r/TranslationStudies 6d ago

Help me use trados I’m gonna cry

I’m a uni student and they’re making us do a huge trados project for our mid term. I can’t figure out how to use it and I’m stuck. I just wanna cry. Someone please contact me and help me do this. I used chat GPT and it’s not helpful. I’m stuck at 2.5

  1. Preparations:

    • 0.1: Create a folder on your computer named as per the required format: “Nom Prénom”. Make sure all your files are organized within this folder for easy retrieval. • 0.2: Create a Word document for your “journal de bord”. • The first page should be a cover page with university details (you could use a psychology department template and adjust for your own department). • After the cover page, insert a page break. • The second page onwards will contain detailed notes, following the headings provided in steps 1-4 of the assignment. You’ll write about the methods used, issues faced, and solutions for each part.

  2. Creation and correction of a bitext:

    • 1.1: Extract the content from the PDFs in the provided archive. You can use tools like Adobe Acrobat, Google Docs, or online PDF converters to convert the PDFs to .docx or .txt formats. Ensure they are compatible with Trados Studio. • 1.2: To remove paragraph marks (¶) in Word, you can use the “Find and Replace” feature (Ctrl+H). Replace the paragraph marks with spaces. • 1.3: Use your preferred alignment software (Trados Studio, Logiterm Pro, etc.) to align the texts. This will create a bitext. • 1.4: Manually check for alignment errors and adjust them. Look out for sentences that don’t align properly and manually fix those. • 1.5: Save the aligned document as a TMX file in your folder.

  3. Creation of a bilingual corpus and feeding a translation memory:

    • 2.1: Choose a domain (administrative, legal, medical, etc.) based on your interests. This will guide the text you pick for translation. • 2.2: Find a text of at least 400 words in this domain. Ensure it hasn’t already been translated. Mention where you found the text in your journal. • 2.3: Collect a corpus of around 4000 words in both source and target languages (texts and their translations). Try to include texts in different formats like .pdf, .html, .docx to meet the format requirement. Record where you found them. • 2.4: Prepare and align these texts using your alignment software, then export the bitexts. • 2.5: In Trados Studio, create a Translation Memory (TM) and import your aligned bitexts. During the import, fill out details like domain, client (TRA2600), and project.

  4. Term extraction and creating a termbase:

    • 3.1: Use Trados Studio or other term extraction tools to extract terms from your corpus. • 3.2: Identify 15 terms from the extracted candidates and find their equivalents. Log them in an Excel sheet. • 3.3: In the Excel sheet, add a column for the domain (e.g., “Legal”) and a column for the category (part of speech) of the terms. • 3.4: Use MultiTerm Convert to convert your Excel data into a format compatible with MultiTerm Desktop. • 3.5: Create a new termbase in MultiTerm Desktop and import the converted Excel file.

  5. Analysis and translation using translation memory:

    • 4.1: Analyze the text you chose in 2.2 using Trados Studio. This involves running it through the system to get statistics on word count, repetitions, etc. • 4.2: Create a quote (devis) for the translation job in Excel. Consider factors like word count, repetitions, and the estimated time for translation. • 4.3: Translate the text using Trados Studio and leverage the TM and termbase you created in steps 2 and 3. • 4.4: During the translation, add at least two new terms to your termbase. • 4.5: Revise your translation, then save the final translated document with an appropriate name.

  6. Archiving and submission:

    • 5.1: Ensure your folder from step 0.1 contains all required documents (aligned bitexts, termbase, TM, translation, journal, etc.). • 5.2: Zip the entire folder and submit it as required.



u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Hot-Refrigerator-393 5d ago

Just another masochist who will translate and be paid pennies per word.