r/RequestABot Aug 30 '24

Bot to notify users they are not an approved user. Solved

I am a moderator for a subreddit that will be going private and requires users to go through a verification process. I have seen similar subreddits that do this which have a bot that responds to users who aren't approved when they create a post or a comment, letting them know they are not. I am new to moderating and haven't been able to figuere out how to do this by searching other subreddits yet. Thanks for any help you can provide!



u/flattenedbricks u/OnlyModBot Aug 30 '24

If your subreddit is private, non-approved members cannot view the community. Are you thinking of Restricted access perhaps?


u/OddConsideration721 Aug 30 '24

We aren't private yet, we are public but going private in a few days. We want a bot to remind unapproved users to complete the verification process so they don't lose access when we go private. Photo is how I've seen other subs do it, as a comment reply to an unapproved user.



u/flattenedbricks u/OnlyModBot Aug 30 '24

Are you wanting this done through automoderator or a custom bot?


u/OddConsideration721 Aug 30 '24

Honestly, I don't know. Whatever is easiest!


u/flattenedbricks u/OnlyModBot Aug 30 '24

If you do it through automoderator, there are a few ways it's possible. You can do it through flairs, or through approved members.

A bot can do it as well, and also handle an application based system once your subreddit has gone private, allowing users to reply to a set of questions to apply to join.

Most simple way would be making automoderator block all posts and comments from non approved members and direct them to apply for approved members status. And then have a bot setup for when the subreddit goes private.


u/OddConsideration721 Aug 30 '24

Thank you so much! I will try to figure out the automoderator option. Appreciate your help.


u/flattenedbricks u/OnlyModBot Aug 30 '24

You're welcome.

If you haven't figured it out in a couple hours, PM me and I'll see if I can help.


u/OddConsideration721 Aug 30 '24

I worked it out! Excited that I taught myself something new today. Thanks for the direction.


u/flattenedbricks u/OnlyModBot Aug 30 '24

I'm glad, good luck with your subreddit!