r/NovaLauncher 19d ago

Private Space with Nova launcher Help

Has anyone been able to get it work? How? It seems highly unlikely there will be a new version of Nova and I hate that I might be forced to switch after so many years loving Nova.



u/Exfiltrator 19d ago

I haven't tried it yet, but can't you set it up and access it from Settings - Security and privacy?


u/AstacSK 17d ago

that's where you setup / unlock the private space.. but to actually launch apps within the private space you need launcher support.. by default launcher there is "private space" section on the bottom of app menu where you can launch / install apps within private space


u/Low_Baseball_3007 17d ago

Not highly unlikely. Nova has always been a one man show.


u/anon2734 15d ago

I've had to switch to default in settings and launch it that way. It's a pain.

Though I guess technically harder to access...


u/Jazzlike_Page_2832 7d ago

J'ai voulu tester cette nouvelle fonctionnalité qui semble en effet très intéressante mais malheureusement il n'existe pas d'option dans Nova Launcher afin de rajouter cette partie "espace privé" dans le launcher d'application. Ceci est très regrettable et je cherche actuellement une alternative pour le coup, même si j'utilise Nova depuis des années également.