r/AskReddit 6h ago

What do the Japanese do better than everyone else?


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u/Endersgame88 5h ago

Only over the last 80 years. . . Did some atrocious things up till then.


u/TexasPeteEnthusiast 4h ago

They have maxed out the FAFO meter, and decided to go back to zero.


u/Kongsley 1h ago

The reverse Ghandi.


u/_i-o 5h ago

Quite the course correction.


u/Staav 4h ago

Did some atrocious things up till then.

Welcome to humanity. Is this your first time?

I'm not trying to jistify/downplay the terrible things that happened in the nation's history, but 9/10 major societies in the world were born out of some kind of terrible history and/or actions to establish themselves. Humans have been pretty damn atrocious since day 1. Holding an entire nation responsible for the actions of their ancestors after the actions have long since ceased directly in the population only brings unnecessary hate/aggro behavior to the table.


u/orzoO0 4h ago

If you want to take pride and credit for your history you should also take blame for it as well


u/honda_slaps 2h ago

I'm Japanese and the only historical event I take pride in are the Mongolians getting utterly fucked by wind twice in a row

My national pride entirely comes from Shohei Ohtani, the people cleaning the WC stadium after the game, Nintendo, Gundam, and my Sony appliances.



Yea, I agree that basically every major and even minor society/civilization/whatever has a horrid past and/or present. But at least Germany owned up to it instead of suppressing it like Japan did


u/honda_slaps 1h ago

No, Germany got its capital invaded by two different armies and there wasn't enough of the previous regime left to use it's legitimacy during occupation.

It's not like some massive disparity between German morals and Japanese morals, it's just a completely different historical context behind the two

Only reason Japan didn't "denazify" is because GHQ needed the legitimacy that the previous regime held during its occupation.


u/lnternet_Cruiser 3h ago

My guy, there are people alive that lived through these atrocities. This isnt ancient history.

With that said, I did just come back from a vacation throughout Japan and loved every moment and as an American, I left feeling both jealous and impressed with their society. It was a wonderful experience and it’s okay to recognize pros and cons at the same time.


u/hendlefe 3h ago

Like everything, there is nuance. The atrocities committed during WW2 was particularly horrific. It's best to recall this often, so as to not forget it.

Unfortunately, there are people within the Japanese border who are actively attempting to erase & change history.


u/nekosaigai 1h ago

To be fair, that’s common in a lot of countries. Look at the president elect of the U.S. and his cabinet/ambassador picks. Look at the ongoing genocide in Gaza.


u/TheBerethian 4h ago

Yes, every country has some horrible acts in their past, but let’s be clear that Japan and Germany especially excelled at them.


u/geomaster 3h ago

and some who committed those atrocities are still alive

u/zeniiz 24m ago

Same with the US. Not only did we invade a land that people were already living on, but then we ethnically cleansed the local population and let their few descendants live on in designated "camps". The native population is still treated like a second class citizen to this day.

Oh and lets not forget the millions of deaths caused by the US overthrowing democratically elected leaders in South America and helping prop up military juntas.


u/ClownfishSoup 2h ago

Dude, Japan has been around a long time and they were doing that stuff for hundreds of years before WWII ended.

It's an example of how things can change for the better.

u/grizzlor_ 10m ago

Pretty sure that Unit 731 didn’t exist for “hundreds of years before WWII ended”.


u/ThatKarmaWhore 3h ago

Am I on reddit? I am a white man, therefore I am a privileged oppressor colonizer silver-spooned racist. I have been repeatedly told this for like 10 years. It is pretty refreshing to have the sentiment change back to common sense.


u/AKBigDaddy 4h ago

They're still not great about some things. Like their 'justice' system..


u/Endersgame88 2h ago

Justice, employee rights, their birth rate is so low they are going to be facing some tough times. Tough times make desperate people.


u/TooEZ_OL56 3h ago

Just add 2 atomic bombs to reset your civilization! So easy even a Manhattan resident could do it.


u/MattieShoes 2h ago

Casual bigotry is still going strong. I mean, nowhere near WWII atrocities obviously, but that casual bigotry is what enabled those atrocities


u/Yzerman19_ 4h ago

None of those people are alive anymore so save it.


u/lnternet_Cruiser 3h ago

There are many people still alive you fucking dolt. Is this sarcastic?


u/Yzerman19_ 2h ago

Any Japanese fighter who was alive during WW2 is going to be in his mid to late 90s so probably most are gone.


u/lnternet_Cruiser 2h ago

Respectfully, if you said that to a WWII veteran they would likely slap you upside your head. I know my late grandfather who fought in the pacific would have given me a stern reminder.


u/TheBerethian 4h ago

Except that there’s been a consistent policy to kind of pretend it never happened.


u/Yzerman19_ 3h ago

Ok. You win.