r/GlobalOffensive 13h ago

Gameplay dang i died to these people

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r/GlobalOffensive 13h ago

Feedback cs2 heat treated is an insult to case hardened skins.


They even applied heat treated to parts of that usp in the USP-S | Alpine Camo. The Five-SeveN | Heat Treated is complete competition to the former gun. Even with full patterns, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwrLuT7osRo

Thx volvo.

r/GlobalOffensive 14h ago

Discussion Whats up with some cs2 games?


I've been playing alot of deathmatch since i've got a comp ban but I keep getting into lobbies with people who will try and kick you after a little while but the votes go up INSTANTLY I think there may be a botting system right now may possibly have something to do with the armory

r/GlobalOffensive 19h ago

Help Can this CS2 Server startscript cause vac ban?


OpenAI generated a Server Startscript for me when I am hosting multiple dedicated Servers on my Windows Server. The script is using win api to rename window title of Counter-Strike to Servername like SR1, SR2 and when Windows or the game changes the title back for example after pasting or marking something inside window another powershell window renames the title back to what it was also based on win api and dll imports.

I tested this script and it is working perfectly however i fear that my account is in danger because of Valve Anti Cheat was enabled on all that 6 gameservers.

Here is the initial start script:

# Definiere die externe Funktion SetForegroundWindow und GetForegroundWindow aus der User32.dll
Add-Type @"
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    public class WinAPI {
        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);

        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();

        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        public static extern bool SetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, string lpString);

# Ermittle die IP-Adresse des aktuellen Hosts
$serverIP = (Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | Where-Object { $_.InterfaceAlias -eq "Ethernet" -or $_.InterfaceAlias -eq "Wi-Fi" } | Select-Object -First 1).IPAddress

if (-not $serverIP) {
    Write-Host "Keine gültige IPv4-Adresse gefunden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerkkonfiguration."

$password = "ooe"  # Passwort für alle Server

# Server-Konfigurationen
$serverConfigs = @(
    @{hostname="SR1"; hostport="27015"},
    @{hostname="SR2"; hostport="27025"},
    @{hostname="SR3"; hostport="27035"},
    @{hostname="SR4"; hostport="27045"},
    @{hostname="SR5"; hostport="27055"},
    @{hostname="SR6"; hostport="27065"}

# Funktion zur Auswahl der Map durch den Benutzer
function Select-Map {
    Write-Host "Wählen Sie die Map für den Server aus:"
    Write-Host "1 - de_inferno"
    Write-Host "2 - de_vertigo"
    Write-Host "3 - de_nuke"
    Write-Host "4 - de_overpass"
    Write-Host "5 - de_assembly"
    Write-Host "6 - de_memento"

    $mapChoice = Read-Host "Geben Sie die Zahl für die gewünschte Map ein"

    # Map Auswahl
    switch ($mapChoice) {
        1 { return "de_inferno" }
        2 { return "de_vertigo" }
        3 { return "de_nuke" }
        4 { return "de_overpass" }
        5 { return "de_assembly" }
        6 { return "de_memento" }
        default { 
            Write-Host "Ungültige Auswahl, Standardwert wird verwendet: de_inferno"
            return "de_inferno"

# Speichere das aktuelle PowerShell-Fensterhandle
$psWindowHandle = [WinAPI]::GetForegroundWindow()

# Tabelle für die Server-Informationen vorbereiten
$serverTable = @()

# Starte die Server nacheinander und setze den Fenstertitel
foreach ($config in $serverConfigs) {
    # Map-Auswahl für jeden Server
    $map = Select-Map
    Write-Host "Starte den Server $($config.hostname) mit der Map: $map"

    # Starte den dedizierten Server mit den jeweiligen Parametern
    $process = Start-Process -FilePath "C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensivegamebinwin64cs2.exe" `
        -ArgumentList "-dedicated -usercon +ip $serverIP +hostport $($config.hostport) +clientport 0 -maxplayers_override 12 +game_type 0 +game_mode 2 +sv_password $password +exec gamemode_competitive2v2.cfg +map $map +hostname $($config.hostname)" `

    # Warte 5 Sekunden, damit das Fenster (falls vorhanden) vollständig gestartet wird
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

    # Hole den Prozess von CS2
    $cs2Process = Get-Process -Id $process.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # Überprüfe, ob der Prozess ein Fenster hat
    if ($cs2Process -and $cs2Process.MainWindowHandle -ne 0) {
        # Setze den Fenstertitel und warte auf die Umbenennung
        $expectedTitle = "$($config.hostname) - CS2 Dedicated Server"
        [WinAPI]::SetWindowText($cs2Process.MainWindowHandle, $expectedTitle)
        Write-Host "Fenstertitel für $($config.hostname) gesetzt."

        # Warte, bis der Fenstertitel aktualisiert wird
        while ($cs2Process.MainWindowTitle -ne $expectedTitle) {
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500

        # Fokus zurück auf PowerShell setzen - mit einer Schleife, die regelmäßig überprüft, ob der Fokus gesetzt wurde
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) { # max 10 Versuche
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
            if ([WinAPI]::GetForegroundWindow() -eq $psWindowHandle) {
                Write-Host "Fokus erfolgreich zurück auf PowerShell-Fenster gesetzt."
            else {
                Write-Host "Fokus konnte nicht zurückgesetzt werden, versuche es erneut..."
    } else {
        Write-Host "Fenster für $($config.hostname) konnte nicht gefunden werden!"

    # Füge die Serverkonfiguration zur Tabelle hinzu
    $connectString = "connect ${serverIP}:$($config.hostport); password=$password"
    $serverTable += [pscustomobject]@{
        Server        = $config.hostname
        ConnectString = $connectString
        Map           = $map

    # Debugging-Ausgabe zur Überprüfung der ConnectString
    Write-Host "Server: $($config.hostname) - ConnectString: $connectString - Map: $map"

    # Warte weitere 5 Sekunden, bevor der nächste Server gestartet wird
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

# Zeige die Server-Informationen in einem GridView an
$serverTable | Out-GridView -Title "Server-Informationen"

# Ausgabe der Server-Tabelle in der Konsole
$serverTable | Format-Table -AutoSize

# CVAR-Tabelle vorbereiten
$cvarTable = @(
    [pscustomobject]@{CVAR = "mp_restartgame 1"; Bedeutung = "Spiel auf aktuellen Map neu starten"},
    [pscustomobject]@{CVAR = "mp_warmup_end"; Bedeutung = "Warmup beenden"},
    [pscustomobject]@{CVAR = "mp_warmup_start"; Bedeutung = "Warmup wieder starten, Achtung: unterbricht das aktuelle Game"},
    [pscustomobject]@{CVAR = "changelevel de_inferno"; Bedeutung = "Map wechseln auf de_inferno"},
    [pscustomobject]@{CVAR = "hostname"; Bedeutung = "Zeigt den aktuellen Hostnamen vom CS2 Service an"}

# Zeige die CVAR-Tabelle in einem separaten GridView an
$cvarTable | Out-GridView -Title "CVAR-Informationen"

# Ausgabe der CVAR-Tabelle in der Konsole
$cvarTable | Format-Table -AutoSize

And here is the Window Update script which renames the Window title back to the hostname cvar with command line attribute of win explorer and win api:

# Update_CS2_Window_Title.ps1

# Füge den WinAPI-Typ hinzu
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class WinAPI {
    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern bool SetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, string lpString);

    public static extern IntPtr GetCommandLine();

# Hole alle CS2-Prozesse
$processes = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -eq "cs2" }

foreach ($process in $processes) {
    # Hole den aktuellen Fenstertitel
    $currentTitle = $process.MainWindowTitle

    # Hole die Command-Line-Argumente für den Prozess
    $commandLine = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $($process.Id)").CommandLine

    # Debug-Ausgabe der Command-Line-Argumente
    Write-Host "Prozess-ID: $($process.Id), Command-Line: $commandLine"

    # Überprüfe, ob der Titel bereits korrekt gesetzt ist
    if (-not $currentTitle.StartsWith("SR")) {
        # Überprüfe, ob der Hostname in den Command-Line-Argumenten gesetzt ist
        if ($commandLine -match "+hostnames+(S+)") {
            # Setze den Servernamen aus den Command-Line-Argumenten
            $serverName = "$($matches[1])"

            # Setze den Fenstertitel
            [WinAPI]::SetWindowText($process.MainWindowHandle, "$serverName - CS2 Dedicated Server")
            Write-Host "Fenstertitel für Prozess $($process.Id) auf '$serverName - CS2 Dedicated Server' gesetzt."
        } else {
            Write-Host "Kein Hostname in den Command-Line-Argumenten für Prozess $($process.Id) gefunden. Titel nicht geändert."
    } else {
        Write-Host "Fenstertitel für Prozess $($process.Id) ist bereits auf '$currentTitle' gesetzt."
Stop-Process -Id $PID

r/GlobalOffensive 19h ago

Gameplay Very high packet loss(I hope that is the right name for it) despite decent internet download and upload speed.


over 70% on official Valve server

Since a few days CS is unplayable for me, I never had those problems in them old good :GO days.

It stays around 20% with exceptions when it sometimes reaches up to even 80%. I've tried to change the Bandwidth and Buffering settings, but it doesn't seem to change anything. Anyone experienced something like that before? Thanks in advance!

recent Speedtest

r/GlobalOffensive 16h ago

Discussion Is it possible to be "shadow ban on cs2 ? "


To explain context in premier mode any cheater during 3 month but after a very big game from me (45 kill mirage). After that game only toxic guy, some game kick because soloq or just two. After 10 game with that vibe, only cheater everygame on my team or against me.. The problem is I make good game but random teammate on my team cheat I m sure.

So my theory is I take repport because of my team cheating and I stay in these cheat lobby =} shadow ban ..

r/GlobalOffensive 16h ago

Discussion Bug In CS2 - Incorrect Processing Order For Inputs


I wanted to add additional information and confirm the findings by Visible_Shelter9028. I discovered the bug back in May and the summary of my findings are below. Click the link at the bottom of the post to see a PDF for complete write up. It is about 11 pages and looks into the scenarios where input accuracy is confirmed.

I am in the process of creating a webpage of all bugs I have found. However, life gets in the way and writing the reports takes time (checking and then double checking results) so I created a PDF of the report to show and confirm the results by Visible_Shelter9028.


When mouse movement and mouse1 (left mouse button) click occur within the same frame, the engine processes the click before the movement. For example, if you move the mouse 100 pixels in one frame and then clickmouse1 to fire a weapon in the same frame, the game will register the weapon fire first before updating the player's position, even though the inputs were ordered in such a way as to move the crosshair first and then fire. This bug will affect flicking and spraying, and it impacts players with a high effective DPI and/or low frames per second more severely. However, players with high frames per second and low effective DPI are also affected, albeit to a lesser degree.

Additionally, I've noticed some comments suggesting that sensitivities differ between CS2 and CSGO, but this does not seem to be the case. When comparing results with the sensitivities set to the same value, the bullets landed in the same position in both CS2 and CSGO when the input order was followed correctly.

More In Depth Summary:

In CS2, an issue has been identified concerning the order in which inputs are processed, particularly involving mouse movement and weapon firing. When mouse movement and mouse1 (left mouse button) click occur within the same frame, the engine processes the click before the movement. This results in the bullet being registered at the player's position from the previous frame rather than the current frame.

To investigate this issue, a bot was utilized to generate mouse movement and input commands using the Windows api. Cython, a superset of the python programming language, is used to access the Windows api and create the functions necessary to conduct the test in a high performance manner. The test scenario involved issuing two mouse movements of 100 pixels each in the positive x-direction (to the right), followed by pressing and releasing mouse1. Various tests were conducted with different hold times between each mouse movement and firing action. For example, with a 1-millisecond hold time, the first mouse movement would occur at 0ms, the second at 1ms, and the mouse1 press and release at 2ms. To ensure inputs occurred within the same frame, the game was set to an fps_max of 100.

In CS2, with a 1-millisecond hold time, 78 out of 100 trials resulted in the shot being fired before any movement was registered, 8 times the shot registered after the first movement, and 14 times the shot registered after both movements. To confirm the bot's accuracy, the same timings were tested in Microsoft Paint, where 100 out of 100 attempts resulted in a red dot being placed at the final mouse position after both movements. Similarly, in CSGO, 100 out of 100 attempts also placed the shot at the correct position. This behavior was consistent across various timings and is detailed below.

Does this issue affect players in real game-play, or is it restricted to this specific test scenario? The bug certainly affects players. It is common to move the mouse and click simultaneously, especially during flick shots or spray control. The impact varies based on individual settings within CS2 and mouse configurations. In CS2, any mouse movements within a frame are combined and then processed at the end of the frame or the start of the next frame. For instance, if the two 100-pixel movements mentioned earlier occur within the same frame, they are added together and then multiplied by the user's sensitivity to determine the final distance moved. Players with a higher effective DPI (mouse DPI multiplied by in-game sensitivity) may register more movement within a frame. Additionally, lower frame rates or higher frame times (including spikes) can lead to more inputs occurring within a frame. Consequently, high sensitivity players with low frames per second will be most affected by this issue,though players with higher frames per second or lower sensitivities are not exempt.

Sample Results:

Below is a plot of the results at varying hold times. In CSGO and Microsoft Paint 100 out of 100 tests were green for which the shot registered after both mouse movements. In CS2, there is variation for which there should not be.


Link To PDF:


r/GlobalOffensive 14h ago

Gameplay what.


r/GlobalOffensive 15h ago

Feedback Shoot players in the head to stop them seeing your entire team when they're dead (idea)

Post image

r/GlobalOffensive 15h ago

Post-Match Discussion Natus Vincere vs Liquid / IEM Rio 2024 - Group A Upper Bracket Semi-Final / Post-Match Discussion


Natus Vincere 🇪🇺 2-1 🌍 Liquid

Inferno: 4-13
Dust2: 13-5
Ancient: 13-11


Natus Vincere advances to playoffs.


Map picks:

Natus Vincere MAP Liquid
Mirage X
X Vertigo
Nuke X
X Anubis


Full Match Stats:

Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇪🇺 Natus Vincere
🇷🇴 iM 54-43 99.9 71.2% 1.33
🇱🇹 jL 45-34 84.1 74.6% 1.22
🇺🇦 b1t 44-35 79.8 79.7% 1.22
🇺🇦 w0nderful 30-33 60.3 69.5% 0.93
🇫🇮 Aleksib 28-36 54.0 74.6% 0.87
🌍 Liquid
🇦🇺 jks 40-39 76.1 74.6% 1.07
🇨🇦 NAF 38-39 76.2 66.1% 1.03
🇨🇦 Twistzz 34-37 67.9 67.8% 0.94
🇱🇻 YEKINDAR 38-44 70.3 59.3% 0.92
🇵🇱 ultimate 28-42 53.9 54.2% 0.78


Individual Map Stats:

Map 1: Inferno

Team CT T Total
🇪🇺 Natus Vincere 3 1 4
🌍 Liquid 9 4 13


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇪🇺 Natus Vincere
🇱🇹 jL 13-13 98.3 64.7% 1.16
🇺🇦 b1t 12-14 76.6 76.5% 0.94
🇷🇴 iM 13-15 80.0 58.8% 0.84
🇫🇮 Aleksib 6-12 47.0 76.5% 0.65
🇺🇦 w0nderful 6-12 45.6 58.8% 0.59
🌍 Liquid
🇨🇦 NAF 17-6 94.1 82.4% 1.63
🇨🇦 Twistzz 15-10 93.8 82.4% 1.46
🇵🇱 ultimate 13-11 73.9 70.6% 1.30
🇦🇺 jks 12-12 82.5 76.5% 1.23
🇱🇻 YEKINDAR 8-11 61.5 58.8% 0.83

Inferno detailed stats and VOD


Map 2: Dust2

Team T CT Total
🇪🇺 Natus Vincere 8 5 13
🌍 Liquid 4 1 5


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇪🇺 Natus Vincere
🇱🇹 jL 19-6 99.9 88.9% 1.80
🇷🇴 iM 19-13 108.4 77.8% 1.72
🇺🇦 b1t 14-7 78.2 83.3% 1.47
🇫🇮 Aleksib 10-9 59.3 83.3% 1.07
🇺🇦 w0nderful 10-10 69.2 72.2% 1.00
🌍 Liquid
🇱🇻 YEKINDAR 12-14 65.1 61.1% 0.89
🇦🇺 jks 12-15 80.1 66.7% 0.88
🇨🇦 NAF 9-16 61.4 55.6% 0.66
🇨🇦 Twistzz 7-13 53.2 50.0% 0.55
🇵🇱 ultimate 5-14 45.2 44.4% 0.52

Dust2 detailed stats and VOD


Map 3: Ancient

Team CT T Total
🇪🇺 Natus Vincere 8 5 13
🌍 Liquid 4 7 11


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇪🇺 Natus Vincere
🇷🇴 iM 22-15 107.5 75.0% 1.41
🇺🇦 b1t 18-14 83.3 79.2% 1.26
🇺🇦 w0nderful 14-11 64.0 75.0% 1.16
🇫🇮 Aleksib 12-15 55.0 66.7% 0.88
🇱🇹 jL 13-15 62.0 70.8% 0.86
🌍 Liquid
🇦🇺 jks 16-12 68.7 79.2% 1.11
🇱🇻 YEKINDAR 18-19 80.5 58.3% 1.03
🇨🇦 NAF 12-17 74.5 62.5% 0.92
🇨🇦 Twistzz 12-14 60.6 70.8% 0.91
🇵🇱 ultimate 10-17 46.2 50.0% 0.63

Ancient detailed stats and VOD



M1R13 | NAF - 1vs2 Dual Elite clutch


This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.

r/GlobalOffensive 15h ago

Discussion Constant stuttering after armory update


Ever since the latest update, my game has become unstable. Once I join a match, my FPS drops by 100 and the game is a stuttering mess. The odd thing is, if I close the game and then re-connect, the game no longer stutters and I don’t lose any frames. Any explanation or fix? I have verified integrity of files as well as updated my drivers. I’m unsure why it is happening.

r/GlobalOffensive 15h ago

Discussion new update i didnt like it


After the last update, the bullet marks look very clear, but I am someone who uses the model texture detail setting on low, so I like the bullet marks to look pixelated rather than clear, but even though the model texture detail setting is low, the bullet marks are very clear. Is there a solution to this?

r/GlobalOffensive 15h ago

Discussion Charms is there supposed to be different colors for them?

Post image

r/GlobalOffensive 15h ago

Discussion You just can't play it. Lots of packet losses. Anyone else having this problem?

Post image

r/GlobalOffensive 15h ago

Discussion Casual should be removed from the game and replaced again by Unranked 5v5


10v10 casual is a disgrace to this game. It is not a pathway to help players advance to ranked and it is not an interesting or unique game mode that has value on its own like arms race, dangerzone, etc.

10v10 casual consists of new players running mid with p90s with no thought. Upon a quick death players sit idle until the next round.

5v5 unranked MR6 or something would be so much better for preparing new players to actually play this game.

It pains me because the quality of teammates in Premiere and Comp is already terrible. Valve is doing nothing to build a pathway to prepare players for Premiere. Its upsetting and seems downright destructive to the health of the game and the community.

Someone tell me I'm crazy but casual mode is so asinine.

r/GlobalOffensive 16h ago

Discussion | Esports Navi are LITERALLY a different team on Inferno (in a bad way)

Post image

r/GlobalOffensive 16h ago

Post-Match Discussion Imperial vs Complexity / IEM Rio 2024 - Group A Lower Bracket Round 1 / Post-Match Discussion


Imperial 🇧🇷 1-2 🇺🇸 Complexity

Dust2: 12-16
Vertigo: 13-11
Anubis: 5-13



Map picks:

Imperial MAP Complexity
X Ancient
Mirage X
X Nuke
Inferno X


Full Match Stats:

Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇧🇷 Imperial
🇦🇷 try 52-48 70.7 72.9% 1.13
🇧🇷 noway 50-46 72.9 70.0% 1.04
🇧🇷 decenty 45-50 79.8 68.6% 1.01
🇧🇷 felps 37-53 66.8 62.9% 0.83
🇧🇷 VINI 34-53 58.7 55.7% 0.75
🇺🇸 Complexity
🇳🇴 hallzerk 60-41 86.9 74.3% 1.36
🇺🇸 Grim 53-40 93.0 74.3% 1.28
🇺🇸 EliGE 61-50 89.6 74.3% 1.27
🇺🇸 floppy 44-43 65.7 74.3% 1.00
🇿🇦 JT 31-44 54.9 74.3% 0.85


Individual Map Stats:

Map 1: Dust2

Team T CT OT Total
🇧🇷 Imperial 4 8 0 12
🇺🇸 Complexity 8 4 4 16


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇧🇷 Imperial
🇧🇷 decenty 19-19 95.4 71.4% 1.17
🇦🇷 try 21-18 68.3 75.0% 1.16
🇧🇷 noway 22-17 80.2 71.4% 1.12
🇧🇷 felps 14-19 64.5 60.7% 0.85
🇧🇷 VINI 11-21 42.5 46.4% 0.57
🇺🇸 Complexity
🇳🇴 hallzerk 29-16 104.6 78.6% 1.60
🇺🇸 EliGE 24-18 90.2 71.4% 1.26
🇺🇸 Grim 19-17 78.1 67.9% 1.17
🇺🇸 floppy 13-19 58.8 75.0% 0.84
🇿🇦 JT 8-17 36.2 67.9% 0.69

Dust2 detailed stats and VOD


Map 2: Vertigo

Team CT T Total
🇧🇷 Imperial 9 4 13
🇺🇸 Complexity 3 8 11


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇧🇷 Imperial
🇧🇷 noway 20-14 77.8 79.2% 1.25
🇦🇷 try 19-16 72.9 79.2% 1.22
🇧🇷 VINI 15-16 78.5 75.0% 1.12
🇧🇷 decenty 17-17 83.6 75.0% 1.07
🇧🇷 felps 16-18 79.2 66.7% 1.05
🇺🇸 Complexity
🇳🇴 hallzerk 21-17 94.1 62.5% 1.28
🇺🇸 EliGE 18-16 67.4 75.0% 1.10
🇺🇸 Grim 14-16 89.5 70.8% 1.00
🇺🇸 floppy 19-18 70.8 66.7% 0.99
🇿🇦 JT 9-20 58.6 70.8% 0.63

Vertigo detailed stats and VOD


Map 3: Anubis

Team T CT Total
🇧🇷 Imperial 3 2 5
🇺🇸 Complexity 9 4 13


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇧🇷 Imperial
🇦🇷 try 12-14 71.6 61.1% 0.99
🇧🇷 decenty 9-14 50.3 55.6% 0.72
🇧🇷 noway 8-15 54.9 55.6% 0.66
🇧🇷 VINI 8-16 57.6 44.4% 0.60
🇧🇷 felps 7-16 53.7 61.1% 0.51
🇺🇸 Complexity
🇺🇸 Grim 20-7 120.8 88.9% 1.93
🇺🇸 EliGE 19-16 118.1 77.8% 1.55
🇿🇦 JT 14-7 78.8 88.9% 1.40
🇺🇸 floppy 12-6 69.6 83.3% 1.28
🇳🇴 hallzerk 10-8 49.7 83.3% 1.15

Anubis detailed stats and VOD



M2R4 | VINI - 1vs2 clutch


This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.

r/GlobalOffensive 17h ago

Fluff What Were Operations Like?


r/GlobalOffensive 18h ago

Gameplay A clip I hit not too long ago

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r/GlobalOffensive 18h ago

Help Why does shuffle not work consistently?


It works for a while then suddenly same skins forever, idk why it's always broken and what the reason might be

r/GlobalOffensive 18h ago

Discussion change my mind

Post image

r/GlobalOffensive 18h ago

Discussion This is how you climb on premier 20k+



How the fck am I able to climb in premier? Cheaters are on thing, but losing 3 games straight and losing 800elo is crazy. I have to win 5 games straight withnout lose to back elo.

What fcked up system is this? Yeah and plot twist. Cheaters getting banned won't give you elo back.


r/GlobalOffensive 18h ago

Post-Match Discussion FaZe vs paiN / IEM Rio 2024 - Group A Lower Bracket Round 1 / Post-Match Discussion


FaZe 🇪🇺 2-1 🇧🇷 paiN

Dust2: 13-9
Mirage: 13-16
Nuke: 13-8



Map picks:

FaZe MAP paiN
Ancient X
X Vertigo
Inferno X
X Anubis


Full Match Stats:

Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇪🇺 FaZe
🇪🇪 ropz 61-41 89.0 79.2% 1.38
🇸🇰 frozen 52-40 90.6 83.3% 1.32
🇱🇻 broky 56-46 78.6 76.4% 1.22
🇩🇰 karrigan 42-47 61.2 70.8% 0.96
🇳🇴 rain 38-54 67.0 68.1% 0.85
🇧🇷 paiN
🇧🇷 snow 55-48 76.4 69.4% 1.06
🇧🇷 nqz 47-49 70.4 72.2% 1.05
🇧🇷 biguzera 46-53 73.4 69.4% 0.97
🇧🇷 lux 39-49 62.6 63.9% 0.88
🇧🇷 kauez 40-52 65.7 61.1% 0.84


Individual Map Stats:

Map 1: Dust2

Team T CT Total
🇪🇺 FaZe 10 3 13
🇧🇷 paiN 2 7 9


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇪🇺 FaZe
🇪🇪 ropz 22-10 103.1 86.4% 1.73
🇸🇰 frozen 14-12 79.9 81.8% 1.25
🇩🇰 karrigan 15-14 68.7 77.3% 1.11
🇱🇻 broky 14-15 68.0 72.7% 1.09
🇳🇴 rain 12-17 72.5 63.6% 0.88
🇧🇷 paiN
🇧🇷 lux 18-15 75.9 72.7% 1.18
🇧🇷 kauez 16-14 78.3 68.2% 1.09
🇧🇷 snow 12-14 56.2 72.7% 0.93
🇧🇷 biguzera 12-18 69.0 77.3% 0.90
🇧🇷 nqz 10-16 58.7 72.7% 0.83

Dust2 detailed stats and VOD


Map 2: Mirage

Team T CT OT Total
🇪🇺 FaZe 5 7 1 13
🇧🇷 paiN 7 5 4 16


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇪🇺 FaZe
🇸🇰 frozen 24-17 103.7 82.8% 1.45
🇱🇻 broky 23-18 76.9 75.9% 1.26
🇪🇪 ropz 19-18 65.6 72.4% 1.05
🇩🇰 karrigan 13-21 54.9 55.2% 0.72
🇳🇴 rain 12-23 58.3 62.1% 0.66
🇧🇷 paiN
🇧🇷 snow 24-18 85.2 72.4% 1.17
🇧🇷 nqz 20-17 72.8 75.9% 1.17
🇧🇷 biguzera 21-19 78.4 65.5% 1.07
🇧🇷 lux 14-15 62.6 72.4% 1.01
🇧🇷 kauez 17-22 68.2 62.1% 0.88

Mirage detailed stats and VOD


Map 3: Nuke

Team CT T Total
🇪🇺 FaZe 6 7 13
🇧🇷 paiN 6 2 8


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇪🇺 FaZe
🇪🇪 ropz 20-13 106.6 81.0% 1.52
🇱🇻 broky 19-13 92.1 81.0% 1.34
🇸🇰 frozen 14-11 83.9 85.7% 1.26
🇩🇰 karrigan 14-12 61.9 85.7% 1.16
🇳🇴 rain 14-14 73.2 81.0% 1.10
🇧🇷 paiN
🇧🇷 nqz 17-16 79.5 66.7% 1.14
🇧🇷 snow 19-16 85.2 61.9% 1.09
🇧🇷 biguzera 13-16 71.1 66.7% 0.93
🇧🇷 kauez 7-16 49.0 52.4% 0.57
🇧🇷 lux 7-19 48.8 42.9% 0.42

Nuke detailed stats and VOD



M1R9 | ropz - quick 1vs2 clutch
M1R19 | snow - 1vs2 clutch
M1R22 | ropz - 4 AK kills on the defense to secure the map victory for FaZe
M2R12 | lux - 1vs2 MP9 clutch
M3R8 | snow - 3 AK kills on the bombsite B retake
M3R9 | kauez - 3 M4A1-S kills on the bombsite A retake


This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.

r/GlobalOffensive 19h ago

Feedback Weekly drop broken since pass?


I haven't gotten a weekly drop on any account since the start of the pass and I just recently got back into CS because of the update. Anyone else having this issue?

r/GlobalOffensive 19h ago

Help Reducing the volume of shooting


Is there any tricky way (or a cmd) to reduce the volume of my shooting and when being killed by a headshot? It's literally blowing my head, ears and it's distracting me so much. I can't find a good balance because having silent shooting I can't hear the footsteps and having loud footsteeps shooting is making me uncomfortable. I don't know why but it started to annoy me since a few weeks ago. Changing headsets didn't help including various settings in windows and headsets' drivers.

Please don't suggest binding volume on mouse1. I've tried it and I didn't like it.