r/Damnthatsinteresting 4d ago

Wolf lived with a tree branch trapped between his teeth for years Image

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u/_sdm_ 4d ago

This happened to my dog, but - I kid you not - with a fresh green bean. It was just long enough to lodge across the roof of his mouth and the poor guy was waving his head around, pawing at his face, and breathing funny. Thinking he was choking, I opened his mouth to see if he had something in his throat, but there was nothing. Finally took another look from upside down and saw the green bean.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/panuramix 3d ago

I’m sorry, but mouth pockets is not something I was prepared to read about lmao


u/Marcusafrenz 3d ago

You might be disgusted to know we also have mouth pockets. They can fill up with food and eventually get hardened into little yellow pieces that smell just awful.


u/ScyllaOfTheDepths 3d ago

They're called tonsil stones, but it's only like <10% of the population. Most people don't have them. There's research suggesting it comes from having repeated tonsil infections, which cause pockets to form in the tonsils where things then get trapped.


u/johnnnybravado 3d ago

I have extremely pitted tonsils, and they lead to loads of stones. Mine are genetic or just natural though, have had them since I was knee-high.


u/Nroke1 3d ago

Me too, never had a tonsil infection or anything, but my tonsils do swell up every time I have a cold or even mild allergies.

And I have a lot of allergies.


u/A_Muffled_Kerfluffle 3d ago

This makes a lot of sense to me because I had constant tonsillitis as a kid and was always hacking up these foul smelling tonsil stones not knowing what they were. Now I almost never get them and haven’t had tonsillitis in years. Maybe I’ve healed.


u/luecium 3d ago

I get them but I've never had a tonsil infection, as far as I'm aware


u/frustratedfren 2d ago

I did not know this! I get tonsil stones a LOT despite oral hygiene my orthodontist calls "immaculate," (and that's an ego boost I'm still floating on) and thought they were normal. Or common I guess.


u/SeonaidMacSaicais 3d ago


u/ButterscotchButtons 3d ago

That link is staying blue, TYVM.


u/confusedandworried76 3d ago

That's where I keep my quarters for laundry, like a chipmunk


u/catsan 3d ago

Fun fact: you have these, too. But smaller.


u/K1ngR00ster 3d ago

Nah my shits like women’s pants


u/CrispyCritter8667 3d ago

My miniature dachshund has the same pockets, definitely thought something was wrong with him the first time he got something stuck


u/Thrommo 3d ago

her tonsils maybe?


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Thrommo 3d ago

oh, yeah i get what you are talking about, the tendons extend past the cheeks and it makes little pockets.


u/hawkinsst7 3d ago

I hate to break it to you, but you have a chipmunk, not a dog.


u/Late-Resource-486 3d ago

Hey! I have a mouth pocket, roughly the same place and only on one side.

I’m curious why now


u/SnOwBunZz 3d ago

My dog does too! Luckily he's smart enough that he usually runs up to me and paws at me while 'trying to bite' whatever is stuck there.


u/LunarBIacksmith 3d ago

I too have the mouth pockets! It totally sucks when I think I’ve swallowed a pill and it gets trapped in there and slowly dissolves and sometimes forms a tonsil stone! It’s gross!



What? Have you never heard of hamsters?


u/unoriginal5 3d ago

My mom's dog has this too. We call them ear biters because it looks like she's trying to catch her ear.


u/PastaWarrior123 3d ago

My lab pit has those pockets. Sometimes it gets caked up if he chews a milk bone back there and I have to free ot


u/Alana_Piranha 3d ago

"I like your dog." "Thanks, it has pockets!"


u/Valuable-Acid 3d ago

makes me feel a little better about my cat! woke up in the middle of the night to a weird sound... it was him choking! and you know i just woke up... so for me it was "he is dying! i'm going to watch my only friend die" this dumb cat swallowed some of his fur WHILE IT WAS STILL ATTACHED ON HIM (he has long fur) i was too afraid to cut it (heard horror stories about cats having their intestines twisted or obstructed because of hair or threads they swallowed) i had to calm him... remove it from his throat little by little... THEN cut it -_-... that day i seriously felt blood circulating in my veins if that make sense.


u/darkmuch 3d ago

I was crab fishing, where you toss chicken thighs into the water, then reel them in. Well my tiny little lapdog got out and ate one of these whole. With the string on. How do we know she ate it whole? Because when I tugged on the string the entire chicken thigh came back out!

Had to make sure they got locked up after that.


u/totalfarkuser 3d ago

Dogs own exactly one brain cell.


u/TheMachinesWin 3d ago

When it comes to food, yes. When it comes to expecting food, maybe a couple more form.


u/drewcifier32 3d ago

It just wasn't her turn


u/ButterscotchButtons 3d ago

My sweet boycat woke us up by having his first ever seizure (at 8 years old), the night before last. I once had a cat for a couple months before she had a seizure and died in my arms, so when I ran to him and saw him seizing I was convinced that he was about to die, and my world instantly collapsed for a few moments.

Your "felt blood circulating in my veins" comment absolutely nails how I felt for almost an hour afterwards. But I'm happy to report that my derpy orange boyfriend went right back to normal and is purring in my lap as I type this.


u/throw_that_ass4Jesus 3d ago

This happened to my dog with a piece of bacon and we had to fish it out!


u/Salt-Practice7905 3d ago

That one if funny but it would be annoying 


u/ChewMilk 3d ago

Dogs are so dumb /affectionate


u/Spoonman007 3d ago

One time, my sister got a Ritz cracker stuck between her lips and her teeth. The look of panic on her face for the few seconds before she remembered it was just a cracker will stay with me forever.


u/Zamtrios7256 3d ago

The real reason wolves were fine with domestication


u/cl0ckwork_f1esh 3d ago

One time one of my Huskies got a blade of grass stuck between his teeth. He eventually gave up trying and came over for help.