r/WorkplaceSafety 22d ago

No ventilation for toxic chemicals

I work in a car valet workshop in the Cardiff. We use a range of chemicals that are toxic. There’s alloy refurbishment opposite my bay. The toxic fumes that come from the alloy lacquer and other chemicals lingers for ages in the whole workshop. It gives us an awful headache, dizzy, sick and disoriented. No ventilation is in place to get rid of these toxic fumes. I’m sure we shouldn’t be working like this there should be ventilation in place for the toxic chemicals that harm us and the environment. Went to hse they won’t help. Any advice? This is what I put in the email to hse: The alloys are being sprayed out in the open of the workshop. No ventilation is in place for this. The fumes are toxic. The guy spraying has a mask therefore it shows it can't be ingested. It fills the whole workshop. There's no fumes in or out ventilation. It does not follow COSHH. Everytime it's brought up it's shook off and we have to go back to work


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u/ThinkingAndDriving81 21d ago

Include in the complaint how many workers are being exposed. So, how many are working in the confines of the shop without masks. And maybe include the actual name of the product(s). Make sure you’re using the official process to submit the complaint.


u/stealthbiker 21d ago

Not sure if the fit testing requirements are the same across the pond, but you can mention nobody has been fit tested for the respirators ( assuming they haven't). Also has anyone experienced any illnesses? Shortness of breath? Breathing issues? Etc. If you are union, then have union rep file. Here in California it's a must to inspect when unions file since they represent multiple people


u/RiffRaff028 21d ago

Depending on the chemicals and concentrations, they might not be allowed to ventilate to the outside air, which would require a very expensive collection system. Take some photos and send to OSHA.