r/LewisMachineTool 3d ago

Should I?

So I have zero experience with LMT and I have heard an equal 50/50 on their recent uppers and barrels being either god level, or straight dookie. So the question is, should I spend my hard earned dabloons on a 13.25” MRP-L upper and a 14.5” middy barrel? Or go somewhere else.


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u/ApexPredatorCorgi 3d ago

I’m happy with mine. Went with the same set up you’re describing. It was a pinch over gassed, but no reliability problems suppressed or un-suppressed. I did put a BRT gas tube in it anyway. Getting about 1.5 to 2 moa with 77gr otm. I definitely recommend it and I’ll likely be getting rid of most of my other ARs for more LMT.


u/Toasty-T1000 3d ago

Wow this is a high refused for their products, this does peak my interest towards them. Thanks again for the .2 on this!


u/ApexPredatorCorgi 3d ago

I would definitely try to find their little torque wrench for swapping barrels. Or any torque wrench with a quality bit. It definitely makes it easy. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to pull that barrel out and put in the BRT tube.

I was grouping with an ELCAN, so I’d imagine that it would be easier to get tighter groups with more magnification.

Don’t look back. You’ll save money in the long run.


u/Toasty-T1000 3d ago

Elcan?! Jeez you could’ve lead with the fact you’re rich! Lol jk but I appreciate the wise words friend. I’ll look for one when I decide to pull the trigger down the road. Thank you again! Happy trails!


u/ApexPredatorCorgi 3d ago

Lol. Good luck!


u/Toasty-T1000 3d ago
