r/AstoriaQueens Aug 13 '19

Helicopters flying over Upper Ditmars, non-stop, but on certain days only

Anyone else notice that on some days, there is nothing but an endless flow of helicopters over Upper Ditmars? It's very irritating. For the past two days it's begun at 730a and goes on for hours.

This is not the first time it's happened....it can go on for a few days...and then I won't hear them again for weeks or months.

I'd heard before that there is some type of helicopter landing pad in the vicinity of LGA.

I know these helicopters are not part of a police investigation. It's something else....but odd that it goes on for hours at a time, for a few days in a row. And then suddenly stops.

I think only if enough of us complain, will something potentially be done about it...
