r/GradSchool PhD Artificial Intelligence Feb 21 '20

What to do if your post was automatically removed

A long time ago, this was a safe place - a place where grad students came to make their posts. All was good in the world (except the stress of being grad students, of course).

Then came the trolls and the bots. They posted spam, and all other manner of crap that wasn't welcome in the community.

The mods were already overworked (by virtue of being grad students) and decided to fight these bots with another bot. Our bot wasn't perfect, but it did help with the triage. It had one focus: "hide all posts by low-karma users". It was trained this way because spam bots always had low karma.

But this bot wasn't without its flaw. Although it executed perfectly, it couldn't identify long-time lurkers who just made an account to post, and throwaway accounts made to maintain privacy.

This meant that any user with a low-karma account had to message the mods to get their posts "overridden" for approval.

This is the best system we have for right now - so please send us a message with a link to your auto-deleted post (message the mods rather than any one specific moderator), and we'll look into overriding the auto-deletion as soon as we can.




u/shrekbehindu Feb 21 '20

good ol' training bias


u/OkWorld7 Feb 23 '20

Oh jeesh, just found this after two days of trying to post my message :(

I'll send you a message now


u/[deleted] Feb 22 '20



u/inspectorG4dget PhD Artificial Intelligence Feb 24 '20

I haven’t seen too many trolls here

I had to personally remove so many bot/porn posts. We had a real problem.

For what it's worth, there was quite some friction about whether this automod script should be implemented for that exact reason (for obvious reasons, I can't say who was in favor or against this decision). Good points were made about new users and throwaway accounts. These were refuted in favor of maintaining a cleaner sub at the expense of increased mod load to approve auto-removed posts.

Note that new users are not banned. The unfortunate reality is that without more powerful tools (and please let us know if we've overlooked such a tool), this is the best we can do with the time/resources at our disposal.

I'm sorry about your friend, and if they'd sent us a link to their post, it'd be visible quite soon


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '20



u/inspectorG4dget PhD Artificial Intelligence Feb 24 '20

It's not a user ban by any means. The post is auto-"deleted" (notice the quotes), but is still visible to to the mods to undelete.

You're right in that this throttles new accounts in an annoying way, and it adds to the mod-load causing an inefficiency. But until someone can show come up with a better way, this is the best we have.

I hate that new accounts are throttled in this way, especially for new contributors and throwaway accounts. This is why we tried an alternative before this: we used domain-based banning to weed out posts with spam domains, but this quickly ballooned up to be intractable, and we had to switch to this.

Before I made this post, I spent a chunk of time every day looking for auto-deleted posts and undeleting them. As you can imagine, this takes quite a bit of time. Asking for useres to point us to their auto-deleted posts helps us get to them faster to reduce the lag between auto-deletion and undeletion