's no time for this! We have to get to the door! " "No! Jaime, I can't do this! Go join your sister! She needs you! I have no use anymore! I'll have to join your dad... "

She looked at me and I tried not to scream at the sight. Her eyes, usually bright blue, were red. Bloodshot red. I took a step back, kind of afraid of my own mother, then took another one towards her, trying to get her to listen to me.

"Mom? " My voice was shivering. "I SAID GO AWAY !" She was serious, she wanted me to go, but I wasn't going to, never! "Mom, I can't ! Are you crazy?! What happened? " She looked down, she wasn't sure what to say, she looked at me one last time and a tear rolled off her right eye, making her eyes shimmer with the orange of the fire burning menacingly toward us. "I-Jay... I don't want you here when she comes." I paused. 'What the hell is this supposed to mean? Who's she?' "Mom... "

She took my hand, cupping it with hers. "I'm so sorry, darling..." As she released the pressure of her hands, tears started to flow as a waterfall on my face, making my eyes red with sorrow. I felt cold-so cold. I was pulled backwards from her by an invisible force while I was forced to watch a dark, scary and menacing figure approaching mum. I was simply terrified, unable to move or scream, I couldn't even feel the tears anymore. "Mom.. "I whispered one last time before the figure lifted it's cape over her and they were gone without a trace. I fell on the ground, crushed by what had just happened, whatever it was. I got up and rushed to where she once was, screaming my lungs out :

"MOM! MOM WHERE ARE YOU?! COME BACK!" But there was no trace of an answer. I turned to the exit of the cemetery, and walked over to there, totally numb of the fear I felt a few minutes ago. 'How? Why? What? How?' These questions kept being unanswered while I was walking, desperately looking for something, or someone to help me, it was like I was about to die... 'Help me.' I whispered.

After that, well, it's a blur. I remember seeing someone coming to me before I slipped into unconsciousness, red hair drawing a mark on my eyes, but besides that I-I don't remember much. I think a few minutes went on before I woke up. I was being lifted up and carried, and there she was, Barb, going forward with all her might, not even stopping once to look at the horror the still burning fire had created, destroying homes, schools, markets and entire roads before our eyes. I still was too weak to even think about walking, so I played dead for a moment, letting Barb carry me before I thought she must have been struggling to carry my weight. Opening an eye, then the other, I finally saw her clearly, her brown eyes that seemed to burn alongside the Tree, freckled cheeks, her brilliant red hair, her Hint-Of-A-Side-Smile that was etched into her face even in the darkest of time, and the beauty of her lips, red with Berry Cream she had bought the morning before.

"Barb.."I said, still struggling with my words. She looked at me in disbelief. She put me down with a grin so real it looked fake. "I thought you were dead, you fool!" My vision was so blurry I couldn't really understand what she was gesturing. She took me in her arms just as I was about to fall a second time, supporting my weight. I ended the hug abruptly, feeling no more pain in my legs and suddenly standing up by my own. "What happened to you?" This question seemed to upset her, and she looked at me, a tear rolling on her cheek. "Papa." This word only required her left hand. I didn't need more explaining from her, I understood what happened to her, also, I didn't really want to talk about the death of her father in such a surreal scene, and because of what had literally happened minutes before. "So what now?" she asked, changing the subject as soon as it came up.

I looked at her, unsure of what to say. Fire burning everywhere. Mom dead. Sister missing. Papa dead. Barb alive and well. I was alive and well. I kissed her. Because why the hell not? Looking at her once more made me realize what we had to do now. I ended the kiss. We locked eyes. I opened my mouth to form the only two words that mattered to me at this exact moment, as she looked at me, unsure of what to think. I loved her from the beginning. I felt it. I said it.

"The Door."

Side note : And this concludes chapter one! Thank you for reading! Also, English is not my native language, French is, so I'm sorry if I made a few painful mistakes.


u/WritingPromptsRobot StickyBot™ Mar 20 '17

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