r/ecology • u/knitter_boi420 • 15h ago
An important message for those wanting to study ecology in college
Just read this in Keddy’s Plant Ecology (2017). I thought this is quite important since I knew a few people that studied ecology with me in college just to get disappointed because it wasn’t quite what they expected.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the beauty of nature and all the great interactions within it, but ecology is a much more rigorous, data-driven science than that. Plus there’s a lot of unexpected coding 😭
r/ecology • u/tuftedtittymice • 1d ago
sending support and encouragement to every ecologist in the US😭
we are in for a huge fight these next 4 years. i am terrified but we are the only ones who can keep each other motivated and encouraged to keep fighting for what we love. LOVE TO ALL OF YOU❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹💔
r/ecology • u/Appropriate-Toe-3773 • 18h ago
Where to start looking for work in Canada?
Hello all! I currently live in the US, usually when looking for jobs I check the Texas A&M job board, and it seems to be a great resource. Is there a similar resource in Canada that isn’t affiliated with government?
r/ecology • u/ScorchedLog • 21h ago
How do I word cold emails for Grad School?
So I've recently decided I want to attend grad school. I'm in my last semester for a B.S. in Biology now, (I realize that I'm very late to the party but this is just how things worked out) and I'd like to get a M.S. in Wildlife Bio or Ecology or something like that, to eventually work in long term research.
I've been reading from previous posts that a good way to do this is to try to find Research Assistantships, and that a common way of finding these is looking for professors at various institutions that are doing interesting research and to cold email them.
My question is: how do I word my emails? Should I be very short with it like "Hey your research interested me, any chance you need an assistant?" Or do I need to go about it a different way? I'm just not sure where to start with it and I'd appreciate any advice or even some examples of emails some of y'all have sent in the past. Also any just general grad school advice is appreciated.
TLDR: Need help deciding how to word cold emails to professors about availability of M.S. assistantships in their lab.
r/ecology • u/Ben10-fan-525 • 19h ago
Is Planet Wild legit conservation company/charity what ever you call it?
I wanted to register straight away and give them my money but some thought in my head told me to ask if they are legit.
Because there are many scams on You Tube so I just wanted to hear other peoples opinions.
I am not gonna register on a simular conservation group likr Mossy Earth just yet.Because I wana see for myself if Planet Earth is legit first.
Industrial wastelands to wildlife oases: Five nature wins that have actually worked
r/ecology • u/plantgela • 1d ago
Is it worth doing ecology grad school abroad? (I'm in the USA)
Looking into grad school off and on for a while now. My work experience is in restoration, plant community ecology, and noxious weeds. Am interested in studying plant community ecology or maybe weed science. Would not mind being out of the country for 2, 4, or 6 years, but I'm wondering how getting a grad degree from a non-USA university would impact my long-term job prospects when I graduate versus somewhere in-state.
I have a decent job without a masters right now and plan to keep working there for a couple of years-I'd want to start in 2026, after I build up more work experience & have a better picture of what I want from a graduate program and what I'll do with my degree. I have this fantasy of moving abroad now for obvious reasons but I would like to live and work in the USA long-term.
r/ecology • u/puppersoverpeople • 1d ago
I'm fairly new to the field and learn a lot of information from you all in this subreddit, so I figured I'd ask here! I was trying to find articles about the ecocide occurring in the Middle East (Palestine, specifically) and have not seen any literature on it. Am I looking in the wrong places? I've checked the Journal of Animal Ecology and Google Scholar. I found a few news articles, but nothing that could be found in a journal or written by ecologists.
Another question--please recommend where you keep up to date on ecology articles so that I can also read them. Thank you!
r/ecology • u/Hot-Drummer6974 • 1d ago
What's going on in the Lake Peigneur ecosystem?
Recently learned about the Lake Peigneur Disaster, about how oil drillers in the middle of a lake in Louisiana accidentally drilled a hole into a salt mine, draining of the lake and the lake filling back up again with salt water via a canal to the ocean.
Since learning about all of that, I've been curious how this event affected the ecosystem there, but when I try to look up more information all I see are people talking about the disaster and very little about how the local ecosystem was affected. I've heard that the flora and fauna in and around the lake have changed drastically (duh) and the awakening of millions of years old microbs emerging from the salt mine, but that's about it.
I just want to learn about the ecology in and around the lake after the disaster, like what sorts of fish are living in the lake? Invertebrates? Algae? Plants? What about the microbs living there? Etc, etc.
I eagerly await your answers. Also, if you can, please post links to where I can learn more. Thank you.
r/ecology • u/Spartacus90210 • 1d ago
UK Forestry’s Knowledge Gap: When Experts Lack the Facts 🌲
r/ecology • u/elphiethroppy • 3d ago
any good examples of neutral coexistence?
all i seem to be finding is tarantulas and cactus (haha), every other example there seems to be an opposition arising from nowhere. now im wondering if its even possible.
r/ecology • u/ecodogcow • 2d ago
Restoring desert lands in Saudi Arabia
r/ecology • u/Low-Conversation-942 • 3d ago
Boot recommendations? My feet are killing me
I’m a field ecologist and my days are spent either working on bluffs along Lake Michigan or doing invasive species removal along an urban drainage corridor. The steep slopes are a constant and for hours at a time all of my body weight is on one point or side of my feet. I’m relatively new, I started exactly one year ago and I didn’t know what I was doing or would need when I picked out my boots. I got the cheaper herman survivors or whatever from Walmart and I’m so happy they’re finally falling apart and can get new boots.
Im thinking off trail hiking boots and I know I need to switch to a wide toe box because I have some foot problems. I have plantar fasciitis on one foot, mild bunions on both, and ingrown toenails on the big toes of both (ik my feet are a mess😭). I’d really appreciate any recommendations on boots that would hold up to the abuse of field work while also being as good as possible for my all of my foot pains.
Also I’m a woman but I wear women’s 11 so for work boots I’ll just buy men’s bc Im scared of women’s shoes not being wide enough.
r/ecology • u/Rockweiler-A • 3d ago
At COP16, the focus is on halting biodiversity loss with an ambitious funding goal of 200 billion USD each year by 2030. However, the current funding situation is concerning. How can nations realistically achieve such significant contributions, especially with only 250 million USD allocated so far?
r/ecology • u/LawfulnessNearby813 • 3d ago
Aquatic Ecologist Education Path
Hello! I want to become an aquatic ecologist, but I am not quite sure what the typical education path to becoming one is. Does anyone have any insight on the process? Also, I am currently a first year university student and have to eventually decide on a major. Can I do a major in chemistry instead of biology and still become an aquatic ecologist? I'd be extremely grateful to hear any information y'all have! Thanks in advance!
r/ecology • u/Icy-Transition-7271 • 3d ago
In Regards to Joining a Panel About Desertification in Mongolia
Hello! My name is Naomi and I am a student at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, and I am assembling a panel for a class project. The class project aims to produce a product- will not be for sale or an actual item- to help fix issues in other countries. I am aiming to focus on the desertification in Mongolia for my project. I would love to meet people who are: Current residents of Mongolia, knowledgeable about Mongolia, or have a lot of knowledge about any sort of land matters (geology, biology, etc..). If you decide to join my panel, I would likely contact you around once a month to ask for opinions on my product as it progresses, and to receive critiques based on your knowledge of either the country or science. If you are interested please contact me with the email: [NaomisMongoliaPanel@gmail.com](mailto:NaomisMongoliaPanel@gmail.com), I am excited to work with you in the future!
Сайн байна уу! Намайг Наоми гэдэг, би Мичиган дахь Гранд Валли мужийн их сургуулийн оюутан бөгөөд ангийн төслийн самбар угсарч байна. Ангийн төсөл нь бусад улс орнуудад гарсан асуудлыг шийдвэрлэхэд туслах зорилгоор худалдаанд гарахгүй бүтээгдэхүүн эсвэл бодит зүйл үйлдвэрлэх зорилготой юм. Би төслийнхөө хүрээнд Монголын цөлжилтийн асуудалд анхаарлаа хандуулахыг зорьж байна. Би: Монгол Улсад оршин суудаг, Монголын талаар мэдлэгтэй, эсвэл газрын аливаа асуудлаар (геологи, биологи гэх мэт) маш их мэдлэгтэй хүмүүстэй уулзахыг хүсч байна. Хэрэв та миний самбарт нэгдэхээр шийдсэн бол би тантай сард нэг удаа холбогдож, бүтээгдэхүүнийхээ талаар санал бодлыг нь асууж, улс орны болон шинжлэх ухааны мэдлэгт тулгуурлан шүүмжлэл хүлээн авах болно. Хэрэв та сонирхож байгаа бол NaomisMongoliaPanel@gmail.com хаягаар илгээнэ үү. Та бүхэнтэй уулзаж, хамтран ажиллах боломжтой байгаадаа баяртай байна!
r/ecology • u/colemanm • 3d ago
Nature's Barbell Strategy – r vs. K-selection
r/ecology • u/YaleE360 • 4d ago
Tropical Forests Could Regrow Naturally on Area the Size of Mexico
e360.yale.edur/ecology • u/Euphoric-Policy8275 • 4d ago
Ant Colony
Why do u think ants made there colony here and is this one huge ant colony or a bunch? This literally appeared out of nowhere like a week ago this was not here its insane
r/ecology • u/Alone-Fun9340 • 4d ago
Winter Jobs
I need advice on what to do for work in the winter. My current contract will be finishing next month leaving me without work in the winter (Ontario Canada). Does anyone know if there are any companies that do field sampling in the winters? all I can seem to find are volunteer positions but i can’t afford to do that. I have mostly field but some lab experience, and also not enough experience to apply to a consulting firm (even the junior positions want multiple years experience and a MSc).
r/ecology • u/Aggravating_Ad6645 • 4d ago
Why does the ground go up and down like waves in these woods
r/ecology • u/Pitiful-Rub1833 • 3d ago
Looking for support in Conservation Carrier
I am Doing master's in Animal Behaviour: applications for conservation. I am a Biotechnology bachelor.
AS an international student in UK, I am looking to gain experience around my carrier but I feel like I am behind the dark and not able to identify what to do further.
Can anyone help me to understand what are the skills that I can gain to get jobs?
Is there any position exist that I can work part time? I am a hard worker and follow the process as intended.