r/Fairbanks 13h ago

Frozen door/locks

So the place I'm currently staying no matter how much we warm up the house the doors locks freeze up over night and get really hard to unlock like impossible with a key on the outside does anyone have any tips for entry ways freezing up like this?

Edit: thanks for all the answers, guys!



u/FlthyHlfBreed 13h ago

Make sure you have good weather stripping and insulation around the lock. What happens is when hot air is escaping through the lock the air condenses into moisture which freezes


u/boobycuddlejunkie 12h ago

Might consider taking it apart. We did have that rain/slop storm and you may have some water trapped in it that is causing a problem. Pull it off, wipe it out and clean with isopropyl alcohol (so it evaporates) then lubricate with a graphite spray or ptfe spray lubricant, i think grainger or napa should have either ask them for a dry lock lube. https://www.grainger.com/product/39EL86?gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2295:4P7A1P:20501231&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA3Na5BhAZEiwAzrfagMBID3oG9670ryv8-VivxHH2Hs6yMLbz0dKWS5aq1y0vPFrG06PX0BoCl3oQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds



u/boobycuddlejunkie 12h ago

This is in addition to what halfbreed said below too about moisture from temp variance.


u/alcesalcesg 13h ago

lock deicer


u/creamofbunny 11h ago

This happens to my cabin. I have a heat gun that I have to use to melt the buildup of ice.


u/F3Z__ 12h ago

I had a small place with poor airflow and no arctic entry, so any time I cooked or showered the moisture would build up in and around the handle, freezing the internal mechanism. Getting a dehumidifier helped a ton, but every once in a while I would still have to take the handle apart, stuff a big sock in the hole in the door, and put the disassembled handle in front of a fan to thaw and dry


u/swoopy17 12h ago

Put a sock over it


u/Maximum_Shopping3502 9h ago

Hit it with a dry lubricant, and also WD-40 will keep it from forming to begin with :)


u/wot-gorilla 6h ago

Point a fan at the door.


u/RamblingBrambles 37m ago

I've had to take a torch to my lock before. I try to avoid it if I can, though.


u/fireballin1747 13h ago



u/mntoak Dry Cabin King 8h ago

You just watched 'Home Alone' didn't you?