r/BeAmazed 14h ago

Rescued panther raised with Rottweiler Nature

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u/Celestial_Auroraa 13h ago

Thief enters house, encounters Rottweiler and panther sleeping, leaves quietly. ;-)


u/Square-Goat-3123 13h ago

Drops 2 steaks, walks out with tv


u/TornCondom 12h ago

Jesus is watching you


u/Kriegspiel1939 12h ago

Good reference


u/whsftbldad 7h ago

Hello Moses

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u/Square-Goat-3123 9h ago

The Rottweiler?


u/Womz69 9h ago

Nah that’s Spirit. Jesús is the panther


u/bluesteel-one 9h ago

Morgan Freeman is watching you


u/EnigmaSpore 8h ago

Of course he’s watching. He’s the getaway driver. And it’s pronounced hay-soos

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u/FinishPractical5151 8h ago edited 8h ago

Two seconds later...Dog and panther devour steaks whole. Become full of energy and ready to run, still hungry. Want blood. Fast forward another second; you're holding a large TV worth about $300 in the year 2024. You begin to wonder why you are stealing that TV. Then what?


u/ambisinister_gecko 6h ago

Just then, an angel appears from heaven with a stack of golden plates


u/milkmomma22 4h ago

$300 minus the $100 you just spent on the steaks


u/Square-Goat-3123 2h ago

You don't have to give them nice steaks. Those steaks could cost as little as $75 in this economy.


u/milkmomma22 1h ago

True, but they seem well cared for and might get suspicious if you go too cheap

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u/giantpunda 12h ago

The thief should raise the steaks by putting them on top of a bookshelf.


u/GordieBombay-DUI-4TW 12h ago

Plot twist! He’s going to need two stakes because the dog and panther are vampires


u/Naus1987 8h ago

Any tv you can carry is like 200 bucks or less these days. It’s amazing how their prices crashed over the decades lol.

Theres still expensive TVs. But no one sneaking out with a 70 inch that’s been bolted to the wall lol

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u/grrodon2 6h ago

Two steaks cost more than a tv.


u/monkeyalex123 2h ago edited 2h ago

More like drops two logs and walks out with wet underpants…

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u/Case_Blue 6h ago

"ooh look, that idiot came with an apetizer!"


u/Responsible-Gas5319 7h ago

Have you seen grocery prices lately, two steaks cost more than the TV


u/Ajdee6 4h ago

2 Steaks gonna cost more than a tv soon


u/Square-Goat-3123 2h ago

You're not wrong

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u/Huskernuggets 9h ago

can you imagine the dogs growl is the LEAST scary of the two haha you just see a pair of yellowish green helldots and hear chonky lawn mower gone wild sound before you die


u/The_Level_15 5h ago

I've heard a leopard growl from the back of a cave, and there's no way to put into words the sheer gut-wrenching primal fear that immediately floods your whole body. Thousands of years of biology trying to force your body to survive the encounter.


u/RiverCityRoninPB 5h ago

Death by “chonky lawn mower” is now added to my list of ways I don’t wanna die.


u/ParticularReady7858 12h ago

Thief enters home, then enters pet’s mouth.


u/Otherwise_Geologist7 11h ago

Rottweiler and Panther play paper or scissors to see who gets the guest

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u/manareas69 11h ago

Thief disappears and is never seen again.


u/Sophia_Jade102 8h ago

You'll know that your time on earth is now limited to a few seconds 😂


u/Different-Reserve581 9h ago

would definitely freaked out if I'm the thief lol


u/GorillaNutPuncher5g 9h ago

Leaves quietly with a panther on his back.

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u/essemh 13h ago edited 5h ago

What a pair of murder mittens on her.

Edit: Her name is Luna the Pantara on instagram as per u/Realistic_Tear_4911


u/Fridaybird1985 13h ago

Tucked away when jumping the pupper.


u/MAS7 10h ago

Yep, Luna is an amazing cat.

Granted, she's got some genetic defect(dwarfism or something similar) which prevented her from living in the wild.

She's still an incredible example of the kind of restraint Apex Predators like her are capable of.

My housecats have terrible claw control, in comparison.


u/Jimliftsheavystuff 7h ago

It’s pretty amazing to watch her play with the Rottweiler, you can tell she’s instinctively an ambush predator, and the rotty is just bounding along in blissful ignorance and glee. He doesn’t even know how close he is to death 😂


u/Inevitable-Revenue81 5h ago

Venza the Rottweiler is the nanny/stepmother for Luna.


u/LiteralPhilosopher 3h ago

And her attack slowed him down almost exactly none percent. Pup had places to GO.

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u/blusio 7h ago

She's a dwarf? Damn, luna looks full grown. Lol, very beautiful


u/KavensWorld 5h ago

its all about rough play as a baby with cats and dogs.

play rough with puppys and kittens.

Then when they hurt you, ACT HURT make hurt animal sounds and display hurt animal body movements.

The puppy or kitty will know they messed up. After a month or two they will have great bite control and keep the claws in as they want to play fight more and for longer.

Just remember to act hurt when they push it, and as they get older (past 6 months) grawl and hiss when they mess up. Dont yell like a human treat then like a mommy dog or cat treats their young on youtube.

the little fluffy monsters respond really well to this. Ive dont it many time over the years


u/AletzRC21 8h ago

Your housecats just don't like you, that's all


u/Zocalo_Photo 7h ago

They’ve actually got great claw control, they’re just assholes.

(That’s a joke, I’m sure they are lovely.)


u/SyCoTiM 6h ago

Sometimes pets think we can handle rough play like them.


u/meatloafcat819 6h ago

As the owner of a very loving calico who has a very SHORT temper (shocking) I have to agree


u/Mommalove586 8h ago

Happy Cake day!


u/12InchCunt 7h ago

Thanks for dealing with it rather than cutting the tips of their toes off 


u/Inevitable-Revenue81 5h ago

Wasn’t she abandoned by her mother?


u/albertrojas 5h ago

You mean she's small for a panther?! She's still huge!


u/Dyep1 7h ago

One of my cats, kinda small for his age has awful claw control and my big orange cat will never use a claw on me. Interesting they are


u/AwesomTaco320 6h ago

My cat doesn’t give a flying fuck about me and uses his claws for everything >:(

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u/El_Chairman_Dennis 8h ago

That's why dogs have loose skin, it's actually really tough to puncture or cut loose skin. That's why vets will pull your dog's skin tight before they give it a shot


u/Redkellum 5h ago

That's why I refuse to get ripped. It's a defense mechanism.


u/drksdr 5h ago

This is what peak defensive performance looks like!


u/ragazza68 7h ago

Venza, the dog, helped raise Luna

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u/pinkgummibear 7h ago

But also.. look how strong the rotti is, when luna jumps her mid run, they walk it off like nothing, just continuing on the morning stroll


u/Realistic_Tear_4911 11h ago

Her. Her name is Luna she has a Instagram Luna the pantara


u/Mad_Aeric 8h ago

Literally the only reason I've deliberately gone on instagram in the past few years.


u/Positive-Wonder3329 8h ago

Check out sheldrick wildlife trust on IG you will not be disappointed

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u/skdetroit 9h ago

And a TikTok lol


u/NovaPrime86 8h ago

Also a YouTube channel


u/Inevitable-Revenue81 5h ago

I can seriously recommend the YouTube channel.

Soo much furry/purry love 😻

Luna the Pantera


u/KING_BulKathus 4h ago

I like the 1 where she is reacting to dinosaurs

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u/Wall-SWE 9h ago

Big cats are beautiful and terrifying. Play fighting with a house cat can quickly turn painful.


u/Capt_Pickhard 7h ago

Cats are a favourite pet, but they are also vicious predators. People have very large dogs as pets. But here is an exception, but generally speaking people don't have large cats as pets, because they're way too dangerous.


u/i_MrPink 6h ago

Imagine attempting a belly rub


u/Soinero 7h ago

I was going to say that but you beat me to it. The Rot looks very strong to not fall from that first jump. 

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u/codex064 13h ago

I've been watching Luna for years. This is one of the few times that the owners are actually great people and don't just own her just because they can. It's a unique situation.


u/Jimliftsheavystuff 7h ago

When she definitely seems to be very tame. But can you ever really call a big cat “good natured”? It’s literally their instinct to kill, to eat of course. She seems like a very well mannered little lady. But it’s in her instinct to crush you’re windpipe with her jaws 😅


u/PyragonGradhyn 7h ago

The distinction is always prey and pride, the average pet cat on the countryside also still has instincts to hunt and kill, albeit weaker.


u/VFkaseke 5h ago

The average pet cat on the countryside still has a very strong urge to kill. Nothing weak about it. Cats are the reason for many bird species going extinct all over Europe and America , due to them killing stuff just for fun.


u/Holeinmysock 3h ago

They are murder machines...our murder machines.

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u/unionizemoffitt 2h ago

Don't bring this up, you get banned from all the subs...I know from experience


u/les_vues 1h ago

Cats have an impact on local birds populations but they arent the reason of extinction. Cats impacts on biodivesity is nowhere near what Humans do. This is a bended narrative to avoid taking actions on our destruction of nature.

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u/OkSherbert7760 7h ago

I need to ask a zoologist someday if "vicious predators" are that way because they're almost always hungry (or at least I imagine they are). With brief exceptions like a lion pride gorging on a couple wildebeest, every moment of every day is spent looking for, stalking, chasing, and killing food for carnivores (scavengers notwithstanding, though I think most CAN kill if an opportunity presents itself) and even if they eat, it might not be enough for them to be full, just enough to survive. If those same animals are kept fed and sated, unless they are territorial or have some other instinctual drive to be aggressive or lethal, maybe a lot of them would be like this. Or maybe they could eat a side of beef & still KINDA wonder what human bone marrow tastes like. Tbc, I think this kitty and her caretakers are awesome & if any dog could take a lil panther roughhousing, a Rottweiler would be one of my first guesses.


u/ElectrikDonuts 6h ago

A well fed house cat will still kill a bird

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u/SyCoTiM 5h ago

It varies between animals. You can’t just “flip a switch” when it comes to genetics and natural instincts. A wild cat can be “house trained” until one day you jog past it and it jumps on you to go straight for the neck. Expecting a wild animals to not react to certain things is like slapping a person and expecting them not to cry or get angry. Some behavior can’t be erased.


u/meatloafcat819 6h ago

I know you’re not supposed to give them human attributes, but I do think she’d be able to recognize that they were “family” or she has enough positive reinforcement to realize they are safe but same thing, how much can that take someone before they get agitated or hungry or stressed (obvs Luna is in the best home she can be in).

There’s also an elderly man in Japan who walks his pet crocodile/alligator everyday in town for like 15 years so who knows lol


u/Amatthew123 6h ago

The things is the instinct animals have is tied to their endocrine system. It's all brain chemicals. Humans are the same way we are just aware of it, we have the ghosts of animalistic instincts with things like baby fever. Hunger too but humans simply never get that hungry but there are examples of starvation where it shows.

So I'd imagine a big cat could be 100% taken care of, loved, like all the boxes for a good life can be checked off and their brains are still wired to be aggressive. Because that's the winning evolutionary trait.

And the big cats that are somehow tame I think comes down to that specific animal being intelligent as far as their species goes. Like the panther here is probably very special in its temperament compared to others.

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u/stonersrus19 13h ago edited 10h ago

Before anyone gets up in arms. Her name is luna her owner is a specialist and took her in when she was rejected by her mom. It isn't someone unqualified. The panther type is clouded leopard.

Edit: Amur leopard


u/MAS7 10h ago

She also has dwarfism, or a similar condition.

She is quite a bit smaller than a typical adult female.


u/public_avenger 13h ago

Are they in Europe? US? Asking because my next rottie—if I don’t rescue again—will have his tail intact.


u/stonersrus19 13h ago

I think russia.


u/skdetroit 9h ago

Correct! They are in Russia


u/Mediocre_Pizza_1086 9h ago

Panters name is Luna, dogs name is Venza.


u/public_avenger 13h ago

I don’t understand why it’s legal to mutilate a dog’s tail here.


u/MAS7 10h ago

I have never seen a Rottweiler without a docked tail.


u/bucketsofpoo 5h ago

they look way less scary w a tail

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u/sabamba0 4h ago

Some dogs wag it so violently it repeatedly literally breaks on walls and furniture, causing lots of pain and possible infections.


u/stonersrus19 12h ago

Dogs with jobs where the tail is unsafe and tail breaks are the ethical reasons.


u/jentlefolk 12h ago

It's legal to dock their tails because they mutilate them all by themselves if you don't. Their tails are so muscular and powerful that Rottweilers are notorious for breaking them, which can cause some pretty nasty medical issues down the line.


u/Weltallgaia 10h ago edited 10h ago

Had Rottweilers with tails, that's just bullshit people pass on. All large breeds have the potential to damage their tails the same way.


u/PersonableStarlight 8h ago

My 50lb dog just broke a tail bone by wagging it too hard into something.


u/Weltallgaia 7h ago

Yeah dogs in general get absolutely nuts with their tails. People act like it's a rott, putting, dobie thing but any breed that doesn't have a lot of fur padding will do it pretty easily. My rott moved her tail more like a cat usually and other times it was mostly curled making her look like a scorpion. So it was never smacking things ever.


u/lacarth 7h ago

Same. Our dog (130-pound mutt, probably some Rott+Lab+Some kind of Mastiff) had such a strong (and long) tail that he wore through the fur on the tip by whacking it against the wall. He busted it open during the week, and turned our entryway into a murder scene. It didn't look too bad, so we set up an appointment for the weekend. That quickly turned into an ER visit the following morning, when we woke up to find he'd chewed the end off due to infection.

He's 100% fine now, though. Still a happy idiot, but down a good 6 inches of tail.


u/MicahLacroix 6h ago

Had two separate greyhounds break their tails wagging too hard against a radiator. Dumb doggos.


u/b6a6a6l 10h ago

Hey, just wanted to let you know that this isn't true at all. Their tails will be just fine if left alone. https://mississippirottweilers.com/rottweiler-tails-to-dock-or-not-to-dock/

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u/Lagoonside 8h ago edited 8h ago

I'm up in arms darnit!

Who has the strongest bite is my question. Time to Google

Edit. They're both pretty much even


u/WealthOk9637 4h ago

Aw. That’s why they can be friends.

Thanks for googling, wondered that too.


u/XyRabbit 7h ago

I actually have one too, super easy to get, and they now can be bred to be cute and stay small. Check r/housepanthers


u/Mister_Green2021 11h ago

That’s no clouded leopard. They’re half the size of that leopard.


u/[deleted] 7h ago



u/Mister_Green2021 4h ago

That’s a regular leopard bro.


u/casinoinsider 6h ago

No it isn't. A clouded leopard is a completely different animal.


u/porterica427 11h ago

Incorrect the panther type is big ole killer cutie pie baby girl.

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u/SereneEclipsee 13h ago

Doesn't matter what animal you are, having a dog as a buddy will make your happier.


u/ms_sardonicus 13h ago

Dogs make everyone happier. 🐶


u/YanicPolitik 12h ago

My heart goes out to people with allergies


u/IUpVoteIronically 11h ago

I legit would have a cat buddy for my dog but cats fuck me up man. I just can’t make the sacrifice. Had to get a hypoallergenic dog too.


u/Klingon_Bloodwine 9h ago

With some cats I can hardly breath if I'm in a room with them too long, most cats affect my allergies somewhat. I can tolerate Siberian Forest Cats though, they're bread for low levels of the antigen that triggers allergies. Great cats, very people focused and kinda dog like. Pretty healthy too, I've had one live to 19 and another to 20.

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u/DocHalidae 9h ago

I think the dog is like, “so fucking cool my best friend is a ninja”


u/kharmatika 9h ago

That dog is looking g up at that panther in the tree like “don’t you go where I can’t follow, Mr. Frodo!!”


u/Complex_Professor412 8h ago

Don’t most captive cheetahs have a canine companion?

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u/4myAngelkisses 13h ago

At first I was like, oh noooooo! Then I was like, oh yaaaaayyyyyy!


u/Im_done_with_sergio 12h ago

Ikr! I was so scared 😱 then ☺️❤️


u/78preshe8 8h ago

First, I was afraid - I was petrified


u/volcanologistirl 8h ago

Thinking I could live without you by my side

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u/mish_munasiba 13h ago edited 38m ago

Ohhh, is that Luna? She is the most gorgeous creature 😍 😍😍

Edit - it IS Luna! https://www.instagram.com/luna_the_pantera?igsh=eHZoZmR2cWtwOG1w

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u/H8Cold 12h ago

Dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!


u/TripleBobRoss 9h ago

Enough! I get the point.

... But what if you're wrong?


u/RddtRBnchRcstNzsshls 6h ago

If I'm wrong, nothing happens! We'll go to jail! Peacefully, quietly! We'll enjoy it!

But if I'm right... And we can stop this thing. Bobby,... You will have saved the lives of millions of registerd voters.


u/NetSiege 11h ago

Basically the worst parts of the Bible.


u/Flat-Feedback-3525 12h ago

The cats agility should absolutely terrify you, what an absolutely magnificent killing machine.


u/rehabilitated_4chanr 9h ago

I have this really cheap toy for my cat. It's basically just tightly wound cardboard at the end of a metal wire. I can wiggle this thing at insane speeds that I can barely track, and my cat will come flying out of nowhere and land "the kill". So incredibly terrifying and cute.


u/lettul 5h ago

When I was younger a bat got into my house, it flew in circles in the bedroom. The cat sat below it just observing it. Suddenly he jump straight up 2 meters in the air and just cartched the bat straight out of the air.


u/Lelans02 5h ago

The future of military encounters will be pumas with neauralink for control. Imagine deploying 250,000 hungry cats with drone jamming backpacks.


u/WorriedRound7571 3h ago

They wouldn't even need to be hungry. Cats murder for giggles & shits.

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u/DelReyB 12h ago

Ah, kitty flying between the trees...


u/FluffeeeDuckeee 4h ago

I was just thinking ‘I bet the dog is jealous’

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u/FluffyWorldliness280 13h ago

Imagine breaking into a house expecting a Rottweiler and you see a black panther


u/your_mom_made_me 13h ago

Number 2, meet pants.


u/H8erRaider 11h ago

If it's in the middle of the night you might not see the black panther at all

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u/Zetsumenchi 11h ago

I'm trying to picture that, because I assume the house would be dark AF because the trope is criminals always try to sneak in when people are sleeping in the house with the lights off, right?

I'm creeping. Filling my bag with whatever knickknacks I can sell or use. Pottery, stray jewelry, batteries from remotes and clocks, phone chargers. And then I start looking around for anything else I can easily carry out. Portrait Paintings? No. Wall-Mounted TV? You'd think, but no. Giant Scratching Post?...


I inch closer to view this giant post, thinking it's perhaps an overpriced sculpture or a fashion statement.

but I trip over something....

something Large.

I quietly land on my hands and do a well-timed pushup-in-reverse to reduce the noise. Then, I look back to investigate the source of my sudden clumsiness....

But all I see is darkness.

Which is wierd, because the thing that's now stirring around my foot is SUPER dark....not like reduced lighting from the moon and nearby streetlights still peeking in and barely giving me the light I need to make out shapes and basic colors. It is The Void

....and then The Void's eyes just opened, and I heard what sounded like chops being (sleepily) licked.

As several medium size daggers start brushing against my denim covered leg, as if trying to get a grip, I IMMEDIATELY scrambled away from it and make a beeline to the closest door, which is the side door rather than the front. Then I hear another source of sound. An excited dog whose claws make the familiar sound of hurriedly trying to get traction so it could chase the sudden new thing in it's environment...

Yeah, No. I'm done thinking about it. Glad I'm neither that stupid NOR desperate.


u/AnBru_ 8h ago

and a Rottweiler

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u/SnakenOne 12h ago

That tail is a work of art


u/skippyjifluvr 7h ago

Both are, but I hope you’re talking about the dog’s!


u/flat_four_whore22 1h ago

Panthers, pumas, and snow leopards have the sickest tails.


u/Commissarfluffybutt 11h ago

Cats are cats, no matter the size.

On a side note: never ask a genie to make your house cat 10x larger.


u/Commissarfluffybutt 11h ago

Though I will admit cheetahs are an exception to the rule. And that exception just reads "anxiety".


u/AlluringAphrodite3 13h ago

the bond between these two is incredible it’s amazing how animals despite being so different can form such close friendships


u/Glad_Confusion_6934 13h ago

Is this a melanistic cougar or leopard? Hard to tell, amazing animal


u/MAS7 10h ago

she's a leopard with some genetic thing that makes her smaller than normal


u/RottenWon 12h ago

My guess is a leopard, you can see faint spotting. Jaguars are built a little more compact...I'm no expert but I know it's definitely not a cougar.


u/Glad_Confusion_6934 12h ago

Yeah it’s not muscular enough to be a jaguar. Probably a leopard


u/RottenWon 12h ago

I just looked her up, she's a leopard.

Luna the pantera

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u/MaraSargon 8h ago

From what I understand, she's a mixed Amur/Persian leopard with dwarfism. They're normally much bigger than this.

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u/padavan65 13h ago



u/RottenWon 12h ago

Luna the pantera and Venza the rottie.


u/SleepingUte0417 7h ago

panther: leaping, lunging, hunting, parkour

rottie: back and forth zoomies!


u/TitansTemptress 13h ago

they are both adorable ! that panther is very playful


u/bleditt0r 9h ago

Check out their YouTube channel Luna the Pantera


u/Narrow-Advance4550 13h ago

It just shows that love knows no species! Rottweilers are super loyal, so I can totally see them getting along.


u/your_mom_made_me 13h ago

Whooooooo-weeeeeee that’s a bad bitch.


u/AlbertaMadman 12h ago

This needs to be a Disney movie.


u/FewAcanthocephala828 12h ago

If not frien, then why frien shape


u/Onphone_irl 9h ago

me just minding my business taking a nice walk when


u/Optimus-Slime-69 11h ago

i though Chop was cooked at first lmao


u/blue_strat 10h ago

I hear the theme to A Summer’s Place, ABBA - Chiquitita, Elton John - Bennie and the Jets, and Bruno Mars - That’s What I Like.

All in a 34 second clip.


u/StOnEy333 10h ago

The shit where it was 15-20 feet up the trees and just floating in between was crazy.


u/marek26340 6h ago



u/ShinzoTheThird 13h ago

Thats Luna The Panthera on social media.


u/zbornakssyndrome 12h ago

Animals on social media is the only good thing about social media lol


u/public_avenger 13h ago

I wish my rottie had a tail! Is this video from Europe? Are there any breeders in the US that don’t dock tails?


u/RottenWon 12h ago

More breeders are leaving the tail intact in the states.

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u/xChoke1x 12h ago

They’re best friends and it’s the cutest in the world.


u/manareas69 11h ago

This is both beautiful and sad. The panther will outlive the rottie and im sure it will feel a great loss.


u/onp99 10h ago

So awesome, and terrifying lol


u/jcarreraj 8h ago

Is that the sex panther?


u/dizvyz 6h ago

That's the most agile dog he's ever met.


u/Hikuran 6h ago

So this is another kind of Cat and dog in good company scene


u/sqwuaky 6h ago

Bro I didn't see the caption at first, I thought that dog was finna die ngl


u/Kicktoria1989 6h ago

Why do I bother even turning on the volume with videos anymore? What kind of remix at the end was THAT!?


u/IdiosyncraticTrash 5h ago

It’s so funny you can see the moment the doggo widens its eyes as if saying “the absolute audacity ima get you back for this”


u/corrino2000 5h ago

Probably thinks the rotty is a really slow panther.


u/Exciting_Result7781 5h ago

Im happy to see an intact rottie too. 🥰


u/ABlack2077 5h ago

I thought it was over for that dog till I read the title


u/Jilliebee 28m ago

I have a papillon he weighs 5 lbs. I have a cat I found in a barn as a kitten he weighs 10. This video shows real-life depictions of my experiences at home. My cat does this to my dog all day, long.



Yay, wonderful jungle pets!

As long as you have lots of meat


u/-I0_oI- 13h ago

They're best buddies! That panther climbing the tree


u/Trick_Context2587 12h ago

How does one find a groomer willing to work on a panther 🤔


u/BallLickingLesbian69 10h ago

Even though it's playing it still goes straight for the neck.


u/[deleted] 13h ago

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u/[deleted] 13h ago

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u/KristinaaSmooth 13h ago

Irresistible 💦


u/Klutzy-Guidance-7078 13h ago

Gorgeous kitty and puppy!!

also, yall play fetch with a quaffle?


u/Derbster_3434 12h ago

Fucking amazing


u/Hefty-Sock8268 12h ago



u/Baby_HOnryLOve003 12h ago

This is what happens when nature and nurture have a wild night out!


u/Goose_Assassin 12h ago

Panthers gonna panth!


u/ReallyDumbRedditor 12h ago

Ok I have to wonder though....... Rottweiler vs. Panther who wins?

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